
智能锁行业规划书范文 智能锁设计方案(4篇)

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智能锁行业规划书范文 智能锁设计方案(4篇)
2023-01-12 17:00:38    小编:ZTFB




the progress in ai research and development is swift。 and perhaps we should all stop for a moment, and focus our research, not only on making ai more capable, but on maximizing its societal benefit。 such considerations motivated the american association for artificial intelligence‘s, two thousand and eight to two thousand and nine, presidential panel on long-term ai futures, which up to recently had focused largely on techniques, that are neutral with respect to purpose。 but our ai systems must do what we want them to do。 inter-disciplinary research can be a way forward: ranging from economics, law, and philosophy, to computer security, formal methods, and of course various branches of ai itself。

人工智能的研究与开发正在迅速推进。也许科学研究应该暂停片刻,从而使研究重点从提升人工智能能力转移到最大化人工智能的社会效益上面。基于这样的考虑,美国人工智能协会(aaai)于2008至2009年,成立了人工智能长期未来总筹论坛[原文:presidentialpanel on long-term ai futures],他们近期在目的导向的中性技术上投入了大量的关注。但我们的人工智能系统的原则依然须要按照我们的意志工作。跨学科研究可能是一条可能的前进道路:从经济、法律、哲学延伸至计算机安全、形式化方法,当然还有人工智能本身的各个分支。

everything that civilization has to offer, is a product of human intelligence, and i believe there is no real difference between what can be achieved by a biological brain, and what can be achieved by a computer。 it therefore follows that computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence, and exceed it。 but we don’t know。 so we can not know if we will be infinitely helped by ai, or ignored by it and side-lined, or conceivably destroyed by it。 indeed, we have concerns that clever machines will be capable of undertaking work currently done by humans, and swiftly destroy millions of jobs。


while primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed so far, have proved very useful, i fear the consequences of creating something that can match or surpass humans。 ai would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate。 humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn‘t compete, and would be superseded。 it will bring great disruption to our economy。 and in the future, ai could develop a will of its own, a will that is in conflict with ours。 although i am well-known as an optimist regarding the human race, others believe that humans can command the rate of technology for adecently long time, and that the potential of ai to solve many of the world’s problems will be realized。 i am not so sure。


in january 2015, i along with the technological entrepreneur, elon musk, and many other ai experts, signed an open letter on artificial intelligence, calling for serious research on its impact on society。 in the past, elon musk has warned that super human artificial intelligence, ispossible of providing in calculable benefits, but if deployed in cautiously, will have an adverse effect on the human race。 he and i, sit on the scientificad visory board for the future of life institute, an organization working to mitigate existential risks facing humanity, and which drafted the open letter。 this called for concrete research on how we could prevent potential problems, while also reaping the potential benefits ai offers us, and is designed to get ai researchers and developers to pay more attention to ai safety。 in addition, for policymakers and the general public, the letter is meant to be informative, but not alarmist。 we think it is very important, that everybody knows that ai researchers are seriously thinking about these concerns and ethical issues。 for example, ai has the potential to eradicate disease and poverty, but researchers must work to create ai that can be controlled。 the four-paragraph letter, titled research priorities for robustand beneficial artificial intelligence, an open letter, lays out detailed research priorities in the accompanying twelve-page document。


for the last 20 years or so, ai has been focused on the problems surrounding the construction of intelligent agents, systems that perceive and act in some environment。 in this context, intelligence is related to statistical and economic notions of rationality。 colloquially, the ability to make good decisions, plans, or inferences。 as a result of this recent work, there has been a large degree of integration and cross-fertilisation among ai, machine learning, statistics, control theory, neuro science, and other fields。 the establishment of shared theoretical frameworks, combined with the availability of data and processing power, has yielded remarkable successes invarious component tasks, such as speech recognition, image classification, autonomous vehicles, machine translation, legged locomotion, and question-answering systems。


as development in these areas and others, moves from laboratory research to economically valuable technologies, a virtuous cycle evolves, whereby even small improvements in performance, are worth large sums of money, prompting further and greater investments in research。 there is now a broad consensus that ai research is progressing steadily, and that its impact on society is likely to increase。 the potential benefits are huge, since everything that civilization has to offer, is a product of human intelligence; we can not predict what we might achieve, when this intelligence is magnified by the tools ai may provide。 but, and as i have said, the eradication of diseaseand poverty is not unfathomable。 because of the great potential of ai, it is important to research how to reap its benefits, while avoiding potential pitfalls。


artificial intelligence research is now progressing rapidly。 and this research can be discussed as short-term and long-term。 some short-term concerns relate to autonomous vehicles, from civilian drones and self-driving cars。 for example, a self-driving car may, in an emergency, have to decide between a small risk of a major accident, and a large probability of a small accident。 other concerns relate to lethal intelligent autonomous weapons。 should they be banned。 if so, how should autonomy be precisely defined。 if not, how should culpability for any misuse or malfunction be apportioned。 otherissues include privacy concerns, as ai becomes increasingly able to interpretlarge surveillance datasets, and how to best manage the economic impact of jobs displaced by ai。


