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we would like to invite you to attend the located at on at***.it is our great honor to have you as our guest. we are hoping that we will get the same support from you.
the event is prepared in the intention to show our acknowledgment to our most important. therefore this will be an outstanding opportunity for us to show appreciation of your business, but it the sample time to strenghten our cooperation.
please come early so that we can find a comfortable seat for you. we would appreciate if you can attend this event as you are one of out top.
please let us know if you are attending the event or not by ***.
hoping for your presence on that day. we look forward meeting you. 希望您前来出席,期盼与您相见!
yours ***
【商务会议英文邀请函六】 june 6, 20xx dear aunt kate, david and i are to be married at the community church on thursday, june the twelfth, at noon. we want you to come to the ceremony, and also to the wedding banquet afterward at home. we’ll be looking for you, aunt kate, on the twelfth! affectionately yours, helen [译文] 亲爱的凯特姑姑: 戴维和我已确定在六月十二日(星期四)正午在社区教堂举行婚礼。 我们邀请您参加我们的婚礼,典礼结束后,请您出席在家中举行的喜宴。 凯特姑姑,我们期待着您在十二日的到来! 您亲爱的 海伦 20xx年6月6日 【英文婚宴邀请函二】 自荐信属于求职信的一种。 好的英文求职信和英文简历是进入大企业特别是外企的“敲门砖”。因此,如何写好应聘的求职简历就显得尤为重要。 英文求职信的一般由五个组成部分:写信动机、自我介绍、能力(技能)介绍、结尾和附件。 写信动机: 通常求职信是针对报纸上、网上的或是其他途径的招聘广告而写的。因此,信中须首先提到时在何月何日的什么报纸上看到的信息、在什么网络平台看到的招聘广告,又或是是由朋友或介绍所介绍的等等。当然,有时写信人不知某机构、公司有工作机会,只是毛遂自荐,那么也需说明写求职信的缘由和目的。此外,需开门见山的点明应聘的职位或是希望承担的职务 自我介绍: 此部分应述明自己的年龄或出生年月、教育背景,尤其与应征职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊技能。如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。 能力(技能)介绍: 如果缺乏工作经历,可以将社会工作细节放在工作经历中,这样会填补工作经验少的缺陷。例如,在做团支书、学生会主席等社会工作时组织过什么活动,联系过什么事,参与过什么都可以一一罗列。 结尾: 求职信的结尾,应注意表达,珍惜工作机会和如果得到职位后将不遗余力的表现决心,希望招聘单位给予自己施展才华的机会等。此外,不要忘了注明正热切盼望对方的回复。 附件: 毕业证书、资格证书、获奖证明应列好表单,附于求职信后。 格式与态度: 写英文求职信,开头写每段第一句话时,要顶格写,一定不要空两格。这点很重要,请你注意;不要用开玩笑的口吻与对方套近乎,要严肃,认真地写。这能使对方感觉你很重视这件事情;简短介绍自己的专业与才能。重点写清楚你的能力可以满足对方公司的需要。 个人资料: 写英文求职信时,写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际经验,告知对方你正在学习经验! 推荐自我: 写英文求职信时,需重点注意约定面试时间。一定要写清楚:我知道您很忙,我很感谢您能在百忙之中抽几分钟时间跟我见面并谈话。请放心,这几分钟您一定不会浪费的!因为我确定我的能力一定使贵公司达到目的。要自信!但不要过份夸大自己的能力或表现过份信心,尤其不要说出与事实不符的能力或特性来。 结尾与联系方式: 写英文求职信结尾时,需重点注意:不要等对方先打电话联系你,你应该在英文求职信中明确写出,你会在此期间打电话约对方见面,并告对方知具体联系时间;还要写明,在见面之前,若对方有什么问题需要了解的,可发email或打电话联系你。并写清楚你的联系方式。最后,再一次写明感谢他们抽时间看你的个人简历,求职信。并感谢他们考虑你的应聘。 写英文求职信要点: 篇幅不易过长,简短为好;态度诚恳,不需华丽词汇;让对方感觉亲切,自信,实在即可;不要误看其他错误的写作方法,以免耽误了你的求职机会。 纸张的选用: 建议你用灰色,黄褐色或米色纸作最终打印信纸。要配合信封的颜色。 书写: 字体要写得整洁可辩,使用打字机把信打出来。具有专业感。 附邮票: 英语求职信内需附加邮票或回址信封。 语法: 准确无误的语法,标点拼写使读信人感到舒畅。错误的语法或拼写则十分明显,一望即知。且不可把收信人的姓名或公司地址拼错了。 实例假设: 你叫李平,你从报上得知某公司欲招聘一名英语翻译,请你给该公司经理写一份求职信,你的个人资料如下: 1.简况:姓名,李平;年龄,30岁;身高,1.80米;健康状况,良好;业余爱好,游泳、唱歌、跳舞。 2.简历:1994年北京大学毕业后分配到南通中学工作,1996年调至苏州中学工作至今。 3.工作:工作认真负责,与人相处融洽。 4.特长:精通英语,尤其口语,已将多本中文书籍译成英语,懂一些日语、能用日语与外宾对话。 合同号码: 签约日期: 买方: 卖方: 本合同由买卖双方缔结,用中、英文字写成,两种文体具有同等效力,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出买方同意购进以下商品: 「章名」 第一部分 1.商品名称及规格 2.生产国别及制造厂商 3.单价(包装费用包括在内) 4.数量 5.总值 6.包装(适合海洋运输) 7.保险(除非另有协议,保险均由买方负责) 8.装船时间 9.装运口岸 10.目的口岸 11.装运唛头,卖方负责在每件货物上用牢固的不褪色的颜料明显地刷印或标明下述唛头,以及目的口岸、件号、毛重和净重、尺码和其它买方要求的标记。如系危险及/或有毒货物,卖方负责保证在每件货物上明显地标明货物的性质说明及习惯上被接受的标记。 12.付款条件:买方于货物装船时间前一个月通过______银行开出以卖方为抬头的不可撤销信用证,卖方在货物装船启运后凭本合同交货条款第18条a款所列单据在开证银行议付贷款。上述信用证有效期将在装船后15天截止。 13.其它条件:除非经买方同意和接受,本合同其它一切有关事项均按第二部分交货条款之规定办理,该交货条款为本合同不可分的部分,本合同如有任何附加条款将自动地优先执行附加条款,如附加条款与本合同条款有抵触,则以附加条款为准。 「章名」 第二部分 「章名」 /fas条件 14.1.本合同项下货物的装运舱位由买方或买方的运输代理人___________租订。 14.2.在fob条件下,卖方应负责将所订货物在本合同第8条所规定的装船期内按买方所通知的任何日期装上买方所指定的船只。 14.3.在fas条件下,卖方应负责将所订货物在本合同第8条所规定的装船期内按买方所通知的任何日期交到买方所指定船只的吊杆下。 14.4.货物装运日前10-15天,买方应以电报或电传通知卖方合同号、船只预计到港日期、装运数量及船运代理人的名称。以便卖方经与该船运代理人联系及安排货物的装运。卖方应将联系结果通过电报或电传及时报告买方。如买方因故需要变更船只或者船只比预先通知卖方的日期提前或推迟到达装运港口,买方或其船运代理人应及时通知卖方。卖方亦应与买方的运输代理或买方保持密切联系。 14.5.如买方所订船只到达装运港后,卖方不能在买方所通知的装船时间内将货物装上船只或将货物交到吊杆之下,卖方应负担买方的一切费用和损失,如空舱费、滞期费及由此而引起的及/或遭受的买方的一切损失。 14.6.如船只撤换或延期或退关等而未及时通知卖方停止交货,在装港发生的栈租及保险费损失的计算,应以代理通知之装船日期(如货物晚于代理通知之装船日期抵达装港,应以货物抵港日期)为准,在港口免费堆存期满后第十六天起由买方负担,人力不可抗拒的情况除外。上述费用均凭原始单据经买方核实后支付。但卖方仍应在装载货船到达装港后立即将货物装船,交负担费用及风险。 「章名」 15.c&f条件 15.1.卖方在本合同第8条规定的时间之内应将货物装上由装运港到中国口岸的直达船。未经买方事先许可,不得转船。货物不得由悬挂中国港口当局所不能接受的国家旗帜的船装载。 15.2.卖方所租船只应适航和适货。卖方租船时应慎重和认真地选择承运人及船只。买方不接受非保赔协会成员的船只。 15.3.卖方所租载货船只应在正常合理时间内驶达目的港。不得无故绕行或迟延。 15.4.卖方所租载货船只船龄不得超过15年。对超过15年船龄的船只其超船龄额外保险费应由卖方负担。买方不接受船龄超过二十年的船只。 15.5.一次装运数量超过一千吨的货载或其它少于一千吨但买方指明的货载,卖方应在装船日前至少10天用电传或电报通知买方合同号、商品名称、数量、船名、船龄、船籍、船只主要规范、预计装货日、预计到达目的港时间、船公司名称、电传和电报挂号。 15.6.一次装运一千吨以上货载或其它少于一千吨但买方指明的货载,其船长应在该船抵达目的港前7天和24小时分别用电传或电报通知买方预计抵港时间、合同号、商品名称及数量。 15.7.如果货物由班轮装运,载货船只必须是______船级社最高船级或船级协会条款规定的相同级别的船级,船只状况应保持至提单有效期终了时止,以装船日为准船龄不得超过20年。超过20年船龄的船只,卖方应负担超船龄外保险费。买方绝不接受超过25年船龄的船只。 15.8.对于散件货,如果卖方未经买方事前同意而装入集装箱,卖方应负责向买方支付赔偿金,由双方在适当时间商定具体金额。 15.9.卖方应和载运货物的船只保持密切联系,并以最快的手段通知买方船只在途中发生的一切事故,如因卖方未及时通知买方而造成买方的一切损失卖方应负责赔偿。 「章名」 条件 在cif条件下,除本合同第15条c&f条件适用之外卖方负责货物的保险,但不允许有免赔率。 「章名」 17.装船通知 货物装船完毕后48小时内,卖方应即以电报或电传通知买方合同号、商品名称、所装重量(毛/净)或数量、发票价值、船名、装运口岸、开船日期及预计到达目的港时间。如因卖方未及时用电报或电传给买方以上述装船通知而使买方不能及时保险,卖方负责赔偿买方由此而引起的一切损害及/或损失。 「章名」 18.装船单据 18.a.卖方凭下列单据向付款银行议付货款: 18.a.1.填写通知目的口岸的__________运输公司的空白抬头、空白背书的全套已装运洋轮的清洁提单(如系c&f/cif条款则注明“运费已付”,如系fob/fas条款则注明“运费待收”)。 18.a.2.由信用证受益人签名出具的发票5份,注明合同号、信用证号、商品名称、详细规格及装船唛头标记。 