
英文简历SendingResumes如何写 英语resume个人简历(9篇)

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英文简历SendingResumes如何写 英语resume个人简历(9篇)
2022-12-29 14:25:41    小编:ZTFB




casey a. hadley

3990 farnum road

new york, ny 10016

phone: 212-345-8654

email id:@


to secure an entry level position in an organization where my skills and expertise are utilized in a way that helps both me and the company


j.d. degree (or juris doctor degree–never juris doctorate) anticipated or expected may, 2006, west virginia university

college of law, morgantown, wv.

gpa 2.9/4.3 class rank: 45/160. top one/third.

b.s. in civil engineering, summa cum laude, may 2003, west virginia university college of engineering, morgantown, wv

gpa 3.98/4.0. class rank: second in class of 500.


summer associate, dewey cheatham and howe, pittsburgh, pa. may- august 2005

rotated between real estate and corporate departments. research and drafted memoranda in areas of antitrust and trade regulation, electronic commerce, and land use planning.

volunteer legal clerk, hometown legal firm, anywhere usa may-august 2004

researched property records at courthouse and prepared memoranda for attorneys; delivered and picked up various legal documents as assigned. helped with document sorting.

student intern, wvu college of engineering, morgantown, wv. june 2002-may 2003

performed legal research and analysis to assess the statutory, regulatory and case law ramifications of innovative underground storage tank remedial technology.

summer worker, 1999-2003.

various jobs to provide part of educational experiences including: laborer convex eagle glass, clarksburg, wv. counter person, wendy’s international, morgantown.

honors and activities

wvu college of law

student member, american bar association; member, patent law student association; member, volunteer law clerks, student organization which researches legal questions assigned by wv circuit judges; member, international law society; phi alpha delta, international legal fraternity.

west virginia university

member, mountain honorary, highest honor society for wvu undergraduate students; mortar board national honor society; captain, (two years) varsity tennis team.

skills and interests

fluent in spoken and written german, reading knowledge of spanish and french. certified in lexis and west law. excellent ability in wordperfect, microsoft word, groupwise and quicken. captain, tennis team, 4 years undergraduate.


1、 one page, concise, easy-to-read format 一页、简洁、排版清晰

one page is the optimal length for most entry and mid-level positions: 大多数入门或中层职位,一页简历是最佳长度

hiring managers are busy. a one-page résumé makes their job easier to quickly make an interview decision: 招聘经理时间有限,一页长度的简历能帮你传达最核心信息,帮他们快速做出是否面试的决定

2、 include a hyperlink to your email address 邮箱地址加超链接

hyperlinks make it easie for hiring managers to contact you directly from your résumé: 邮箱地址加个超链接,这样招聘经理看完简历,直接就能联系你;

details like this will make you more professional and help you stand out from the crowd: 这些小细节能让你显得更专业,帮你从一堆简历里脱颖而出

3、 include a linkedin profile 创建一个linkedin账户

hiring managers at multinational companies increasingly look at linkedin profiles to find out detailed information about a candidates professional experiences: 很多跨国公司hr会用linkedin查看求职者的过往工作经历

a linkedin profile helps make you seem more professional and globally-minded: 创建一个linkedin账户,能让你显得更专业、更有国际思维

4、 do not use the pronoun "i" 千万别用第一人称"i"

never refer to yourself in the first person: 写简历的时候,千万不要用第一人称"i"

using "i" makes your writing unprofessional and lacking objectivity: 这样的书写会让你显得非常不专业、让简历缺乏客观性

不用"i", 怎么写?


5、 lead with an executive summary 写一段自我概括

instead of using a cover letter, lead with a summary to state your years of experience and career highlights: cover letter太长了,现在的趋势是用一段简短的概述把你的职业履历、工作成绩体现出来

put the summary right after your contact details: 概述应该放在简历最开头,联络信息下

instead of labeling it "summary", use your expertise as the header: 不要给摘要起名"summary", 直接把你的专长和优势作为题目

5、 use keywords in the job description 简历里体现招聘职位的关键词

use keywords in the job description throughout your résumé to show that you have the right experience and skillset: 招聘广告职位描述里出现的`关键词、能力应该不断出现在你的简历里, 体现你拥有最匹配的经验和能力

6、 do not include irrelevant experiences 不相关的工作经历不要写

if you do not have relevant experiences, your chances of getting an interview and getting the job are probably low: 如果你没有任何和这个职位相关的经验,老实说,成功几率也不高

