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西双版纳热带植物园讲解词 云南西双版纳热带植物园导游解说词篇一
hello everyone!
today we will visit xishuangbanna tropical botanical garden, chineseacademy of sciences.
xishuangbanna scenic spot is located in xishuangbanna dai autonomousprefecture in the south of yunnan province, 740 km away from kunming. the scenicarea includes jinghong scenic area, menghai scenic area and mengla scenic are several scenic spots in each area, including 19 scenic spots and morethan 800 scenic spots, with a total area of 1202.13 square kilometers. there aremany kinds of animal and plant resources in this area, which is called animaland plant kingdom. among them, many rare, ancient, peculiar and endangeredanimals and plants are unique to xishuangbanna, which has aroused great interestof tourists and researchers at home and abroad. the landscape is characterizedby rich and charming tropical and subtropical rain forests, seasonal rainforests, valley rain forests, rare animals, colorful ethnic cultures andcustoms. with unique landscape and high popularity, it was approved as the firstbatch of national key scenic spots by the state council in 1982.
xishuangbanna dai autonomous prefecture is located in the southernmost partof yunnan province, between 21 ° 08 ′ ~ 22 ° 36 ′ n and 99 ° 56 ′ ~ 101 ° 50 ′e. it is the transition zone from asian continent to southeast asia peninsula tothe south of tropic of cancer. with a total area of 19184.45 square kilometersand a population of 796000, the prefecture governs jinghong city and menghai andmengla counties. there are more than ten ethnic groups living here, includingdai, hani, bulang, jinuo, lahu, wa and yao. among them, dai accounts for onethird, han accounts for one third, and other ethnic groups account for onethird. bordering on laos and myanmar, the border line is 1069 km long.
xishuangbanna is about 700 kilometers away from kunming, the provincialcapital. it can be reached by car in two days or one day and night. bannaairport can take off and land "boeing 737" aircraft. there are direct flightsfrom kunming to xishuangbanna every day. the flight time is about 50 minutes. inaddition, there are direct charter flights from chengdu, chongqing, bangkok andother cities to xishuangbanna. within the territory of the highway in alldirections, very convenient. xishuangbanna is the name of xishuangbanna. in1570, xuanweisi (the highest local chief executive) pided the jurisdictioninto 12 "banna" (dai "12"? "xishuang" and "banna"? one thousand mu, that is, onebanna? one unit collecting taxes and servitudes). from then on, the dai name ofxishuangbanna came into being.
xishuangbanna is one of the 44 national key scenic spots, with more than 3million mu of nature reserves, of which 700000 mu are well protected primevalforests, accounting for nearly 60% of the total area of the prefecture. greenmountains and green waters are everywhere, and it is famous for its beauty andrichness.
there are more than 20000 kinds of plants in xishuangbanna, including 5000tropical plants, 10000 edible plants, 50 kinds of wild fruits and 40 kinds offast-growing precious timber trees. many plants are precious materials or havespecial uses, such as anti-cancer drugs meidengmu and jialan; anti hypertensionluofu; stomach worm betel nut; fengchunan seed oil is a special lubricant fortanks, automobile engines and oil drilling in alpine regions; tung oil canreplace diesel oil; yilanxiang, known as the "king of flowers", can be made intohigh-grade spices; there are ancient tea trees more than 1700 years ago, natural"water pots" and "umbrellas", grass that can smell music and dance and eatmosquitoes.
the vast dense forest provides an ideal habitat for all kinds of wildanimals. at present, there are 429 species of birds, accounting for 2 / 3 of thetotal number of birds in china, and 67 species of mammals, accounting for 16% ofthe total number of mammals in china. xishuangbanna has many kinds of birds andbeasts, which can not be compared with other places in china. among them, asianelephant, vulture, indosinian tiger, leopard and so on are listed as worldprotected animals; there are 13 species of national first-class protectedanimals, such as bison, antelope, lazy monkey, and many second and third classprotected animals.
xishuangbanna is also rich in rubber, which is the second largest rubberarea in china, with the highest yield per unit area of rubber in china. it isalso rich in rice, a variety of tropical fruits, amomum villosum and otherprecious medicinal materials, which is worthy of the name of "plant kingdom","animal kingdom", "green kingdom" and "southern medicine kingdom".
when traveling to banna, sometimes you can see beautiful peacocks, silverpheasants and rhinoceros flying in the forest; sometimes you can see elephantswalking on the road; sometimes you can see antelopes, wild deer and rabbitsrunning it's a wonderful sight and fun that can't be imagined in otherplaces!