18.a.3.两份由信用证受益人出具的装箱单及/或重量单,注明每件货物的毛重和净重及/或尺码。 18.a.4.由制造商及/或装运口岸的合格、独立的公证行签发的品质检验证书及数量或重量证书各两份,必须注明货物的全部规格与信用证规定相符。 18.a.5.本交货条件第17条规定的装船通知电报或电传副本一份。 18.a.6.证明上述单据的副本已按合同要求寄出的书信一封。 18.a.7.运货船只的国籍已经买主批准的书信一封。 18.a.8.如系卖方保险需提供投保不少于发票价值110%的一切险和战争险的保险单。 18.b.不接受影印、自动或电脑处理、或复印的任何正本单据,除非这些单据印有清晰的“正本”字样,并经发证单位授权的领导人手签证明。 18.c.联运提单、迟期提单、简式提单不能接受。 18.d.受益人指定的第三者为装船者不能接受,除非该第三者提单由装船者背书转受益人,再由受赠人背书后方可接受。 18.e.信用证开立日期之前出具的单据不能接受。 18.f.对于c&f/cif货载,不接受租船提单,除非受益人提供租船合同、船长或大副收据、装船命令、货物配载图及或买方在信用证内所要求提供的其它单据副本各一份。 18.g.卖方须将提单、发票及装箱单各两份副本随船带交目的口岸的买方收货代理人_______________。 18.h.载运货船启碇后,卖方须立即航空邮寄全套单据副本一份给买方,三份给目的口岸的对外贸易运输公司分公司。 18.i.卖方应负责赔偿买方因卖方失寄或迟寄上述单据而使买方遭受的一切损失。 18.j.中华人民共和国境外的银行费用由卖方负担。 「章名」 19.合同所订货物如用空运,则本合同有关海运的一切条款均按空运条款执行。 「章名」 20.危险品说明书 凡属危险品及/或有毒,卖方必须提供其危险或有毒性能、运输、仓储和装卸注意事项以及防治、急救、消防方法的说明书,卖方应将此项说明书各三份随同其他装船单据航空邮寄给买方及目的口岸的____________________运输公司。 「章名」 21.检验和索赔 货物在目的口岸卸毕60天内(如果用集装箱装运则在开箱后60天)经中国进出口商品检验局复验,如发现品质、数量或重量以及其它任何方面与本合同规定不符,除属于保险公司或船行负责者外,买方有权凭上述检验局出具的检验证书向卖方提出退货或索赔。因退货或索赔引起的一切费用包括检验费、利息及损失均由卖方负担。在此情况下,凡货物适于抽样及寄送时如卖方要求,买方可将样品寄交卖方。 「章名」 22.赔偿费 因“人力不可抗拒”而推迟或不能交货者除外,如果卖方不能交货或不能按合同规定的条件交货,卖方应负责向买方赔偿由此而引起的一切损失和遭受的损害,包括买价及/或买价的差价、空舱费、滞期费,以及由此而引起的直接或间接损失。买方有权撤销全部或部分合同,但并不妨碍买方向卖方提出索赔的权利。 「章名」 23.赔偿例外 由于一般公认的“人力不可抗拒”原因而不能交货或延迟交货,卖方或买方都不负责任。但卖方应在事故发生后立即用电报或电传告买方并在事故发生后15天内航空邮寄买方灾害发生地点之有关政府机关或商会所出具的证明,证实灾害存在。如果上述“人力不可抗拒”继续存在60天以上,买方有权撤销合同的全部或一部。 「章名」 24.仲裁 双方同意对一切因执行和解释本合同条款所发生的争议,努力通过友好协商解决。在争议发生之日起一个合理的时间内,最多不超过90天,协商不能取得对买卖双方都满意的结果时,如买方决定不向他认为合适的有管辖权的法院提出诉讼,则该争议应提交仲裁。除双方另有协议,仲裁应在中国北京举行,并按中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会所制订的仲裁规则和程序进行仲裁,该仲裁为终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用除非另有决定,由败诉一方负担。 卖方: 买方: 英文: 「名称」 1. purchase contract 「题注」 「章名」 whole doc. contract no: date: the buyer: the seller: the contract, made out, in chinese and english, both version being equally authentic, by and between the seller and the buyer whereby the seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 「章名」 section 1 1 name of commodity and specification 2 country of origin & manufacturer 3 unit price (packing charges included) 4 quantity 5 total value 6 packing (seaworthy) 7 insurance (to be covered by the buyer unless otherwise) 8 time of shipment 9 port of loading 10 port of destination mark shown as below in addition to the port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurements and other marks as the buyer may require stencilled or marked conspicuously with fast and unfailing pigments on each package. in the case of dangerous and/or poisonous cargo (es), the seller is obliged to take care to ensure that the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package. 12 terms of payment: one month prior to the time of shipment the buyer shall open with the bank of _______an irrevocable letter of credit in favour of the seller payable at the issuing bank against presentation of documents as stipulated under clause 18. a. of section ii, the terms of delivery of this contract after departure of the carrying vessel. the said letter of credit shall remain in force til the 15th day after shipment. 13 other terms: unless otherwise agreed and accepted by the buyer, all other matters related to this contract shall be governed by section ii, the terms of delivery which shall form an integral part of this contract. any supplementary terms and conditions that may be attached to this contract shall automatically prevail over the terms and conditions of this contract if such supplementary terms and conditions come in conflict with terms and conditions herein and shall be binding upon both parties. for the seller for the buyer 「章名」 section 2 「章名」 14 fob/fas terms 14.1 the shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the buyer or the buyer‘s shipping agent __________. 14.2 under fob terms, the seller shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the buyer on any date notified by the buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract. 14.3 under fas terms, the seller shall undertake to deliver the contracted goods under the tackle of the vessel nominated by the buyer on any date notified by the buyer, within the time of shipment as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract. 14.4 10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, the buyer shall inform the seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, eta of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods. the seller shall advise by cable or telex in time the buyer of the result thereof. should, for certain reasons, it become necessary for the buyer to replace the named vessel with another one, or should the named vessel arrive at the port of shipment earlier or later than the date of arrival as previously notified to the seller, the buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the seller to this effect in due time. the seller shall also keep in close contact with the agent or the buyer. 14.5 should the seller fail to load the goods on board or to deliver the goods under the tackle of the vessel booked by the buyer. within the time as notified by the buyer, after its arrival at the port of shipment the seller shall be fully liable to the buyer and responsible for all losses and expenses such as dead freight, demurrage. consequential losses incurred upon and/or suffered by the buyer. 