7、 use data and results whereever possible 用数字说话

use data to support your claim of skills: 用数字体现你的能力

use results by action sentence structure: 使用"做了什么达到什么成果"的句型

8、 list education at the end of the résumé 教育背景放最后

if you are a recent graduate, try to highlight your internship experience as much as possible: 如果你是应届毕业生,多花点篇幅描述实习经验,不要只说学校的成绩

hiring managers are more likely to choose the most "job ready" candidates: 招聘方更倾向于选择能快速上手工作的人

9、 remove empty statements like "a passionate inpidual looking for an opportunity to grow" 空话、废话不要说

hiring managers are focused on finding the right hire: 用人单位想找到最适合这个职位的人选

empty statements do not increase your chances: 空话不会增加你的机会

10、 subject line, attachment name 邮件主题、附件名称

the subject of your email should be the job position and your name

发送简历时,email的主题应该是你应聘的职位名、你的名字, 让招聘经理一目了然

the name of the attachment should also follow the same rule: 附件的文件名也应该一样; 千万不要是乱码、数字;










国外英文 简历 与国内英文简历相比,由于简历撰写人和阅读人的背景不相同,所以国外英文简历有很多地方需要根据国情做适应性改进。





如果在英文简历上只写职责,就会出现千人一面的现象,比如大家都是公司中做会计的,各公司的会计职责就会基本一样,但每一个做会计的都会有不同的业绩,这才是简历中的重点,也是 面试 时谈话的话题,所以在国内的英文简历上一定要加上你的业绩。




特别说明:本文“国外英文简历与国内英文简历的区别”,是应广大准备自己撰写英文简历的求职人的要求写的,目的是帮助那些有 英语 4级以上水平的求职人自己快速撰写英文简历,这种简便快速的方法与我们提供的专业辅导基础上的英文简历服务是完全不一样的。












应用文主要包括书信、摘要、报告、备忘录四种。下面以求职信为例,谈应用文的写作,希望读者能举一反三。同时求职信是大学生步入社会、走向工作岗位的第一步,了解 英文求职信写法具有实际意义。
























jenny seguso

2365 s mayfield ave

chicago, il 60652

cell: (123)-555-1234

email: @

career objective: to gain the position of a logistic staff officer wherein my skills and experience will contribute towards the growth of the organization.

professional experience:

duration: march 2007 till date

organization: strategic operational support, chicago

designation: logistic staff officer

developed and implemented effective methodologies and tools for effective execution of logistic plan

prepared logistics and supported plans, and overseen budget requirements for new operation

prepared reports on staff and material movements and other operational logistics issue

responsible for identifying, planning and managing logistics operations to meet organizational goals

monitored and supervised the work of junior logistics officers and staff

coordinated as well as provided logistics support to ongoing land, air, river or rail operations

handled other related tasks as required

duration: august 2004 to february 2007

organization: adp international, chicago

designation: assistant logistic manager

developed and updated logistics management plan based on the approved project phasing and packaging strategy

ensured that the materials are received and stored in a proper place

developed as well as managed materials planning function for the product of the organization

responsible for loading and unloading trucks that deliver goods

ensured that the shelves are stocked, invoices are filed and orders are tracked

performed other essential tasks under the instructions of logistic staff officer

core competencies:

six years of progressive experience in logistic operations

advanced knowledge of logistic operations and practices

ability to prepare and present concise written and oral logistics operations reports and other documentation

demonstrated time management, planning, and organizational skills

effective written and oral communication skills

client orientation with excellent negotiation skills

comprehensive knowledge of database software, project management applications, spreadsheet, and complex text document

knowledge of handling equipment and packaging used to ship and store merchandise

ability to develop and maintain good relationships with logistic counterparts in a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environment

educational summary:

master's degree in business administration

university of chicago in the year 1995

bachelor's degree in logistic management

institute of supply chain management in the year 1992

personal details:

name: jenny seguso

date of birth: 23.05. 1970

employment status: permanent

relationship status: married


mr. morris andrew

logistic management supervisor

il logistic co inc, chicago

cell: 703-222-5487

email: andrew@


james v. archenemy

2447 rockford mountain lane

durham, nc 27713

phone ?c 234-593-3290

email id ?c emy@


human resources and office specialist




to secure responsible position that will challenge my abilities allowing me to fully utilize my problem solving, organizational, customer service and communication skills.