xishuangbanna has a tropical rainforest climate with abundant sunshine andrainfall. the year is pided into dry season and wet season, and the annualaverage temperature is 21 ℃. the dry season is from november to april and thewarm season is from may to october. there is no frost or snow all year annual fog days are 108-146 days. the extreme maximum temperature is 41.1 ℃and the extreme minimum temperature is 2.7 ℃ in jinghong area, which is suitablefor tourism all the year round. the dai nationality has a long history and hascreated a splendid culture in its long life. it is especially famous for itscalendar, dai language and colorful folk literature and art. as early as morethan 1000 years ago, the ancestors of the dai nationality wrote many beautifuland moving myths, fables, novels and poems on beiye and mian paper. there aremore than 550 long poems written in dai language alone. zhao shutun and nanmunuona and hulu xin are his representative works, which have been adapted intofilms and plays and are deeply loved by the masses.
dai dance has a high artistic level and distinctive nationalcharacteristics. its movements are mostly analogies and beautification of animalbehavior, such as the popular "peacock dance" and "elephant foot dance". themusic of dai nationality is pleasant to the ear. besides dance accompaniment, itis often combined with poetry. sculpture and painting also have distinctcharacteristics. the dai people believe in theravada buddhism, and pagodas andtemples can be seen everywhere in dai areas. bamboo house is the most typicalexisting dry column building in china. it is elegant and cool to live in.
dai men have the custom of tattooing, which means they are brave andbeautiful, and can also attract the love of the opposite sex. tourist souvenirswith special features include: dai bag, dai brocade (embroidered nianshan,pillow, skirt), ceramic water pot, bamboo lunch box, silver belt, tube bar,various ethnic costumes, flower bag, embroidered waist bag, wood carving, goosestone craft, etc. as for the unique dai cuisine, every tourist has to taste ll, you must not forget to buy a few boxes of red beans (also known asacacia son) to go back to your wife, lover or friend, it is the most specialsignificance and romantic gift ah! so the ancients have long had a poem: "redbeans born in the south, spring to send a few branches, i hope you pick more,this thing is the most acacia."
famous scenic spots include: jinghong, manfeilong pagoda, lancang river,mange buddhist temple, manjinglan tourist village, yilan resort, menglunbotanical garden, ethnic customs garden, tropical crops research institute, daicuisine, dai garden, jinghong primeval forest park, hongqi reservoir, daluoprimeval forest park, animal wonders, plant wonders, tropical rain forest, daiwater splashing festival.
西双版纳热带植物园讲解词 云南西双版纳热带植物园导游解说词篇二
dear friends
hello everyone!
today we will visit xishuangbanna tropical botanical garden, chineseacademy of sciences.
xishuangbanna tropical botanical garden is one of the first 4a scenic spotsand a national popular science education base. it is located in menglun town,mengla county, 70 kilometers away from jinghong, so it is also called menglunbotanical garden. the garden was founded on january 1, 1995 under the leadershipof professor cai xitao, a famous botanist in china. it is located on an islandshaped like a gourd, covering an area of 900 hectares. it is the largestbotanical garden with the richest plant persity in china. there are 35 specialparks in the park, with more than 10000 kinds of tropical plants at home andabroad, as well as tropical rainforest wonders such as "stand alone forest" and"sky garden".
today, our first stop is the national tree and national garden. as we allknow, almost every country has its own national tree and national flower, whichnot only represents the love of human beings for nature, but also reflects theaesthetic and values of a nation. it is a symbol of a country and a nation.
built in 1999, guoshuguo garden covers an area of 20 mu, with 165 tropicalplants and 55 national trees and flowers from 66 countries. such as myanmarnational flower dragon boat flower, laos national flower egg flower, libyanational flower pomegranate flower, madagascar national flower phoenix flower,etc. all kinds of national trees and flowers gather together to compete.
after visiting the national tree garden, we came to the famous tree famous tree garden covers an area of 55 mu and collects 343 tropical the park, there is a stone group sculpture named "shuhaixing" commemoratingthe founder professor cai xitao and famous trees planted by dozens of leadersand international celebrities. there are acacia trees, hercules trees planted byli peng, banyan trees planted by li ruihuan, and wangtian trees planted byprince philip, the president of wwf.
there are also many exotic flowers and trees collected in the famous treegarden. please see, this is dracaena dracaena, which can extract "bloodactivating medicine"; this peacock like tree is a traveler's banana, which iscalled "life saving tree"; this is the most poisonous plant in the world, whichis called arrow poison tree; this is a golden banyan with different colors; hereis the oldest iron tree in xishuangbanna, the king of iron trees for thousandsof years; a friend asked, what are those trumpet like flowers? yes, they aremandala. mandala flower originated in india. it is said that mandala flower isrelated to buddhism. it is one of the "five trees and six flowers" in buddhism, mandala flower is the appropriate meaning, which contains thespirit of transcendent consciousness. these exotic flowers and trees form acolorful plant world.
