第一期:外国语学校面试之朗读短文 step1.了解面试中朗读的要求
文章的内容其实很简单,所以不少同学就不知不觉地提高了语速,忽略了句子之间以及段落之间的停顿,顾不上理解文章,最终导致在下一部分时回答不上问题。因此,同学们一定要注意:适当放缓语速,注意句子和段落之间的停顿,这不仅在朗读上显得有松有紧,而且更重要的是能够加强对文章的理解,以免在回答问题环节丢分。另外还有一个好处,就是能够多扫几眼后面跟着的单词,比如在读“the earliest……”这个句子时,要留意到“the”的发音要改变,但是如果读得太快,则可能忽略这一点,口语模拟时就有同学中招了。
读文章时如果碰到了不会读的新单词,这个时候千万不要慌张,可以停下来向考官询问,“sorry, i don’t know how to read this word.”保证自己口语面试全过程的纯英文表达,这也是向面试官展示自己认真专注的另一面,一般考官都会告诉你这个单词的发音,毕竟这不是在考你的词汇量,碰到不认识的单词很正常,你所要做的就是把会读的部分读好就足够了。
在读完文章后,回答问题应该尽量简洁、准确、肯定。在充足的时间内,可以用简单的长句来回答,即“主语+谓语+宾语”结构,反之则可以用短语来简洁回答,针对相应的when, what, where, how, why部分,准确定位,给出正确答案。step3 真题演练
朗读一篇短文,回答问题。【广州小升初 2012年面试题目】
hi, i’m jerry.[1] nice to meet you.[2] it’s very exciting to have a chinese friend!.[3]in america, school starts at eight-thirty, so i usually get up at around seven o’clock..[4]i have breakfast at seven-thirty, but before that i take a shower..[5] my favorite subject is history, because i think it’s interesting and i really like my teacher, .问题1 where does jim come from? 问题2 what does jim do before breakfast? 问题3 why does jim like history? 问题4 do you like your teacher and why?
【朗读批注1】需要连读的有:nice to meet⌒you.[2] it’s very exciting/ to have⌒a chinese friend![3] in america,/ school starts⌒at eight-thirty, so i usually get⌒up at⌒around seven o’clock.[4] i have breakfast/at seven-thirty, but before that /i take⌒a shower.[5] my favorite subject is history, because i think it’s interesting / and i really like my teacher, .【朗读批注2】需要重读的有:(黑体字部分为重读)nice to meet you.[2]it’s very exciting to have a chinese friend![3] in america, school starts at eight-thirty, so i usually get up at around seven o’clock.[4]i have breakfast at seven-thirty, but before that i take a shower.[5]my favorite subject is history, because i think it’s interesting and i really like my teacher, .step4:练习
检测题一: 朗读一篇短文,回答问题。our classroom this is our is a nice and big walls are white and the windows are are two doors in the are four rows of desks and chairs in it and ten desks and chairs in every is a big blackboard in the room, have a map of china in our is on the wall near the have a is over the teacher’s desk is near the blackboard, are some flowers on the behind the front door there are three the room there are seven bags are behind our are some books and school things on our like our classroom very much.问题1: what does our classroom look like? 问题2:how many students are there in our class? 问题3:where is our clock? 问题4:how many lights are there in the classroom? 检测题二:请用正确的读音、语调朗读下列短文,并回答以下问题。
postcards always spoil my summer, i went to italy.i visited museums and sat in public gardens.a friendly waiter taught me a few words of he lent me a book.i read a few lines, but i did not understand a ay i thought about holidays passed quickly, but i did not send cards to my the last day i made a big decision.i got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.i spent the whole day in my room, but i did not write a single card!
问题1: where did he spend his holidays last summer? 问题2:where did he stay all day? 问题3:how many cards did he buy on the last day? 问题4:did he write any cards or not? 检测题三: 请用正确的读音、语调朗读下列短文,并回答以下问题。lee is only is tall and thin, and she has brown, long likes children and her teaching monday to friday she stays at school and gives the children has much work to do, but she often plays games with her students after children like her very sunday she drives her car to her father’s house and stays with her father and mes she goes to see her friends on drives back to school on monday likes singing, dancing and ’s a nice teacher.问题1: how old is miss lee?