14.6 should the vessel be withdrawn or replaced or delayed eventually or the cargo be shut out etc., and the seller be not informed in good time to stop delivery of the cargo, the calculation of the loss in storage expenses and insurance premium thus sustained at the loading port shall be based on the loading date notified by the agent to the seller (or based on the date of the arrival of the cargo at the loading port in case the cargo should arrive there later than the notified loading date)。 the abovementioned loss to be calculated from the 16th day after expiry of the free storage time at the port should be borne by the buyer with the exception of force majeure. however, the seller shall still undertake to load the cargo immediately upon the carrying vessel‘s arrival at the loading port at its own risk and expenses. the payment of the afore-said expenses shall be effected against presentation of the original vouchers after the buyer’s verification. 「章名」 15 c&f terms 15.1 the seller shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in clause 8 of this contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to china port. transhipment on route is not allowed without the buyer‘s prior consent. the goods shall not be carried by vessels flying flags of countries not acceptable to the port authorities of china. 15.2 the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall be seaworthy and cargoworthy. the seller shall be obliged to act prudently and conscientiously when selecting the vessel and the carrier when chartering such vessel. the buyer is justified in not accepting vessels chartered by the seller that are not members of the piclub. 15.3 the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall sail and arrive at the port of destination within the normal and reasonable period of time. any unreasonable aviation or delay is not allowed. 15.4 the age of the carrying vessel chartered by the seller shall not exceed 15 years. in case her age exceeds 15 years, the extra average insurance premium thus incurred shall be borne by the seller. vessel over 20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the buyer. 15.5 for cargo lots over 1,000 m/t each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the buyer, the seller shall, at least 10 days prior to the date of shipment, inform the buyer by telex or cable of the following information: the contract number, the name of commodity, quantity, the name of the carrying vessel, the age, nationality, and particulars of the carrying vessel, the expected date of loading, the expected time of arrival at the port of destination, the name, telex and cable address of the carrier. 15.6 for cargo lots over 1,000 m/t each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the buyer, the master of the carrying vessel shall notify the buyer respectively 7 (seven) days and 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of destination, by telex or cable about its eta (expected time of arrival), contract number, the name of commodity, and quantity. 15.7 if goods are to be shipped per liner vessel under liner bill of lading, the carrying vessel must be classified as the highest ____________ or equivalent class as per the institute classification clause and shall be so maintained throughout the duration of the relevant bill of lading. nevertheless, the maximum age of the vessel shall not exceed 20 years at the date of loading. the seller shall bear the average insurance premium for liner vessel older than 20 years. under no circum -stances shall the buyer accept vessel over 25 years of age. 15.8 for break bulk cargoes, if goods are shipped in containers by the seller without prior consent of the buyer, a compensation of a certain amount to be agreed upon by both parties shall be payable to the buyer by the seller. 15.9 the seller shall maintain close contact with the carrying vessel and shall notify the buyer by fastest means of communication about any and all accidents that may occur while the carrying vessel is on route. the seller shall assume full responsibility and shall compensate the buyer for all losses incurred for its failure to give timely advice or notification to the buyer. 「章名」 16 cif terms: under cif terms, besides clause 15 c&f terms of this contract which shall be applied the seller shall be responsible for covering the cargo with relevant insurance with irrespective percentage. 「章名」 17 advice of shipment: within 48 hours immediately after completion of loading of goods on board the vessel the seller shall advise the buyer by cable or telex of the contract number, the name of goods, weight (net/gross) or quantity loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of loading, sailing date and expected time of arrival (eta) at the port of destination. should the buyer be unable to arrange insurance in time owing to the seller‘s failure to give the above mentioned advice of shipment by cable or telex, the seller shall be held responsible for any and all damages and/or losses attributable to such failure. 