- 时间:2021-06-17 00:41:50
- 小编:WZ
- 文件格式 DOC

Yuan Longping is known as Chinas “father of hybrid rice”.Its said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” --Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice. Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute.
He has been working on agriculture education the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute. In the 1960s, when China was suffering serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield. Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice. Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, was honored by UNESCO FAO. Although he is 70 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture.
Yuan Longping (born September 7,1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator,known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa,America, and Asia -providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.
Mr.Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000,the Wolf Prize in agriculture and the World Food Prize in 2004.He is currently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice RD Center and has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha.He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences and the 2006 CPPCC.Mr.Yuan was born in Beijing,China.He loves playing Majong and the Erhu (Chinese violin),swimming and motorcycling.
We watched the movie "yuan longping". The film describes Mr Yuan longping hybrid rice planting and successfully, I watched the movie, feel very sigh with emotion, touched me is Mr Yuan longping indomitable spirit.This movie to a foreigner talk to Mr Yuan longping, on Mr Yuan longping to account before some of the things.Mr Yuan longping is very strong, again and again before him, and he is not afraid of difficulties, not back, he was planting hybrid rice when there are many difficulties, but he always remembered his belief that the pursuit of my life is to make all the people away from hunger.
Mr Yuan longping is not just sitting in the lab, but to study in the field. CCTV reported, the agriculture department assessment team all just released, guided by Mr Yuan longping "y two optimal 2" one hundred mu of super hybrid rice plots on average 926.6 kg per mu, broke the record of large area of rice per mu in our country.
Mr Yuan longping represents China perennial spirit, do we stand? We must take action, contribute to the motherland!
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