问题2:when does miss lee go to see her friends? 问题3:how does miss lee go home? 问题4:what does miss lee like to do? 学法提炼: 1.专题特点:
2)新概念第二册上的文章可作为朗读短文训练的辅助材料。3.注意: 1)面试时,不要紧张,抱着平常心,与考官间进行交流。可以在面试前进行几次深呼吸,并笑着对镜子中的自己说“i can do it!”,让自己心中充满正能量,这样在面试中才能让考官感受到你的自信、积极。
2)朗读短文时,如果读错了,不要倒回读,控制朗读时间,语速不要过快或过慢。能力训练 step1:模拟一
the chinese national flag is known all over the world, but its story is not very well 1949, a competition was held to find anew flag for were invited to send their ideas to the people took than 3,000 ideas were ideas were looked at many times by a group of important the end, only thirty-eight were liansong’s flag was one of the best thirty his flag, he put the four small stars on one side of the large it was shown to mao zedong, he liked it very is how the red flag with five yellow stars became the flag of the people’s republic of china.二、根据实际情况回答下列问题。 is your favourite sporter? far is it from your school to your home? are many trees in your school garden, aren’t there? do you get on with your classmates? subjects do you study at school?
三、根据要点,用六个以上的英语句子作简短说话。)teachers’ day
4.所以,我们必需… step2:模拟二
in many countries, christmas is one of the most important festivals of the mas day is 25th some countries, father christmas brings presents to all good children on christmas can travel all over the world in one that night, children are very excited and sometimes a bit they go to bed, they leave something by the fire for father christmas to eat and they each put a stocking at the bottom of their en do their best to stay awake to see father christmas, but usually they fall asleep as soon as they are in no children have ever seen ’s strange, isn’t it?
far is it from your house to your school? it good or bad to kill wild animals? did you go last summer holiday? long have you learned english? you like traveling? and why?
在首期节目中,演员濮存昕、企业家柳传志、世界小姐张梓琳等嘉宾带来了各自的生活情感故事。值得一提的是,嘉宾方面,《朗读者》采用“明星+素人”的方式。董卿说:“起初考虑的是全明星阵容,但后来我们发现,明星已被过度消费,在他们身上比较难捕捉到大开大合的人生故事,而普通人或者说一些特殊的普通人身上,真有我们意想不到的、能给人带来惊喜和感动的一些人生经历和感悟,所以我们坚定地采用了 星素结合 的方式。”
玉:深爱我们的祖国,搏动的心跳动着上下五千年的脉搏 彩:深爱我们的华夏,涌动的血液奔腾着滚滚黄河的波浪
彩:近观神州百年风云,从虎门硝烟、七七事变到一方有难八方支援 玉:无数中华儿女,志士仁人,在危难之际,置生死于度外,救民族于水火之中
合:祝愿我们伟大的祖国繁荣昌盛祝愿我们伟大的祖国国泰民安。 玉:首先感谢我校党委书记杨志刚,副校长赵剑英的到来,让我们以热烈的掌声感谢他们的到来。下面,请允许我为大家介绍一下担任本次比赛的评委,他们是:,让我们以热烈的掌声对各位评委表
示衷心的感谢!下面有请杨老师为我们做开讲发言,大家掌声有请。 彩:为了使比赛精彩有序地进行,为体现比赛公平、公正的原则,下面,我宣读一下比赛规则。
选手演讲结束后,由评分人员按照选手得分的高低来评定选手的名次,本次比赛设高低段各一等奖1名、二等奖2名、三等奖3名。 玉:为保持会场秩序,请大家自觉遵守赛场纪律,不得大声喧哗、不得交头接耳、不随意走动、无故不可提前退场,选手上下台时应保持安静。
合:下面我宣布,新寨中心小学“爱国主义演讲比赛”现在开始 彩:伴着礼炮的隆隆巨响,我们看到了崭新的中国,但同时也让我们想起了中国的百年屈辱史,也许正是这一次又一次血与火的洗礼,才造就了一个不屈不挠的民族。
泱泱爱的海洋,彰显着温馨而深厚的民族情,犹如甘泉滋润着每一个华夏儿女,面对这样一个伟大而不朽的国度,我们怎能不爱她呢? 我们优秀的中华儿女,以坚定不挠的行动告诉所有居心可怕的人们:中国人是不可辱的,中华民族是不可辱的。
彩:时间在不知不觉中已然流逝,今天的演讲比赛马上就要结束了 玉:但是我们的民族精神传承却还只是一个开始而已
玉:努力地学习、在不久的将来为国家,为社会做出我们应有的贡献 彩:同学们,记住今天,记住我们的使命,永远记住我们的祖国
彩:我们心有大志,勇敢坚贞,学习英雄追求真理的信念 玉:我们知难而上,勇敢攀登,学习英雄不屈不挠的意志 彩:我们胸怀祖国,壮志凌云,学习英雄无私无畏的志气 玉:我们不怕风浪,争做蓝天雄鹰,学习英雄战胜困难的勇气 合:让我们以实际行动表达自己的爱国之情!