「章名」 18 shipping documents 18.a the seller shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation of payment: 18.a.1 full set of clean on board, “freight prepaid” for c&f/cif terms or “freight to collect” for fob/fas terms, ocean bills of lading, made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying ___________at the port of destination. 18.a.2 five copies of signed invoice, indicating contract number, l/c number, name of commodity, full specifications, and shipping mark, signed and issued by the beneficiary of letter of credit. 18.a.3 two copies of packing list and/or weight memo with indication of gross and net weight of each package and/or measurements issued by beneficiary of letter of credit. 18.a.4 two copies each of the certificates of quality and quantity or weight issued by the manufacturer and/or a qualified independent surveyor at the loading port and must indicate full specifications of goods conforming to stipulations in letter of credit. 18.a.5 one duplicate copy of the cable or telex advice of shipment as stipulated in clause 17 of the terms of delivery. 18.a.6 a letter attesting that extra copies of abovementioned documents have been dispatched according to the contract. 18.a.7 a letter attesting that the nationality of the carrying vessel has been approved by the buyer. 18.a.8 the relevant insurance policy covering, but not limited to at least 110% of the invoice value against all and war risks if the insurance is covered by the buyer. 18.b any original document(s) made by rephotographic system, automated or computerized system or carbon copies shall not be acceptable unless they are clearly marked as “original.” and certified with signatures in hand writing by authorised officers of the issuing company or corporation. 18.c through bill of lading, stale bill of lading, short form bill of lading, shall not be acceptable. 18.d third party appointed by the beneficiary as shipper shall not be acceptable unless such third party bill of lading is made out to the order of shipper and endorsed to the beneficiary and blank endorsed by the beneficiary. 18.e documents issued earlier than the opening date of letter of credit shall not be acceptable. 18.f in the case of c&f/cif shipments, charter party bill of lading shall not be acceptable unless beneficiary provides one copy each of the charter party, master‘s of mate’s receipt, shipping order and cargo or stowage plan and/or other documents called for in the letter of credit by the buyer. 18.g the seller shall dispatch, in care of the carrying vessel, two copies each of the duplicates of bill of lading. invoice and packing list to the buyer‘s receiving agent, _______________at the port of destination. 18.h immediately after the departure of the carrying vessel, the seller shall airmail one set of the duplicate documents to the buyer and three sets of the same to ______________________________ transportation corporation at the port of destination. 18.i the seller shall assume full responsibility and be liable to the buyer and shall compensate the buyer for all losses arising from going astray of and/or the delay in the dispatch of the above mentioned documents. 18.j banking charges outside the people‘s republic of china shall be for the seller’s account. 「章名」 19 if the goods under this contract are to be dispatched by air, all the terms and conditions of this contract in connection with ocean transportation shall be governed by relevant air terms. 「章名」 20 instruction leaflets on dangerous cargo: for dangerous and/or poisonous cargo, the seller must provide instruction leaflets stating the hazardous or poisonous properties, transportation, storage and handling remarks, as well as precautionary and first-air measures and measures against fire. the seller shall airmail, together with other shipping documents, three copies each of the same to the buyer and___________________ transportation corporation at the port of destination. 「章名」 21 inspection & claims: in case the quality, quantity or weight of the goods be found not in conformity with those as stipulated in this contract upon re-inspection by the china commodity import and export inspection bureau within 60 days after completion of the discharge of the goods at the port of destination or, if goods are shipped in containers, 60 days after the opening of such containers, the buyer shall have the right to request the seller to take back the goods or lodge claims against the seller for compensation for losses upon the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the said bureau, with the exception of those claims for which the insurers or owners of the carrying vessel are liable, all expenses including but not limited to inspection fees, interest, losses arising from the return of the goods or claims shall be borne by the seller. in such a case, the buyer may, if so requested, send a sample of the goods in question to the seller, provided that sampling and sending of such sample is feasible. 