well qualified professional. experienced in fast paced environments that depend on efficiency and accuracy. exceptionally competent. self-starter with strong human resources background. recipient of american bankers association coveted outstanding world-class customer service award.

work history

bank of america, midatlantic consumer bank, personnel

january 2005 - present

responsibilities include but not limited to employee relations, benefits, payroll specialist, database management, ensuring compliance of all legal and government reporting and policies for the pisions

participate in recruitment efforts for exempt and non-exempt positions; schedule interviews, coordinate temporary staffing for the pision

serve as the point of contact for all personnel employee matters and provide guidance to associates

coordinate and monitor leaves of absences in designated markets in the pision

ensure compliance and consistency of company policies, procedures and best practices

track reviews and handle performance management issues with managers and associates

salary specialist that includes merit increase, salary adjustment and changes, transfers, leave of absence, etc.

participate in recruitment effort for exempt and non-exempt personnel; coordinate advertisements and position postings;

monitor personnel hiring and terminations and ensure accuracy of data input and systems access for associates

prepares and compile data for staffing and persity related reports and distribute to management

maintains employee confidence and protects operations by maintaining personnel data confidential and accurate

communicates with executives and line management to gather and convey relevant information to associates

washington hospital center, recruitment & employment, human resources

february 2003 - january 2005

provided direct support for recruitment in a 6,000 employee healthcare organization that include recruitment efforts

processed over 100 new hires on a monthly basis that include assigning employee numbers, scheduling pre-employment physicals, background and reference checks, verification of education and credentials/licensures

ensured that the employment process is in compliance with hospital philosophy, policies and procedures and federal and district of columbia laws and coordinates and facilitates new hire orientation

recruit candidates for various department positions and ensure that the application process meets standards

duties included maintaining long-term customer relationships and act as primary liaison between employees and outside vendors

verified identification and the authorization to work in the united states for new employees, requisition employees, and rehires

screened resumes and applications and conduct preliminary interviews for entry-level and nursing positions to identify qualified applicants

generated monthly queries for management review; administer hr tracking system for new hires and terminations

coordinated and participate in job fairs/open houses and maintain calendar for upcoming events

american bankers association (1995-2002), administrative manager, membership

february 2001 -november 2002

managed the administrative processes that include supervising support staff, compose correspondence, departmental calendars, office supplies, expenditures, and technical support and vendor relations

managed departmental $3m budget; forecast changes and monitor all monthly expenses

managed logistics for executive committee meetings that include but not limited to facility, attendees, agendas and travel arrangements and attendees for events

developed and coordinated members and nonmembers membership invoice mailings and track payments for membership dues

ensure adequate phone coverage for the department

sr. human resources partner

november 1995 -january 2001

assisted the association of 500 employees with staffing and recruitment processes; administered pre-employment test, screened resumes, scheduled interviews, employment verifications, completed background and reference checks processed personnel actions that included salary adjustments, merit increases, transfers, leave of absence, pension calculations, metro check deductions and benefits programs

coordinated new employee orientation and ensure that new hires paperwork is completed accurately

updated the vacancy announcements, bulletin board, aba web pages, job line and external web sites

composed and submitted job ads to various recruitment sources and tracked monthly advertisement expenses

managed the internal temporary staffing pool and youth employment programs for various internship positions

scheduled and interviewed candidates for administrative positions

formulated and assembled personnel policies and procedures to various department in the association

scheduled and coordinated blood drives and influenza shot programs for the association

mci telecommunications corporation (1987-1995), accounts payable analyst, marketing analysis

october 1994 -august 1995

researched financial reports on the accounts payable database system processed invoices and reconciled accounts

maintained overdue invoice reports, discrepancy ledger accounts and tracked purchase orders

developed and maintained a filing system to track invoices more effectively and managed accounting related projects

executive secretary/administrative assistant, marketing

august 1987 -september 1994

assisted the director of marketing with the daily operations of the department and provided administrative support to director and staff that include composing correspondence, office supplies, travel arrangements, technical support and vendor relations

coordinated logistics for executive committee meetings, calendars and travel arrangements

tracked departmental expenditures that include but not limited to purchase order management, petty cash and vendor payments

maintained specialized database system on workstation occupancy

supervised temporary employees on special projects and provided administrative and project management support to department

national coalition, receptionist/word processor

december 1986-august 1987

provided receptionist and word processing support to staff

typed correspondence and developed presentations, travel arrangements, meeting planning and coordinate fundraising events

performed clerical duties assigned that included distributing mail, filing, faxing and xeroxing