玉:请大家跟我大声朗读人民为先,祖国至上,诚实勇敢,自律自强 彩:努力学习,奋发向上,振兴中华,再造辉煌
合:我们要让先烈们用鲜血染红的旗帜永远飘扬在祖国的蓝天! 彩:经过工作人员的紧张忙碌,比赛结果已经出来了,本次比赛最为激动人心的时刻即将到来,下面我宣布比赛结果:获得低段三等奖的是:周春红、刘繁繁、刘鑫和徐婧(请为他们颁奖),获得高段三等奖的是:赵文昊、刘晓燕、李彩彩(请为他们颁奖)。获得低段二等奖的是:贺洁、贺钰洲(请为他们颁奖),获得高段二等奖的是:李鸿玉、刘可、刘磊(请为他们颁奖),获得高段一等奖的是:郭耀元,获得低段一等奖的是:刘雨欣(请为他们颁奖),让我们把热烈的掌声送给获奖选手!
合:新寨中心小学“爱国主义演讲比赛”到此结束。 彩:请各位评委先退场。
everybody thinks i have a real gift for r, i once did not like art lessons because i could not draw very day, i was playing with some paint as usual in ms lou’s art lesson.i mixed the paint with i took the brush away, i dropped some paint onto the g at the mark, i decided to blow paint began to run, so i blew paint ran in all directions and made a very interesting picture!“that’s a very good picture, sandy.” ms luo encouraged me to keep then, i have been crazy about crayons and paints.2(新)
winter is my favourite is very cold and everyone has to wear thick warm clothes, but i always enjoy the winter here in temperature is usually below zero and it is often hing is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are this season, you cannot see beautiful flowers or green trees, but the land is quiet and friends and i love playing outside in is exciting to have big snowball also make snowmen and use carrots for their look is great!
my farther has worked in a local factory for will not find anything unusual about him until you learn father has always been kind and has donated blood many times since blood he has donated is enough to save over 70 has also donated blood cells to people with blood my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his i was a little girl, i could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own i realize that he has a heart full of g nature reserve is in north-east is one of the world’s most important area provides food and cover for a lot of is a perfect place for some rare people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and will lead to less and less space for the chinese government has made laws to protect ds are important because they provide food and shelter for wildlife including some endangered birds, and they also help prevent must protect the home of plants, fish and birds in zhalong.5(16年29)
twenty years ago, mobile phones were rather important or rich people had r, these days more people have them in their hands, even high school is true that mobile phones can be very are an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family members anywhere and at any we also hear mobile phones ring in places like classrooms, cinemas and sound is very loud and can disturb drivers have accidents because they use their mobile phones while , are mobile phones really a good thing?