long-term concerns, comprise primarily of the potential loss of control of ai systems, via the rise of super-intelligences that do not act in accordance with human wishes, and that such powerful systems would threaten humanity。 are such days topic outcomes possible。 if so, how might these situations arise。 what kind of investments in research should be made, to better understand and to address the possibility of the rise of a dangerous super-intelligence, or the occurrence of an intelligence explosion。


existing tools for harnessing ai, such as reinforcement learning, and simple utility functions, are inadequate to solve this。 therefore more research is necessary to find and validate a robust solution to the control problem。


recent land marks, such as the self-driving cars already mentioned, or a computer winning at the game of go, are signs of what is to come。 enormous levels of investment are pouring in to this technology。 the achievements we have seen so far, will surely pale against what the coming decades will bring, and we can not predict what we might achieve, when our own minds are amplified by ai。 perhaps with the tools of this new technological revolution, we will be able to undo some of the damaged one to the natural world by the last one, industrialisation。 every aspect of our lyves will be transformed。 in short, success in creating ai, could be the biggest event in the history of our civiliztion。


but it could also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks。 i have said in the past that the development of full ai, could spell the end of the human race, such as the ultimate use of powerful autonomous weapons。 earlier this year, i, along with other international scientists, supported the united nations convention to negotiate a ban on nuclear weapons。 these negotiations started last week, and we await the outcome with nervous santicipation。 currently, nine nuclear powers have access to roughly 14,000 nuclear weapons, any one of which can obliterate cities, contaminate wide swathes of land with radio active fall-out, and the most horrible hazard of all, cause a nuclear-induced winter, in which the fires and smoke might trigger a global mini-ice age。 the result is a complete collapse of the global food system, and apocalyptic unrest, potentially killing most people on earth。 we scientists bear a special responsibility for nuclear weapons, since it was scientists who invented them, and discovered that their effects are even more horrific than first thought。


at this stage, i may have possibly frightened you all here today, with talk of doom。 i apologize。 but it is important that you, as attendees to today‘s conference, recognize the position you hold in influencing future researchand development of today’s technology。 i believe that we join together, to call for support of international treaties, or signing letters presented to inpidual government all powers。 technology leaders and scientists are doing what they can, to obviate the rise of uncontrollable ai。


in october last year, i opened a new center in cambridge, england, which will attempt to tackle some of the open-ended questions raised by the rapid pace of development in ai research。 the leverhulme centre for the future of intelligence, is a multi-disciplinary institute, dedicated to researching the future of intelligence, as crucial to the future of our civilisation and our species。 we spend a great deal of time studying history, which let‘s face it, is mostly the history of stupidity。 so it’s a welcome change, that people are studying instead the future of intelligence。 we are aware of the potential dangers, but i am at heart an optimist, and believe that the potential benefits of creating intelligence are huge。 perhaps with the tools of this new technological revolution, we will be able to undo some of the damage done to the natural world, by industrialisation。


every aspect of our lives will be transformed。 my colleague at the institute, huwprice, has acknowledged that the center came about partially as a result of the university’s centre for existential risk。 that institute examines a wider range of potential problems for humanity, while the leverhulme centrehas a more narrow focus。


recent developments in the advancement of ai, include a call by the european parliament for drafting a set of regulations, to govern the yoossand creation of robots and ai。 somewhat surprisingly, this includes a form of electronic personhood, to ensure the rights and responsibilities for the most capable and advanced ai。 a european parliament spokesman has commented, that as a growing number of are as in our daily lyves are increasingly affected by robots, we need to ensure that robots are, and will remain, in the service of humans。 there port as presented to meps, makes it clear that it believes the world is on thecusp of a new industrial robot revolution。 it examines whether or not providing legal rights for robots as electronic persons, on a par with the legal definition of corporate personhood, would be permissible。 but stresses that at all times, researchers and designers should ensure all robotic design incorporates a kill switch。 this didn‘t help the scientists on board the spaceship with hal, the malfunctioning robotic computer in kubrick’s two thousand and one, a space odyssey, but that was fiction。 we deal with fact。 lorna brazell, a partner at the multinational law firm osborne clarke, says in the report, that we don’t give whales and gorillas personhood, so there is no need to jump at robotic personhood。 but the wariness is there。 the report acknowledges the possibility that within the space of a few decades, ai could surpass human intellectual capacity, and challenge the human robot relationship。 finally, the report calls for the creation of a european agency for robotic sand ai, that can provide technical, ethical, and regulatory expertise。 if mep svote in favor of legislation, the report will go to the european commission, which has three months to decide what legislative steps it will take。


we too, have a role to play in making sure the next generation has not just the opportunity, but the determination, to engage fully with the study of science at an early level, so that they can go on to fulfil their potential, and create a better world for the whole human race。 this is what i meant, when i was talking to you just now about the importance of learning and need to take this beyond a theoretical discussion of how things should be, and take action, to make sure they have the opportunity to get on board。 we stand on the threshold of a brave new world。 it is an exciting, if precarious place to be, and you are the pioneers。 i wish you well。


thank you for listening


professor hawking, we have learned so muchfrom your insight。

next i’m going to ask some questions。 these are from chinese scientists and entrepreneurs。

kai-fulee,ceo of sinovation ventures:

