- 时间:2023-05-18 16:25:07
- 小编:lookoud
- 文件格式 DOC

embay of [country name] in beijing
income certification
to whom it may concern,we certify that [mr./ms.××[paport no.××] has been employed by [company
name××] as a [title] since [month/year].we also certify that [his/her] current monthly salary is rmb[××](after/before tax).this letter has been only iued to aist
[mr./ms.××] for [his/her] application of a tourist sincerely,[company name]
sign by:[name] and [title]
certificate, 2007
dear sir or madam:
this is to certify that(born on)has
worked in 单位名称 /her monthly salary is about rmb yuan, and his/her annual
income is about rmb yuan(the income tax has already been paid by the
company).it is hereby to certify.单位负责人签章
contact number:
employment and income certificate
this is to certify that**** works in our company which was founded in*** and holds the position of vise general manager, responsible for the financial affairs and company has 50 staffs and mainly engages in the selling and retailing of textile fabric and supplies fabric to domestic and international garment company covers an area of 1000 square meter and the annual turnover reaches ** million ****income is linked to the company’s operating basic monthly salary is **** and plus bonus/***** annual income for recent 2 years is summaries as follows:(the following are pre tax income, personal income tax withholding by company)
total income of *****yuan;
total income of ****** yuan;
this is to certify!
certifier: *****(department of h.r.)tel: *****
seal of ******
dec.12, 2013
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