dear millie, thank you very much for your letter.i hope i can offer you some useful said you often stay up late to finish all your your day a list of all the homework you work out how much time you need to finish it will give you an idea of how much spare time you also said that you do not have enough time for your about choosing your hobby according to the time you have? i hope you think my advice is worth wishes, helen
today, we are going to make potato stamps are very easy to , you should get a large ’t use a small one, as it’ll be too difficult to , wash want to be sure to get it really cut it in half with a careful!i don’t want anyone to get , you should draw a design on the end of the potato with a carefully cut the design out with the tip of your you’re done, pour some paint onto the put the cut end of your potato into the y, put the potato onto a piece of ’t that fun?
we are going to hold a talk on good table manners this purpose is to teach students rules for will be a lot of advice on table all, when you are sitting at the table, you should not start eating until everyone is ready, and it is impolite to make too much noise while you are eating or should not eat with your mouth open or talk with food in your you leave the table, wait for everyone to rules are important because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the york, london, paris and many other cities are exciting places to are lots of interesting things to see and there are serious problems in big cities is expensive to live there, and there are too many year many people move to the cities to find work, study at good schools and receive high-quality medical sometimes these people can’t find work or good places to it is hard to keep big cities safe and , before people move to a big city, they should think about these problems they might have to deal with there.10(16年1)
halloween is on october celebrate it in many en wear special costumes and masks at children play a game called “trick or treat”.they knock on their neighbours’ doors and shout “trick or treat”.their neighbours usually give them some candy as a “treat”.if the children do not get any candy, they can play a trick on their people also make lanterns out of big orange cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the urs lived on the earth a long time now know that the first dinosaurs appeared about 230 million years re were hundreds of different kinds of dinosaurs, but they didn’t live at the same dinosaurs were really of the smallest dinosaurs was about one metre long and weighed about three were really very large ones weighed over 100,000 kilograms and some were about 40 metres dinosaurs ate plants and others ate meat, but they didn’t eat dinosaurs had four legs and lived on land.12(16年8)
our environment is changing for the worse, so it is time for us to go are some simple steps to take at can save water by taking shorter showers and turning off the tap when we brush our order to save power, we should turn off the lights when we leave a other good habits can help reduce pollution should not use plastic bags when ing is also a good way to help reduce should separate waste into different groups so that it can be these small steps, and you can make a big difference to the earth!
dear sir, i would like to recommend daniel for this year’s young star is a clever learns things always thinks carefully when he plans everything is really week, a five-year-old boy lost his way and was crying in the saw him and took him to the police stayed with the boy and played with him for two hours before the boy’s parents the members at the helping hands club think that daniel should get the look forward to hearing from you , sandy hello, everyone!i’ve got some great news for you school basketball team is in the final round of the basketball competition!the match will be on sunday, the 7th of november, at south hill , listen carefully to the plan for the 9 a.m., we’ll meet at the school ’ll arrive at south hill school at 10 match will start at 10:30 the match finishes, there will be the presentation of the cup and bus will leave at 12 noon from south hill school and bring you back to come and support our team.15(16年16)
this year’s beijing music awards will be covered live this the big pop stars will the awards start, we will interview some of the most famous thousand fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music results will be announced during the programme and the host will ask questions for the viewers to you are watching the awards, write down your answers and send text messages to you are lucky enough, you could win two free concert tickets.16(16年23)
everyone needs is an old saying, “friends are god’s way of taking care of us.” but how do you find real friendship and keep it?
