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兼职工作的好处作文 兼职好处作文篇一
thirdly, part-time experience may be of great help to their future career. third, part-time jobs can broaden their college life and help them learn more about themselves and society. however, some people think that doing part-time jobs has more disadvantages.
the main job of college students is learning rather than work. if they have part-time jobs, they may have to reduce the time of sleep, rest, study and activity. working a few hours a day will consume a lot of time and effort, and may affect their study.
they may find it difficult to adapt to the school to them finally, they may fall behind or fail in their studies. students can choose part-time jobs according to their own situation. for them, the most important thing is to keep a good balance between part-time jobs and students.
兼职工作的好处作文 兼职好处作文篇二
it is popular among university students to do part-time job. is this behavior good or bad? some people think it brings many advantages to the students, while there are another people consider that part-time job is not worth the candle. as far as i am concern, every coin has two sides. there are several reasons can support my point.
on the one hand, doing part-time job can earn some money, make more new friends and get some working experience. though doing a part-time job after school can earn little money, that little money can reduce students’ family burden or let them have enough money to spend to enjoy more their college life. in addition, doing part-time job in different places can contact with different people, which is sure to make more new friends. moreover, students can get some working experience from their part-time job, which will not from school course teaching. this experience is good for their career after graduation.
on the other hand, part- time job will take up students’ time and not good for forming teamwork spirit. everyone’s energy is limit. if students let part-time job to share their time, their study time will be reduced. as a result, it will affect their study. and if students go out to do part-time job once they have time, there will be less and less time for them to communicate with their classmates. it is bad for students to form teamwork spirit.
to sum, doing part-time job has pros and cons. every student should consider their own situation to choose whether to do part-time job or not. if they can make everything in balance, dong part-time job is acceptable.
different people have different attitudes towards life. nowadays it is popular among college students to do part-time job. some people think it is good for students as it can reduce their economic burden and make self-enhancement. but other people think that doing part-time job is bad for the development of college students. as far as i am concerned, i agree with the latter one. there are several reasons to support my opinion.
to begin with, having a part-time job is bad for students’ study. as we all know that what students should do the most in school is study well. it is their main task. if they take some of their time to do part-time job, their study time will be reduced. what’s worse, some students may lose themselves in making little money. as a result, they may abandon their study in order to do part-time job. actually, that little money can not help too much in their life. in addition, doing a part-time job is dangerous. the society present is very complex. some people will make use of students’ thought to help lighten family economic burden to make a trap for them to jump into. as the students do not have too much connection with the society, they are pretty naive. so they are easily get cheated.
in general, doing part-time job bring more disadvantages than advantages to university students. it may have bad influence on their study, life and mind. it is not worth having a try on it. students just do their job well is the best. study hard.
doing a part-time job is very popular among college students. as college students have much more free time, so most of them choose to find a part-time job. but some people hold another opinion that doing part-time job will have bad influence to students’ study. they do not agree with college students having a part-time job in their spare time. in my opinion, i agree with the former view. reasons are as follows.
first of all, a part-time can lighten the economic burden of family. although the pay for a part-time job is not very good, it still has salary. maybe those can’t not pay your education fee, but it can afford your living expend. or the money can’t afford your living expend, but it can solve half of it. in some extend, it is certain that can help students reduce the burden of their family. in addition, a part-time job can improve a person in various aspects. different part-time jobs can provide students different social experience. in other words, it is helpful for students to adapt the society and making preparation for it in advance. last but not least, doing a job that is not full-time can make many new friends. i think everyone knows that friendship is priceless. even students can find out what kind of jobs are they really want, which will reduce their confusion when they are hunting a job after graduation.
in a word, university students having a part-time job after class are having nothing to lose but everything to gain. so i advise college students should do a part-time job in their spare time on the condition not affecting their study.
兼职工作的好处作文 兼职好处作文篇三
as a college student, i want to make a living because im not a child anymore. i can work now, but im a student. i cant work all the time.
so i can have a part-time job. part time work has advantages and disadvantages for me. on the one hand, if i find a part-time job, i can make some money, so that i can keep my income and expenses balanced and reduce my parents paid for all the things my parents paid for me, such as my education, my clothes and so on.
all of these are very heavy burdens, so i found a part-time job to make a living. although it is not so much, it is satiactory for me. on the other hand, as a student, i have to arrange my study time to do part-time work, my first job work is learning.
i must study hard. my parents have paid a lot for my education. part time work will certainly distract my attention to a certain extent.
i need to spare some time to do it.
兼职工作的好处作文 兼职好处作文篇四
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