「章名」 22 damages: with the exception of late delivery or non-delivery due to “force majeure” causes, if the seller fails to make delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms and conditions, jointly or severally, of this contract, the seller shall be liable to the buyer and indemnify the buyer for all losses, damages, including but not limited to, purchase price and/or purchase price differentials, deadfreight, demurrage, and all consequential direct or indirect losses. the buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the buyer‘s right to claim compensations. 「章名」 23 force majeure: neither the seller or the buyer shall be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery owing to generally recognized “force majeure”causes. however in such a case, the seller shall immediately advise by cable or telex the buyer of the accident and airmail to the buyer within 15 days after the accident, a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authority or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. if the said “force majeure” cause lasts over 60 days, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the whole or the undelivered part of the order for the goods as stipulated in contract. 「章名」 24 arbitration: both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicable negotiation. if a dispute cannot be resolved in this manner to the satisfaction of the seller and the buyer within a reasonable period of time, maximum not exceeding 90 days after the date of the notification of such dispute, the case under dispute shall be submitted to arbitration if the buyer should decide not to take the case to court at a place of jurisdiction that the buyer may deem appropriate. unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, such arbitration shall be held in ________, and shall be governed by the rules and procedures of arbitration stipulated by the foreign trade arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade. the decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. the arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded. 自我介绍范文 | 简短的自我介绍 | 一分钟自我介绍 | 英文自我介绍 基本内容 自我介绍务必讲清下述5-6项内容: 姓名; 爱好、籍贯、学历或业务经历(应注意与公司有关); 专业知识、学术背景(应注意与岗、职有关); 优点、技能(应突出能对公司所作的贡献); 用幽默或警句概括自己的特点可加深他人的印象; 致谢。 运用场合 用于不认识的朋友间的初次见面时。 一般还用于求职的时候使用。 参加公务员考试也需要使用。 学生入学自我介绍。 各种考试也需要使用。 编辑个人档案也需要使用。 演讲或者主持的时候 mrs. ghazala waheed wo abdul waheed, adult, ro house no.***-*, dha, lahore cantt, (hereinafter to as the lessor of the one part). and mr.* ***,ro china, refereed to as the lessee of the other part.(expression “lessor” and “lessee” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their reective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees). whereas the lessor is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of house no,***-*,dha, lahore cantt, consisting of 4 bedrooms with bath, dd,tv; lounge, kitchen, store, servant, quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the demised premises). and whereas the lessor has agreed the lease and the lessee has agreed to take on lease the demised premises on the terms and condition as given below:- agreement in only valid if lessee is renewed and extended for the lease period. 2. the lessor lets lessee takes the demissed premises for a period of 2 months commencing from 5th january xx年,自 年 月____日起至_______年____月____日止。 the tenancy shall be for a term of years,commencing on ______________and expiring on __________________. 4.2 租赁期满,如乙方不再根据此条款续约,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋,乙方应如 期交换出租房屋予甲方。乙方如要求续租,须在本合同期满三个月前向甲方提出书面申请,再由双方另行续租事宜。 on expiry of the tenancy, if party b has not exercised its option to renew this agreement in accordance with this clause,party a has the right to repossess the entire leased property,and party b shall deliver the leased property to the party a provided always that party b shall have the option to renew this agreement upon giving prior written novice to party a of its intention to do so that least three(3) months before the expiration of this agreement. 五、租金: rent 5. 双方谈定的租金为每月____________________人民币,租金包括除水、电、液化气、电话费以外的一切管理费。 the rent for the leased property as agreed to by both parties is rmb___________yuan per month, which rent includes all management fee. 5.2 支付甲方壹个月的租金,应在每个月的第十天以前支付给甲方。 party b pay the rental fee before the tenth day of every calendar one month. 5.3 所有保证金、租金等费用均以人民币通过银行汇入甲方所提供的以下银行账户及户名: 账号:____________________户名:______________开户行:____________________ all payments of security deposit,rent fee,etc heteunder shall be made be made by bank transfer rmb to party a's following account. account no:________________________,user name:_____________bank:___ ________ __ 六、保证金: security deposit: 6. 为确保出租房屋及其设施之安全并完好及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于签订合同 0天内支付给甲方贰个月租金的租赁押金计__________________人民币作为乙方确保合同履行之保证金。乙方搬入后十天内付壹个与租金计______________人民币。 