now we come to the arboretum, where there are the first-class protectedplant wangtian tree and the ancient relict gymnosperms, cycas.
next, we came to the banyan garden. there are more than 800 kinds of banyanknown all over the world, mainly distributed in tropical areas. there are about100 species of banyan plants in china, including 67 species in yunnan and 44species in xishuangbanna. in this 15 mu banyan garden, 103 species of banyanplants are collected. banyan trees are up to 30 meters high, and their branchesand leaves can stretch infinitely in all directions. their pillars and branchesare intertwined to form tropical rain the unique landscape of the forest is"stand alone to form a forest".
banyan is rich in vitamins, minerals, cellulose and bittern, which helppeople digest. in the past, it was the wild food of some local people. besidesedible, banyan also has medicinal value. the roots, bark and leaves of manybanyan trees can be used to treat diseases. some banyan trees are also regardedas sacred trees and buddha trees by local people, forming a unique nationalbanyan culture.
next, let's take a look at the palm garden. palm garden covers an area of114 mu and collects more than 400 kinds of palm plants. it is the largestcollection and cultivation site of palm plants in china. because of itsbeautiful shape, palm is known as "princess of the plant kingdom", and is animportant symbol of tropical plants.
connected with the palm garden is the "aquatic botanical garden", whichcovers an area of 18 mu. a total of 115 tropical aquatic plants are collected,among which wang lian and water lily are the most attractive. the water lily isvery beautiful. in ancient egypt, people called it the "sacred flower". in indiaand thailand, it was regarded as the national flower. in xishuangbanna, peoplecalled it the "goddess of water", symbolizing the pure heart.
after visiting the aquatic botanical garden, now we come to the exoticflowers and trees garden. the garden covers an area of 10 mu, with 243 kinds ofexotic flowers and trees. there are old stemmed flowers, carefree fruit, giantflower aristolochia, cat whisker grass and the lightest wood in the world.
look, this is the plant dancer, dancing grass. dancing grass is anendangered plant, also known as love grass. it is like a tree, not a tree, not agrass. if you play lyric music, it will gently shake its posture with the you play disorderly music, it will not move, as if to express itsdissatisfaction. there are also some interesting parks, such as hundred fruitgarden, hundred grass garden, shade plant garden and national forest culturegarden, for you to enjoy.
dear friends, today's journey is coming to an end. in today's talk, i did alot of things that were not in place. thank you for your understanding andsupport. i hope you will have a happy journey next.
now we come to the arboretum, which was built in 1959 and covers an area of36 mu. up to now, 565 species have been collected. in the arboretum, there arewangtianshu, a first-class protected plant in china, and cycas, an ancientrelict gymnosperm.
there are both flowers and fruits. xishuangbanna hundred orchards cover anarea of 75 mu. after planning and construction in 1997 and 1998, they have beenbuilt into a popular science garden. there are 72 kinds and 242 varieties offruit trees, such as "king of drinks" passion fruit, west indian cherry withhigh vitamin c, etc. next, let's go to baizhu garden. there are 274 kinds ofbamboo plants introduced and cultivated in baizhu garden. there are manyprecious bamboos in the garden, such as giant dragon bamboo, buddha belly bambooand so on.
西双版纳热带植物园讲解词 云南西双版纳热带植物园导游解说词篇三
dear friends
hello everyone!
today we will visit xishuangbanna tropical botanical garden, chineseacademy of sciences.
xishuangbanna tropical botanical garden is one of the first batch of 4ascenic spots and national popular science education base. it is located inmenglun town, mengla county, 70 kilometers away from jinghong, so it is alsocalled menglun botanical garden. the botanical garden is located on the gourdshaped island of the luosuo river, a tributary of the lancang mekong river. thegarden was founded on january 1, 1959 under the leadership of professor caixitao, a famous botanist in china. covering an area of 900 hectares, the islandis the largest botanical garden with the richest plant persity in china. thereare 35 special parks with unique scientific connotation, including more than10000 tropical plants from home and abroad. there are such tropical rainforestwonders as flowering iron tree, dancing grass, single tree forest and skygarden. we will learn a lot about botany here.
