- 时间:2023-01-03 19:22:55
- 小编:ZTFB
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project(项目学习)的根据宗旨是learn by doing“做中学”。通过阅读课本所提供的素材,使学生了解有关交通事故起因以及如何避免交通事故的措施,为写作做准备。写作由小组合作完成,组长明确每个成员的工作,教师提供适当的写作辅导,并鼓励各组将自己认为独特的经验加入到写作中,最后各组由一名成员展示成果,稍加评点。
teaching aims:
after this period learning, the students will be able to:
1. learn how to protect themselves from dangers on the roads;
2. write an action plan.
teaching procedures:
step 1 lead-in
1. show some pictures of traffic accidents and get students to know some statistics. (ppt 4-5)
how many people die in crashes on the worlds roads every year?
(1.3 million dead; a further 50 million injured)
in china, in , how many people died in traffic accidents and how many got wounded? (67,759 dead; 275,125 wounded)
in the first half of , how many people were killed and how many injured?
(27,270 dead; 116,982 injured)
2. watch a video clip and think what caused the traffic accident. (drunk driving) (ppt 6)
3. show some pictures of senses of traffic accidents to show that besides drivers, cyclists and pedestrians also are responsible for road accidents. therefore, we all should raise our awareness of road safety. (ppt 7)
step 2 reading
1. read the passage and answer some questions. (ppt 8-9)
1) for what purpose is the notice written? why?
2) what are some major causes of road accidents related to drivers, cyclists and pedestrians?
encourage students to find more causes of accidents.
2. read again and complete the following notes: (ppt 10-13)
in order to prevent accidents,
drivers should …
cyclists should …
pedestrians should …
encourage students to find more ways to avoid accidents.
step 3 writing an action plan
1. planning (ppt 14 +worksheet)
1) pide students into groups of 4, assigning one of them group leader.
2) the leader assigns different jobs to each member.
2. brainstorming (ppt 15+worksheet)
1) discuss what students could do to help prevent traffic accidents. encourage students to find new ideas.
2) show students how certain sentence patterns to put these items into their action plan.
3) tick the items which can be included in the action plan.
3. writing (ppt 16 +worksheet)
1) give a brief guide how to arrange this action plan. give some expressions if needed.
2) write the action plan on the worksheet.
3) have it proofread.
4. presenting
one member of each group presents their action plan in class. others make brief comments and choose which one is the best.
写作由“brainstorming”开始,指导学生用课文材料中的素材用于写作,并鼓励学生根据自己的经验增加idea。指导学生如何将这些idea用于写作中,给一两个句式以帮助。接着对action plan作简单的结构介绍,并帮助学生搭好简单的框架,其余的由学生小组合作完成。写作部分注意worksheet的同步使用。
worksheet unit 4 module 7 projectgroup _____
group leader _______ note-making ___________ writing ________ presenting _________
i. group discussion:
what could students do to help prevent traffic accidents?
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
ii. tick the items which can be included in the action plan.
iii. write the action plan.
how students prevent themselves from danger on the road?
m6unit 2 project
ⅱ. writer is old. he says ‘when i was young’,implying that he is not young any more.
days at school were the happiest of his life.
3.a teenager. because in para3, the writer says ‘i will also be happy because i will be an adult then. ’
adult can make his or her own decisions and do things he or she enjoys. he or she can have a job that he or she likes and finds happiness in being successful at it. teenagers have to work hard at school and should always be doing or learning things, so they don’t have time to relax.
iii. in a rush ;will have learned; affect; guarantee good health and happiness;
assist us with; the maximum amount of time; successful in my job and surrounded by;.
iv. teenagers; ahead motivation;; worries; imagination; freedom; independently; secure; easily . aches;
1.本可能……但没有; 一定已做了某事; 本应该…但没有; 本没必要做…但…;
本不应该做…但做了; 本可能……但没有; 本不可能……但;b, d
2. 将来完成时;by the end of, will have planted; a
3. 想象, 猜想, 推测, 认为, 相信; 及物动词;you can imagine the situation there;i cant imagine his eating up the bread;你能想象眼睛看不见的感觉吗?b
形容词作宾语补足语; 名词; 形容词;分词;不定式;介宾短语
4.简单句; 回顾;回首,回忆;
i like to look back on my high-school days, which were the happiest in my life.
四下张望; 向前看; 往里看 / 调查;看不起、轻视;轻视,尊敬; 浏览,检查,通过…看;检查
看起来像;look out; look up; look down; look up and down; look for; look after
5. 简单句; 两个, the maximam amount of time 和the minimum amount of time; 名词;
陪伴/同行/ 做伴;in ~ with 陪伴某人; keep sb ~ 给某人做伴,陪伴某人;in the ~ of 在…的陪伴下; 同伴/公司; accompany .
i’ll stay here and keep you company.
he accompanied her friend to the concert.
’s hard to imagine what it would be like to live on a deserted island.
2.i’m so hot. i feel like going swimming.
i look back on my days in the countryside, i always think of the friendliness and kindness of the local people.
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