to ensure the protection and good condition of the leased property and the related facilities as well as the prompt payment and settlement of all related charges during the term of tenancy,party b agrees to pay to party a with 0 days when the execution of this agreement a security for party b’s obligations hereunder. when party b move in,party b pay one month’s rental in the amount of___________with 0days. 6.2 除合同另有约定之外,甲方应于租赁期满或此合同提前终止之期且乙方透空、点清并付清所有应付费用后,当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方,如保证金以人民币支付,届时也应以人民币形式退还。 unless otherwise provided in this agreement, party a shall return to party b the entire security deposit without interest thereon upon expiration or soonder detemination of this agreement provide that party b has vzcated the leased property and settled all related charges. if this security deposit was paid in rmb,it shall be returned to party b in the form of rmb. 七、其他费用: other charges: 乙方应承担租赁期内实际使用而产生的水、电、液化气费、电话费并按单自行如期交纳所属管理公司或有关机构。 during the term of tenancy,party b is reonsible for paying the charges in relation to water, electricity, gas,telephone charges on the basis of the amount of such utilities party b uses. such charges shall be paid when due according to the invoice therefore received by party b from the management company or relevant authority every month. 八、甲方的责任: party a’s obligations: 8. 甲方须按时将出租房屋及其家私家具用品与其设施以良好状态交付乙方使用。 party a shall deliver on schedule to party bvacant possession of the leased property including the furniture,furnishing and appliances and the related facilities for party b’s use(furniture,furnishing and appliances to be detailed in appendisl.) 8.2 租赁期内甲方不得收回出租房屋(除非本合同另有规定),甲方保证乙方可不受干扰的享用该物业。 party a shall not repossess the leased property during the term of party a disturb of interfere with party b’s quiet enjoyment of the leased property. 8.3 在乙方遵守本合同的条款及支付租金的前提下,乙方有权于租赁期内拒绝甲方或其他人骚扰而安静享用出租房屋。 proviede that party b pays the rent and performs and observes party b’s terms and conditions in accordavce with this agreement, party b shall be entitled to hold and enjoy the leased property throughout the term of this tenancy without any interruption by party a or any other person. 8.4 租赁期内出租房屋的结构,进出物业的排水、上下管道、电路等处于良好使用状态。 party a agrees to repair and maintain the structure,drains, pipes and cables, g in to or from the leased property at all times in good and tenable repair during the term of this tenancy. 九、乙方的责任: party b’s obligations: 9. 乙方应按合同的规定,按时支付租金,保证金及其他各项应付费用。 party b shall promptly pay all rent ,security deposit and other charges payable by it in accordance with the terms of this agreement. 9.2 乙方应爱护使用出租房屋,如因乙方的过失或过错致使房屋设施及屋内用具和饰品受到损坏(正常损耗除外),乙方应负赔偿责任。 paryt b shall treat the leased property with care. if as a result of party b’s negligence or misconduct, the leased property and the related facilities and accessorties suffer any damage(fair wear and tear excepted ),party b shall be reonsible for compensating party a for such damages. 9.3 乙方应按本合同的约定合法使用出租房屋,不得擅自改变使用性质,不应存放中华人民共和国法律下所禁止的危险物品,如因此发生损害,乙方应承担全部责任。 party b shall use the leased property legally as agreed in this agreement and may not change such use on its own…party b shall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws in the people’s republic of china in the leased property and shall be fully reonsible for any admages of losses as result thereof. 9.4 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租或租给其他的第三者。 without party a’s prior written consent ,party b may not assign the tenancy or sublet the leased property to a third party. 十、违约处理: breach of agreement : 10. 1 甲、乙任何一方如未按本合同的条款履行,构成违约,应承担相应的违约责任。双方同意违约方应赔偿守约方之直接损失人民币____________元。 if either party a or party b fails to perform its obligations hereunder ,it shall constitute a breach of this agreement and the defaulting party shall be liable for the liabilities resulting from such breach. the parties agree that the party in breach shall pay the other party compensation ____________________for the direct loss and damage suffered by the other party as result of such breach . 10.2 乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权终止本合同,收回出租房屋,并且保证金不予返还; party a shall have the right to terminage this agreement ,repossess the leased property and forfeit the security deposit if party b commits one of the following: a.未得甲方书面书面同意,将出租房屋擅自转租; sublets the leased property without party a’s written consent; b.未得甲方同意将出租房擅自拆改结构或改变用途的: alters the structure of the leased property or uses the leased property other than for the purpose started herein without party a’s consent; c.无故拖欠租金超过三天(除双方就本合同存在争议除外)。 fails to pay rent without any reason for more than thirty (30)days after the due date except where there is a diute in reect of this agreement. 十一、适用法律: applicable law: 本合同的成立,其有效性、结实、签署和解决与其他有关的一切纠纷均应受中国法律的管辖并依据中国法律解释。 the formation of this agreement ,its validity,interpretation,executiong and settlement of any diutes arising hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the people’s republic of china. 十二、争议的解决: diute resolution: 凡因执行本合同所产生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;协商不成,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按其仲裁规则和中华人民共和国仲裁法进行仲裁。仲裁解决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。 