first, you should choose a friend.a good friend should be kind and example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to friendships are not always best friends have you have a fight with your friend, try to talk to him or he or she doesn’t want to talk, don’t be could write a letter need to do something for giant are now in example, giant pandas do not have many babies during their lives, and it’s easy for baby pandas to get sick and die when they are very , giant pandas mainly live on a special kind of bamboo, so the bamboo forests are very important to r, the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and a result, giant pandas may not have a place to live or food to are now only about 1,600 pandas in the should take action to protect them right away.18(16年22)
i love reading.i spend over seven hours a week reading different types of weekdays, i usually read for about half an hour before going to bed.i read a lot at the weekend.i am interested in history books, but i like novels four great classical chinese novels are my favourite.i get most of my books from sunshine library — it is just opposite my friends give me lots of advice on often meet together and discuss what to g is always a wonderful books are good also open up a whole new world to me.i have to choose a new colour for my ’s a very important decision, because colour can change a person’s mood.i like orange, because it’s a happy, warm can make people feel best friend jack doesn’t agree thinks green is says that green represents nature and that it can make you feel energetic.i remind jack that green is also the colour of mother recommends thinks blue is a calm and peaceful colour, so it will make me less stressed and help me relax after s she is right.20(16年6)
all around the world, people drink tea does not mean the same thing to different countries people have very different ideas about drinking china people like to have tea together with their drink tea at any time of the y put only tea leaves in their prefer tea with nothing in is also popular in have tea every the way they drink it is different from that in the usa people drink tea at breakfast or after usually use tea bags to make their sandy, i have just listened to a programme on the was about a new cd-rom pack called “daily english”.it is a new course from pack includes a book and five is very good for tourists and students.i’m sure we can learn a lot from can learn about how to use the telephone and how to ask and answer can also learn to talk about the weather and the course covers many topics, such as travel and hotels, food and drink, and shopping and money.i am going to order a pack you want me to order one for you too? regards, millie
yesterday we visited the summer palace and spent about three hours in palace is a large chinese garden set in a natural landscape and mainly includes a hill and a lake is very big — it takes up three quarters of the was frozen, so we could not row a boat was really a the lake is a 17-hole are over 50 stone lions on both sides of lions are all different from each ’t it amazing? the summer palace was once a nice place for the emperors to spend the summer and it is well worth a visit.23(16年15)
my neighbours are kind and of them are have different skills and often help us with all kinds of y there is a “helping hands” meeting at the go there when they need help with their er engineers are help people check their can also find someone to fix things like broken ts can get help with their are some college students among the volunteers, and they are always ready to are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like here are like a big family.24(16年24)
kites have a long history in chinese began to make kites over 2,000 years first kite in history was made out of wood by student lu ban used bamboo to make the eastern han dynasty, cai lun found a new way to make paper, and then people began to use paper to make the 13th century, an italian man called marco polo visited told people in the west all about the ming and qing dynasties, kite flying became a very popular outdoor liked to fly kites on sunny, windy days in spring.25(16年3)
my ideal school starts at 8 finishes at 3 p.m.i love sports and computers, so we have pe and computer lessons every classes are quite are about 20 students in each is a big dining we can eat and chat with our is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on the have a big also have a tennis court and a swimming are lots of clubs and after-school month, we go on a school trip to a museum or a ming was born in shanghai in got his first basketball when he was only four years old, but he did not become serious about basketball until he was joined the houston rockets in 2002 and became the best chinese player to have ever played in the yao ming lived in the usa, he returned to china whenever he was took part in the olympics in 2004 and in 2008 as one of the chinese he ended his basketball career, yao has done a lot of charity work, especially for poor chinese was set up in 1946 to help children after the war in , unicef helps children all over the works in 158 helps governments and families make the world a better place for gets its money from raises money by selling christmas cards and organizing other fund-raising can help unicef by doing voluntary believes that all children should have clean water and food so that they can be also believes that they should go to school instead of working to support their name is lucy.i am in year 9 at woodland school near is a mixed and girls have lessons favourite subject is ng foreign languages is school has a reading week every the week, we can borrow more books from the school can also bring in books and magazines from home.i often read more books than my the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates in seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.29(16年5)
dear classmates, have you ever had any problems? are you wondering who you can ask for advice? if so, you can write to mr sigmund may wonder who he is a youth you know what a youth worker does? mr friend says that youth workers help young people solve their are doing a great of my friends wrote to mr friend and asked how they could deal with their they got his they know what they should wishes, millie
in the chinese lunar calendar, there are 12 animal of them represents a lunar is said that the animals held an exciting race to decide their the race began, the strong, hard-working ox took the ly, the clever rat jumped on the ox’s back and won the race!the ox came second, the tiger third, and so it pig took his time and came cycle of animal years repeats every 12 people believe that people born in the same animal year may share similar example, they believe people born in the year of the dragon are powerful and energetic.
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