“the large internet companies have access to massive databases, which allows them to make huge strides in ai by violating user‘s privacy。 these companies can’t truly discipline themselves as they are lured by huge economic interests。 this vastly disproportionate access to data could cause small companies and startups to fail to innovate。 you have mentioned numerous times that we should restrain artificial intelligence, but it’s much harder to restrain humans。 what do you think we can do to restrain the large internet companies?”

as i understand it,the companies are using the data only for statistical purposes,but use of any personal information should be banned。 it would help privacy, if all material on the internet, were encrypted by quantum cryptography with a code, that the internet companies could not break in a reasonable time。 but these curity services would object。


professor, the second question is from fu sheng, ceo, cheetah mobile:

“does the human soul exist as a form of quantum or another form of higher dimensional space?“

i believe that recent advances in ai, such as computers winning at chess and go, show that here is no essential difference between the human brain and a computer。 contrary to the opinion of my colleague roger penrose。 would one say a computer has a soul。 in my opinion, the notion of an inpidual human soul is a christian concept, linked to the after life which i consider to be a fairy story。


professor, the third question is from ya-qinzhang, president, baidu:

“the way human beings observe and abstract the universe is constantly evolving, from observation and estimation to newton‘s law and einstein’s equation, and now data-driven computation and ai。 what is next?”

we need a new quantum theory, which unifies gravity with the other forces of nature。 many people claim that it is string theory, but i have my doubts。 so far about the only prediction is that space-time has ten dimensions。


professor, the forth question is from zhang shoucheng, professor of physics, stanford university:

“if you were to tell aliens about the highest achievements of our human civilization on the back of one envelope, what would you write ?”

it is no good telling aliens about beauty or any other possible art form that we might consider to be the highest artistic achievement, because these are very human specific。 instead i would write about godel’s incompleteness theorems and fermat’s last are things aliens would understand。


the next question is from myself:

“we wish to promote the scientific spirit at all 9 gmic conferences globally。 what three books do you recommend technology leaders read to better understand the coming future and the science that is driving it?”

they should be writing books not reading them。 one fully understands something only when one has written a book about it。


the next question is from weibo user:

“what is the one thing we should never do in life, and the one thing we should all do?”

we should never give up, and we should all strive to understand as much as we can。


the next question is also from weibo user:

“human beings have experienced many evolutions, for example, the stone age, the age of steam to the age of electricity。 what do you think will drive the next evolution?”

advances in computer science, including artificial intelligence and quantum computing。 technology already forms a major part of our lives but in the coming decades, it will permeate every aspect of our society。 intelligently supporting and advising us in many areas, including healthcare work education and science。 but we must make sure we control ai not it us。


professor hawking,the last question is from hai quan , musician and vc:

“if the technology is not mature yet for interstellar immigrants, do human beings have unsolvable challenges that could lead to human extinction apart from external catastrophes like asteroid hitting earth?”

yes。 over-population, disease, war, famine, climate change and lack of water。 it is within the power of man to solve the secrises, but unfortunately these remain serious threats to our continued present on earth。 these are all solvable, but so far have not been。

是的。人口过剩、疾病、战争、饥荒、气候变化和水资源匮乏, 人类有能力解决这些危机。但很可惜,这些危机还严重威胁着我们在地球上的生存,这些危机都是可以解决的,但目前还没有。

professor hawking, your answer is very inspiring。 today it is so excited to talk with you, you know gwc and gmic have a dream, “everyone comes to gmic!”, today is very special for gmic。 thank you! thank you for your time!










因为基础教育是儿童以后各方面发展的基础,所以基础教育对学生的终身教育都是举足轻重的。多元智能对学校教育提出了较高的要求。学校教育是否能够勇敢地承认和接受“多元智能”的观念,将人才的标准转向“解决实际问题的能力”和“ 生产有效产品的能力”;学校是否能够勇敢地接受多元智能的两个假设:“让学生采用相同的学习方法将导致无效的学习”;“有些知识和技能虽然必要,但没有人能够学会所有的东西”。这与我们的全面发展的素质教育是有一定矛盾的。我们国家进行的教育改革,注重素质教育,是全面发展的教育。而多元智能虽然是重视发现优势智能,把学习优势智能的方法迁移到弱势智能的方面,但是它更注重对优势智能的开发,那在这种矛盾之下,我们国家的基础教育该如何借鉴和发展好自己的教育呢?



多元智能在这方面强调学校的教育理念、教师角色和素质、教学形式、评价方式,这里并没有提及家庭的作用。马玉斌老师曾经提到我们的基础教育是5+2≤0 。意思是我们五天的学校教育加两天的家庭教育结果是0甚至不如0。我们的家庭教育该怎么进行,才能与学校教育一起相辅相成呢?






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