in the case of diutes arising over this agreement of any matters related hereto ,the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve such such negotiation fails, the parties shall submit the diute to arbitration by the china international economic and trade arbitration commission in accordance with its arbitration rules and the arbitration law of the people’s republic of decision of the arbitration body is final and shall be binding on the parties hereto. 十三、其他 others: 13. 1 本合同如有未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方洽谈解决。 if this agreement it unclear with reect to certain matters, the two parties shall discuss to resolve such ambiguities. 13.2 本合同由中、英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。 this agreement is written both in the chinese and english versions shall be equally authentic. 13.3 本合同经双方签字后立即生效,未经双方同意,不得任意终止或修改,本合同另有约定除外,本合同一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份。 this agreement shall become effective upon the signing thereof by the parties hereto an registration with the relevant and except as provided in this agreement ,this agreement may not bye terminated or amended without the consent of both are two(2) originals of this agreement ,one for party a,one for party b. 本合同于__________年 月_____日签订。 this agreement was signed in __________________on ________________ 甲方: 乙方: partya: partyb: 盖章: 盖章: seal: seal: 地址: 地址: address: address: 电话: 电话: telephone number: telephone number: 传真: 传真: 自我介绍范文 | 简短的自我介绍 | 一分钟自我介绍 | 英文自我介绍 自我介绍是每一个职场中人都必然要经历的一件事情,只不过,有的人一年用不上几次,而有的人则一个星期可能需要做n次。众所周知,自我介绍是日常工作中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段,因此,让自己通过自我介绍或得到对方的认识甚至认可,一种非常重要的职场技术。[1] 步骤目的 无非是“认识——了解——欣赏”三个步骤,但通常情况下,绝大部分的自我介绍只能达到前两个层次,很难达到第三个层次。[1] 比如在招聘面试中的自我介绍,目的是使招聘者明了求职者的三个问题: 你现在是干什么的(应该在共同点中强调不同点); 你将来准备干什么(应力求具体、合理); 你过去干过什么(应保持与将来的一致或连贯性)。 亲爱的xx: 感谢您去年对我们公司的支持。我们非常感谢我们的合作。我们希望明年能继续我们良好的业务关系和互动。 真诚地 给客户的英文推荐信二亲爱的鲍勃(或史密斯先生或鲍勃·史密斯), 感谢您选择xx清洁服务(或您公司的名称)。您的业务受到赞赏,我们很荣幸成为您的新清洁服务(您的服务)提供商(也称为公司)。再次感谢。 推荐人: 日期:xx年xx月xx日 各位游客: 今天我们要去丽江古城游览。我国有两大古城被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,它们分列一南一北,各具特色,北方是山西的平遥古城,南方是云南的丽江古城。丽江古城由大研、白沙、束河三个相对独立的城建单元组成,大研古城是它们的集中代表,所以人们也常常把大研古城叫做丽江古城。从地域来讲,丽江大研古城是一座驰名中外的少数民族高原古城。 [大研古城的位置→历史] 大研古城位于丽江盆地的中心。请看盆地西南角耸立着酷似书天巨笔的文笔峰,丽江盆地则像一方碧玉做成的大砚台,古时“研”和“砚”相通,所以古城就叫大研,难怪人们说丽江文化昌盛是因为丽江钟灵毓秀、地灵人杰。 古城形成于宋末元初,明清以来一直是滇西北商贸中心和连接滇川藏的茶马古道重镇,至今已有800多年历史了。古城面积3.8平方公里,海拔2400米左右,居住着6200余户人家,常住人口约有2.5万多人,其中纳西族人口约占67%。丽江古城在1986年12月8日被国务院公布为国家历史文化名城,1997年12月4日又被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。 [古城选址] 丽江古城除了同苏州古城一样具有“小桥流水人家”的特色外,还在古城选址、街道布局、纳西民居等方面别具一格。古城北靠金虹山,西倚狮子山,东南向着千顷沃野,地势北高南低。这样的位置,冬阻西北寒流,夏送东南暖风,使古城冬暖夏凉,气候舒适宜人,我们身边的玉河水则为古城提供了洁净而充足的水源。可以说,古城的选址是十分科学的。 [水车→照壁→水龙柱] 我们面前的水车,有人说它是子母水车,也有人说它是情人水车。过去古城里就有水车,今天在一些偏远地方也还在使用。它可以用来舂米磨面,如果人住在高处或要灌溉的田地在高处,但水在低处流,还可以用它来提水。 水车旁是写有江题词的照壁,古城里有三房一照壁的民居,那照壁就像这个样子。照壁右侧是水龙柱。龙是管水的,古城里的土木建筑最怕火,但水能克火,所以立了这个水龙柱,以表达古城人民免除火灾的愿望。千百年来,古城人民像爱护自己的眼睛一样爱护古城,也请各位朋友像古城人民一样爱护古城,不乱扔烟头垃圾。 [世界遗产徽记→石刻墙→巴格图] 再看世界文化遗产徽记图案。外圈呈圆形代表地球、代表大自然;正方形内框为两只手合围,代表人类的创造;圆圈和方框内外密切相连,表示人与自然要和谐统一,丽江古城就是人与自然和谐统一的杰作。环绕圆圈的文字,分别是中文、英文、法文的“世界遗产”一词。 右边的这堵石刻墙,采用丹霞地貌区特有的砂岩雕成,是因整治古城外围环境,于1999年建成的景观。这堵巨型浮雕墙,高9米,长55米,名为“丽江古城盛世图”,展现了世界文化遗产丽江古城的白沙古镇、束河古镇、大研古城三个片区的古代日常生活场景。其代表性场景有白沙壁画、束河四方街、大石桥、大研四方街,还刻有东巴象形文字、纳西古乐演奏、男耕女织、古城民居大屋顶,是一幅浓郁的纳西风情画,称得上是丽江的“清明上河图”。 我们脚下是“巴格图”,又叫青蛙八卦图,是纳西先民根据五行学说创造的占卜工具。图案正中爬着一只青蛙,背上似有占卜经文,腹部横穿着一支箭,象征五方五行五色八位。箭杆朝东,象征“木”,木色青;蛙嘴朝南,嘴吐“火”,火色红;蛙腹居中,化为“土”,土色黄;箭头朝西,象征“铁”,铁色白;蛙尾朝北,撒出“水”,水色黑。此外,蛙的左肢指向东南,右肢指向西南,左脚指向东北,右脚指向西北,加上东、南、西、北,象征八方卦位。图案周围标有十二种动物形象,从正东方起的次序是寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌犬、亥猪、子鼠、丑牛。这样,木、火、土、铁、水五行各配公母而得十,然后循环配与十二种动物而得六十序数。民间东巴祭司以青蛙躯体部位象征宇宙空间方位,布局阴阳五行、十天干、十二地支、八方八门,使之形成了特殊的占卜图,用来解释自然界,预测人类生活。巴格图对研究纳西先民的原始宇宙观,乃至对研究八卦起源,都具有重要的参考价值。 [古城布局] 古城的街道和房屋布局,可以说是以水为脉,随势自然。象山脚下的黑龙潭泉水流出千米长的玉河,玉河泉水在这里分为西河、中河、东河,在古城里再分成更多的支流走街过巷,穿墙进院,流遍全城,使丽江古城富有小桥流水人家的审美情趣。古城的街道、房屋随着水势、山势自然伸展,与我国许多古城的方正严整的棋盘式布局迥然不同,更体现出一种“天人合一”的园林之美。以水为脉的布局也告诉我们,如果哪位朋友在古城中迷了路,那么,只要逆流而上就能走出古城,走到入口这里。下面就请大家跟我沿着西河畔的新华街进入古城吧! [五花石街道] 可能有的朋友已注意到我们脚下的铺路石,这叫五花石。古城里铺的都是这种美丽的砂砾石板,经过千百年人马的踩磨,已经相当光滑。这样的街道旱不灰、雨不泥,如果是在阵雨过后进古城,街道被雨水冲刷得干干净净,就像一条五彩斑斓的“花道”伸向远方,简直美不胜收。这种五花石是花岗石的一种,古城里铺的都是这种石头,难怪日本客人说:“你们丽江人真阔气呀!” [小桥→流水→人家] 大家看,我们左边是西河,它流向四方街,流向木府,我们的右边是随着山势而建的纳西民居。这里玉水滢滢,垂柳依依,木桥座座,瓦屋鳞鳞,一幅“小桥流水人家”的景色。据统计,在古城3.8平方公里的范围内就有石拱桥、石板桥、栎木桥365座。丽江古城既是一座水城,也是一座桥城。水,对古城来说,是脉络,是血液,水使古城充满活力,水给古城平添秀色。可以说,没有了水,丽江古城将失去一半的妩媚。 游客们,在这古城里,除了这水给古城带来活力外,还有一个给古城带来活力的方面,那就是居民。直到今天,以纳西族为主的各族人民仍然工作和生活在古城里。他们自然祥和的生活,使古城古风犹存而又生机盎然,因此人们又把丽江古城誉为“活着的古城”。大家随时可以见到纳西大妈们,身着宽腰大袖上衣,腰系百褶围腰,背披七星羊皮,在经商,在娱乐。她们年轻时披星戴月地劳作,现在则老有所为,老有所乐。她们有时在古城中联袂而行,成为与古城十分和谐的一道风景,请各位注意观察。 [四方街] 游客们,现在我们到了四方街。四方街是古城的中心广场,它是由成排连接的铺面围成的一块近似长方形的广场街面,街场占地约有6亩。为什么叫四方街,主要有两种说法:一种说法是因为广场的形状很像方形的知府大印,由土司取名叫四方街,取“权镇四方”之意。也有人说是因为这里的道路通向四面八方,是四面八方的人流、物流集散地,所以叫四方街。四方街为什么这样有名呢?如果说我国北方有一条世界闻名的贸易通道——丝绸之路的话,那么,我国南方也有一条被称为“茶马古道”的贸易通道,它是藏区以及丽江的马匹、毛皮、药材等特产和南方的茶叶、丝绸、珠宝等商品的一条贸易通道,丽江古城是茶马古道上的重镇,而四方街则是这个重镇的贸易中心。 古往今来,白天,这里商贾云集,买卖兴隆,并且自然地归行划市,连周围的几座桥都成了一些商品的专卖地,如科贡坊前的这座桥叫“卖豌豆桥”,西南角的这座桥叫“卖鸭蛋桥”。到了夜晚,特别是节日的夜晚,这里又成了各族儿女的歌坛舞池,人们燃起篝火,在这里对唱山歌,跳起锅庄、阿丽哩、芦笙舞,通宵达旦。如果你巧逢这样的盛会,也会情不自禁地加入到他们的行列中。明代木公土司的诗句“一匝芦笙吹未断、踏歌起舞月明中”,就是这种盛况的真实写照。 也许大家已注意到四方街并不水平,而是向东稍有倾斜,这是为什么呢?四方街就如纳西谚语所说的,是个除了鸡辔头什么都有卖的热闹集市,没几天就会有许多垃圾,古城又没有固定的清洁工,古城人民就根据地势,巧妙地利用西河水自然冲洗街场。做法是:下午集市散了,人们就用三块铺板在街头河上一闸,西河水就漫上河岸流向街场,四周店铺的主人则用棍子乘着水势挑拨,污水流入东河,去灌溉千顷农田。