the first stop of our tour is the national tree garden. as we all know,almost every country in the world has its own national tree and national flower,which is not only the cultural tradition, aesthetics and values of a nation, butalso the symbol of a country and a nation. the national tree and national gardencovers an area of 20 mu, and 165 tropical plants are introduced and national tree national garden was built in 1999. the garden is designedaccording to the national tree and national flower of six continents in theworld. it is pided into six collection areas, with roads as the piding lineof each area. there are 55 kinds of national trees and flowers from 66 countriesin the park. for example, the national flower of laos - plumeria, the nationalflower of madagascar - phoenix, the national flower of belgium - rhododendron,etc.
after visiting the national tree garden, we came to the famous tree ng an area of 55 mu, 343 tropical plants are collected and displayed. inthe park, there are "xiyuanpu" which shows the history of the botanical garden,a stone group sculpture named shuhaixing, which commemorates the founderprofessor cai xitao, and famous trees planted by dozens of internationalcelebrities. there are acacia with heart-shaped seeds planted by jiang, herculeswith extremely hard and heavy material planted by li peng, and wangtian treeplanted by prince philip of england. a variety of exotic flowers and trees werealso collected in the famous tree garden, including the cambodian dragon bloodtree discovered and planted by professor cai xitao, which can extract the "holymedicine for promoting blood circulation" - draconis draconis; the peacock liketree is called "life-saving tree" traveler banana; the most poisonous plant inthe world, the arrow poison tree, which is called "sealing the throat withblood"; the golden banyan with different leaf shapes and colorful flowers; andthe flower garden; there are xishuangbanna's oldest tieshu, the dioeciousmillennium tieshu king, and datura stramonium, which is similar to the invertedtrumpet flower. the name of datura stramonium is transliterated from e it can relax muscles and inhibit the secretion of sweat glands, theancients named it "" as one of the "five trees and six flowers" in buddhism.
now we are visiting rongshuyuan. banyan is the general name of the genusficus in moraceae. it is famous for its peculiar shape, luxuriant branches andleaves, and huge crown. the aerial roots growing on the branches go down intothe soil to form new trunks, which are called "pillar roots". banyan trees areup to 30 meters high and can stretch infinitely in all directions. among them,the pillar roots and branches interweave to form a "single tree into a forest".there are more than 800 known banyan trees in the world, mainly distributed intropical areas, especially in tropical rainforests. there are about 100 speciesof ficus in china, including 67 species in yunnan and 44 species inxishuangbanna. 103 species of ficus were collected in this 15 mu garden. somebanyan trees also form the phenomenon of tree tower, single tree into forest,strangulation, and other important landscape features of tropical rain forest,such as plate root, pillar root, old stem bearing, hanging garden and so on.
banyan trees used to be an important source of wild food for some localpeople. banyan trees, which are used as vegetables in xishuangbanna, are rich invitamins, minerals, cellulose and bittern, which help people digest. in additionto edible, banyan is also an important national medicinal plant. in banyan,there are nine kinds of plant roots, bark, leaves and pulp, which can be used totreat a variety of diseases. some banyan trees are also regarded as sacred treesand buddha trees by local people. because many banyan trees have developedcrown, dense shade, has always been the traditional garden plants.
like banyan, palm is also a huge family. palm plants here are various andcharming. because of its beautiful tree shape, it is known as "princess in theplant kingdom" and an important symbol of tropical plants. the palm gardencovers an area of 114 mu and collects more than 400 kinds of palmaceae is the largest collection and cultivation base of palmaceae plants in garden not only preserves hainan's protected plants qiong palm, yunnan'sdong palm, long palm, etc., but also collects and preserves the palm fruit snakepeel, which originated from malay peninsula to java.
next, we will visit the exotic garden with dancing grass. the garden coversan area of 10 mu. there are so many exotic flowers and trees, as many as 243kinds. there are old stem biochemical plants, such as carefree flower andmunaiguo, stem expanding stem observation plant, wine bottle brown, tuberousroot and tuberous expanding plant, south yunnan snow gall and mountain turtle,flower like cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of catwhisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of catwhisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of catwhisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of catwhisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker of cat whisker. now infront of you is the plant dancer - dancing grass. dancing grass is a kind ofrare plant on the verge of extinction. it's not like a tree, it's like grass,it's not grass, its ability to respond to the outside world is amazing. if youplay a beautiful lyric music, it will be like a woman in yuli, stretching hersleeves and dancing. if it plays disorderly, strange tunes of songs or loudnoise, it will not move or turn, it seems to be disgusted.
dear friends, our tour is coming to an end. today's short tour, i hope youcan knock on the door of the plant kingdom. may the journey of xishuangbannatropical botanical garden leave you a good memory.
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