利用河水自流洗街,既干净,又免了扫地之劳,这在我国的城市中恐怕是绝无仅有的。 [科贡坊] 这是科贡坊,原来是为这个小巷里杨家的“一门三举”而建的。丽江在清朝的雍正元年,也就是公元1723年实行“改土归流”,即由原来的土司统治改变为由中央政府委派的有一定任期的流官统治,丽江从此就由封建领主社会进入了封建地主社会。社会制度的变革极大地激发了民间子弟的读书热情,从“改土归流”到清末废除科举180年的时间里,丽江先后出了六十几位举人和七位进士。“一门三举”在文化发达的中原地区不足为奇,可在丽江这样一个长期由土司统治的边疆少数民族地区,却是一桩具有轰动效应的大喜事,于是官府和民众捐资在这里建了一座两层的科贡坊。清朝末年,这个小巷里又出了丽江最后一位进士和庚吉,于是乡亲们在被烧毁后的原址上重建科贡坊,并且升为三层。实际上,从“改土归流”到清末取消科举,光古城就有两家“一门三举”。现在,人口只有三十多万的纳西族,却拥有成百的专家教授;每年的高考录取人数,按人口平均数在省内也一直名列前茅。可以说,纳西族是一个崇尚文化、善于学习的民族。好了,大家可以在四方街活动30分钟,也可以买一些土特产和纪念品,30分钟后在这里集合。下面我们前往“纳西四合院”参观。 [纳西民居→四季博古] 纳西族的善于学习也反映在古城的民居建设上。古城民居在广泛吸收汉、白、藏等民族建筑文化的同时,也把本民族的建筑文化和审美意识融其中,形成了许多具有纳西特色的三房一照壁、四合五天井、前后院、一进两院等等,并在门楼、前廊的设置和天井铺地、门窗隔扇等方面形成了浓郁的地方特色和民族特色。目前,整个丽江古城(包括白沙、束河)的重点保护民居共有140户,而大研古城里就有112户。现在我们就进入“纳西四合院”参观。这是四合五天井,四合就是东南西北四方房屋,每相邻两房之间有一个小天井,加上中间的大天井共有五个天井,所以叫四合五天井。这四方房屋的楼上楼下都是相通的,所以又叫“走马转角楼”。大家看,这四方房屋的前檐柱下都垫有很高的五花石柱础,既保护了柱脚,又很美观,却不利于房屋的防震抗震,而丽江可是一个多地震区啊!主人难道不懂得这一点吗?大家说呢?原来,这种“走马转角楼”有一个特点,就是相邻两房有一棵前檐柱是共用的,两房的山架斗在同一棵柱子上,建筑上称之为“同梁合柱”。这种结构,不仅省了一棵柱子,还使房屋间的连接更加牢固,具有良好的抗震性能,所以主人才用那么高的柱础。 如果问这个四合院里哪一部分最富有纳西特色,那就是堂屋的六合门和六合门上的窗芯——“四季博古”。虽说这些也是学习汉族、白族文化的结果,但是到了现在,已没有哪一个民族像纳西族这样居家必有六合门,必有四季博古。这六合门,可装可卸,方便灵活,开则为门,关则为窗,平时只开中间两扇,遇有红白二事、客人较多时,六扇门均可卸下来。所雕的窗芯称为四季博古,构图内容多为四季花卉、博古器物,以寄托纳西人民四季吉祥、福禄寿禧、耕读传家的美好意愿。大家看,这叫“松鹤同春”,寓“春”和“寿”;这是“喜鹊争梅”,寓“冬”和“禧”;这是“鹰立菊丛”,寓“秋”和“福”;这是“鹭鸶采莲”,寓“夏”和“禄”;这是“孔雀玉兰”、“锦鸡牡丹”,请大家展开联想,看看它们有何寓意。 [丽江紫禁城“木府”] 现在我们就顺着木府的护城河前往木府。姓木的土司曾统治丽江四百多年,在占尽天时地利的狮子山麓,营造了规模宏大的土司府衙,被人们称为木府,护城河从北、东、南三面环绕着木府。大家会说,这也算护城河吗?原来护城河是又宽又深的,“改土归流”后,随着土司势力的衰落,护城河就越来越小了。 丽江古城还有一奇,那就是古城没有城墙,这是为什么呢?请大家回答。我来提示一下:土司姓木,而且历代土司热心于学习汉文化,也讲究文字避讳,请大家从汉字上去考虑。对了,木家居住的地方如果筑了城墙,就如同“木”字加了个框,成了“困”字,这当然不行。还有别的什么原因,就请大家见仁见智,议论一番吧! 木府快到了,我们面前的这座木牌坊上写着什么?“天雨流芳”,对。这“天雨流芳”四个字,原是明代的木公土司写的,后来散佚,现在我们看到的,是纳西族书法家、云南省书法家协会主席李群杰先生补书的。这四个字,既可以用汉语解释,同时它又是一句纳西话。用汉语可解释为“皇恩浩荡像春雨一样滋润着神州大地”;在纳西语里,“天雨流芳”是“去看书吧”的意思,真可谓一语双意,别出心裁。 木府到了。据说木府是仿照北京紫禁城建造的,这种僭越本分的做法,在等级森严的古代是决不允许的,因此,木氏土司从不让外人进去,连徐霞客也不例外。徐霞客受木增土司的邀请,在1639年明朝末期来到丽江,远望着楼阁巍峨的木府,在他的《徐霞客游记》里写下了“宫室之丽、拟于王者”的感叹,这句话已写在东边的照壁上。 这座石拱桥形似马鞍,叫金鞍桥,又叫玉带桥。这座桥之特殊在于它的长宽之比,一般的石拱桥,长比宽要长,这座桥则不然,它长仅3米,宽却达9.6米,这是为什么呢?原来木氏土司出巡或者回府,总是八抬大轿以示显赫威严,桥太窄当然不行,还同时考虑到这桥与高大的忠义坊之间的呼应协调。 木氏土司对中央政府忠心耿耿,上贡不断,特别是明朝万历年间,据说木增土司曾用马帮驮着万两金银,万里迢迢到京城进贡,明神宗大受感动,钦赐“忠义”二字,并下圣旨建这忠义石牌坊。土司对朝廷的忠义还可以从木府大门的对联上看出来,“凤诏每来红日近,鹤书不到白云闲”。这副对联来自木泰土司所写的纳西族第一首汉文诗《两关使节》,意思是皇帝的诏书一来,就好像离太阳更近了,感到十分温暖;如果好久没接到朝廷的文书,那么,就觉得天上的白云都懒散了。请大家进木府参观。 [仁寿桥→大石桥→阿溢璨] 现在我们前往百岁坊、大石桥、阿溢璨游览。大家看,在临街的房屋中,有的不是正面朝街,而是山墙一面朝街,对这一点,与梁思成齐名的我国著名建筑学家刘敦桢教授1938年来丽江考察时曾给予很高的评价。请大家想一想山面朝街的优点。由于中式建筑不太高大,屋坡又长,如果正面朝街则采光不足,所以山面朝街的优点是采光好。 仁寿桥到了。这是中河,这里本来只有栎木桥,清朝后期这个巷道里一户纳西人家出现过一位长寿老人,叫年世光,他活了108岁,一时传为佳话。于是,官府和街坊捐银建了这座仁寿桥,又叫百岁坊桥,并在东边五六十米处建过一座木制的百岁坊,这个巷道也就叫百岁坊了。 现在我们到了大石桥。这座桥建于明代,已有五六百年的历史。它是古城中最大的石拱桥,是古城的东、西两个部分的交通要道。“大石桥”名符其实,它又是四方街集市的延伸,曾经是麻布的专卖地,所以又叫卖麻布桥。 游到这里,大家对古城可算是一饱眼福啦。如果大家还想一饱口福的话,可别忘了抽个时间到附近的街巷里品尝丽江粑粑和鸡豆凉粉,它们可是丽江最著名的风味小吃。您既可以来个丽江粑粑酥油茶,或者来一个丽江粑粑鸡豆凉粉,这鸡豆凉粉还可以趁热蘸粑粑,也可以凉拌了吃。不论哪种吃法,都能让你余香满口,回味不已。 现在我们前往阿溢璨。丽江古城开始是由中河两岸的若干村落发展、连接而成,阿溢璨是最早的村落之一。我们面前的泉水井叫阿溢璨水井,井水甘冽纯净,据说还有养颜益寿的功效。井旁的碗是为方便行人喝水而放置的,由此也可以看出丽江民风之淳朴。在过去,古城里有乡规民约,晚上十点前后到第二天的早上十点前后,是居民到河里打饮用水的时间,任何人不得在河里浣洗或扔垃圾。假如过了这段时间还要打饮用水,就要到散布在古城中的单眼泉水井或三眼井里去打,这就保证了古城居民的生活用水。 [大研古乐会→东巴宫] 我们左边东大街有著名的大研古乐会和东巴宫,他们的古乐演奏各有特色。丽江目前有十几支这样的古乐队活跃在城乡。这里演奏的古乐分为“白沙细乐”和“丽江洞经音乐”两个部分。“白沙细乐”是土生土长的纳西音乐,是我国四大古乐之一,有笃、一封书、三思吉等调子,曲调舒缓深沉,缠绵悱恻。“丽江洞经音乐”原来是宫廷和道教音乐,有一江风、山坡羊、水龙吟等曲牌,由于丽江特殊的地理位置和纳西人民对古乐的钟爱,许多在中原地区已经失传的曲牌,却在云岭深处的丽江保存了下来。经过在丽江几百年的流传,已具有比较浓郁的纳西韵味,所以叫“丽江洞经音乐”。纳西古乐的演奏以“三古”著称于世。哪三古呢?古乐曲、古乐器、古稀老人。在古乐演奏中,除了传统的笛子、云锣、古筝等等以外,还有波伯、苏古笃等在外地难得一见的古乐器,加上演奏者多是白髯飘飘的耄耋老人。在古色古香的氛围里聆听古乐,会觉得古风拂面,超凡脱俗,油然而生“此曲只应天上有、人间哪得几回闻”的感觉,从而起到陶冶情操、净化灵魂的作用。今晚我们要去聆听纳西古乐,到时候再作详细介绍。 过去,这附近有许多客栈,有的专门接待茶马古道上往来的藏族马帮。有马帮就得有草料,我们面前的这块空地叫卖草场,这里既卖骡马的草料,也卖编草席草鞋的稻草、山草等等。这条街上有好几家土特产和木雕商店,欢迎大家参观选购。 现在我们已走到了东河边。大家还可顺道去东大街参观“金钥匙文化宫”与“和志刚书斋”。 [金钥匙文化宫] 在古城东大街“金钥匙文化宫”内挂着一把巨型钥匙,它是20__年为丽江古城列入世界文化遗产5周年而做的,纯铜打制,高20__毫米,宽716毫米,厚72毫米,重800余斤,象征着丽江古城800多年的历史。钥匙手柄正面刻有世界文化遗产标识,标识右下刻有金钥匙的纳西象形文字,左有音译“涵紫谷”字样,再往下是纳西族东巴祭司头上戴的五幅冠示意图案,也是暗喻丽江古城曲折的街道水系。驮载巨型钥匙的神龟象征健康长寿,显得稳重如山,也象征“涵紫谷”这一纳西文化的厚重和悠远。 “丽江金钥匙”是由丽江嘉和有限公司于20__年8月8日投资260万元开发研制,并获国家专利的丽江标志性旅游纪念品。目前投放市场的金钥匙,已有纯金、纯铜、纯银、铜合金、银渡金等不同质地、不同规格、不同包装的二十多种产品。近年来,丽江嘉和公司还把“金钥匙”作为一种对人的夸奖和评价,奖给那些能干的人和长寿的人。 [和志刚书斋] 和志刚是纳西族残疾人书法家,被誉为口书奇才。他的口书作品笔墨浑厚酣畅,独具“雄鹰折翅、志在蓝天”的风格。和志刚于1968年出生在丽江白沙古镇一户纳西农家,11岁时不慎触电,导致双臂高位截肢,但他人如其名,志坚毅刚,投入多于常人数倍的努力读完高中,同时用常人难以想象的毅力苦练书法,用嘴咬住笔杆,练出一“口”好书法。和志刚于20__年荣获“中国第十四届全国十大杰出青年”称号,位于古城东大街的“和志刚书斋”也被列为丽江市青少年教育基地。 [世界遗产丽江古城标志碑] 这座标志碑的整体造型以纳西族东巴文的“人”字为基础,碑上嵌着世界遗产徽记和纳西族神话传说中人类始祖的造像,突出“以人为本、创造历史”的寓意,体现“各族儿女与山河日月同辉”的主题。东巴经《崇搬图》中说,经过洪水浩劫之后,世间仅有崇忍利恩一人存活下来,后来他与天界仙女衬红褒白成婚,并从天上带着谷种、牛马,来到丽江过上农耕生活。衬红褒白生了三个儿子,长子说的是藏族话,次子说纳西话,三子说白族话,他们分别成了藏族、纳西族、白族的祖先。 游客们,今天我们跨过了古城的西河、中河、东河,不,我们跨过了上千年的时间隧道,从“清明上河图”中走了出来,即将汇入现代都市的车水马龙,希望丽江古城的小桥流水美景和丰富的民族文化给大家留下美好的记忆,也感谢大家对我工作的支持,谢谢大家。 丽江导游词4 丽江古城位于中国西南部云南省的丽江市,丽江古城又名大研镇,坐落在丽江坝中部,与同为第二批国家历史文化名城的四川阆中、山西平遥、安徽歙县并称为“保存最为完好的四大古城”大研古城是一座没有城墙的古城,光滑洁净的青石板路、完全手工建造的土木结构的房屋、无处不在的小桥流水。大研古城是一座具有浓烈人文气息的小城,明亮的阳光下,总会有步履缓慢的上了年纪的纳西老人悠闲地踱步,他们身着藏满历史的靛蓝色衣服,头戴红军时期的八角帽,对眼前身后猎奇的目光视而不见、不屑一顾。 丽江古城内的街道依山傍水修建,铺的大多都是红色角砾岩,雨季不会泥泞、旱季也不会飞灰,石上花纹图案自然雅致,与整个古城环境相得益彰。位于古城中心的四方街是丽江古城的中心,位于古城与新城交界处的大水车是丽江古城的标志,古城大水车旁有一块大屏幕,每日播放的歌曲即是古城最受欢迎最有特色的歌曲,其中《纳西净地》是较为出名的歌曲之一。关于英文会议纪要范文二
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