georgetown university hospital, file clerk, medical records

january 1985-december 1986

retrieved medical records requested by physicians and filed lab work in patients records

transcribed physicians diagnosis on patients care by using a dictaphone

performed duties assigned by office manager


thomson education direct

may 2004 - present

human resources management

american university

january - june 1997

society for human resources management - certificate program -may 1997 management practices, selection & placement, training & development, health/safety & security, employee & labor relations, compensation & benefits

strayer business college

january 1992 -december 1992

business specialist

training & development

basic supervision, business writing, dale carnegie-effective speaking & human relations, time management, speed-reading, stress management, myers briggs, interviewing people, management skills, project management, medical terminology, telemarketing, cpr certification, shrm -professional membership

computer skills

microsoft suite, outlook, word, excel, powerpoint, access, publisher, wordperfect 6.1, lotus notes, html/web site design, hris systems, database management systems, pds/client server

professional references available upon request

richard anderson,

1234, west 67 street,

carlisle, ma 01741,

(123)-456 7890.

also see: hr specialist resume



mr. nationality: china

current residence: guangxi china: han

domicile: guangxi stature: 165 cm 52 kg

marital status: single age: 28

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: ordinary job

position: graphic designer, packaging design,

work experience: 4 job title: intermediate

job type: full-time arrived to date: one week

salary requirements :3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: guangxi

work experience

company name: guangzhou paper co., ltd. united states

beginning and ending date :20xx-05 ~

company type: private industry: paper / printing

positions: head of r & d

job description: guangzhou paper co., ltd. is mainly the united states produce fine albums, notebooks, gift boxes based private enterprises, i am responsible from product design, product sampling, product typography, production with a single, process technology patterns, product photos , album publicity also taobao station product publicity; responsible for the company to participate in the hong kong exhibition related matters. development department.

company name: paper products co., ltd.

beginning and ending date :20xx-07 ~ 20xx-04

company type: private industry: paper / printing

positions: r & d designers

job description: guangzhou paper co., ltd. is mainly the united states produce fine albums, notebooks, gift boxes based private enterprise, i am responsible from product design, product sampling, sample preparation process version, product pictures, album publicity, etc.; responsible companies to participate hong kong exhibition related matters.

self introduction

now i have good spatial imagination, understanding and communication skills, good creative thinking, strong sense of time, a strong sense of teamwork and strong leadership skills; advertising common signs, banner stand, x stand kt board, light box, terminal design or materials quite familiar with and have some experience, graphic design and film and television, upholstery better grasp, skilled application coreldraw, photoshop, illustrator and other operating software, but also mastered the office family of the basic application operations. flexible use coreldraw, photoshop, illustrator, etc. an amount of quality software anshi an independent customer needs to complete the task.

educational background

graduated: guangxi normal university

highest level of education: bachelor

graduation date :20xx -07-01

by major: graphic design




production manager

career objective

efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals.

background summary

extensive and persified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing ularly effective in increasing productivity and trated ability to learn new skills to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production sfuily motivate ent interpersonal reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust.

summary of accomplishments

supervised the start-up of second shift shipping d new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals.

instructed quality development courses.

participated in upgrading assembly systems at lennon and epstein systems.()

consistently met and/or surpassed production ised same day shipping of orders.

participated with lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from to winona ed cash achievement award for this project.

operated computerized warehouse management,inventory control and order processing systems.

researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing.

planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities.

supervised development of new preassembled components of cabin cruisers at howell boat company.

consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective communication.

supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication operation.


since candidate has held six jobs as production supervisor,he/she chooses not to repeat same job description six times.


name:× × ×

school:beijing university


job intentions:×××,×××

educational background

2005/09 ~ 2008/04 master of beijing university of × × × × × × direction institute (rank 0 / 00)

2001/09 ~ 2005/06 bachelor of beijing university of × × × × professional (position 0 / 000)


“× ×” corporate scholarships, the first comprehensive ranking, were all only 000 enterprises ;“×××” scholarship winners; school class scholarship;

outstanding graduates in beijing; outstanding member of the school, outstanding cadres, miyoshi school students (two);

× × “××××” beijing university first cup business plan competition second prize; 0000 national undergraduate mathematical contest in modeling the success of team awards;

mission led by the beijing branch in 0000 was优秀团支部

english and professional skills

◆ english through 46 countries; toefl000 points; twe (toefl writing part i) 0.0; the national college english in 0000 the second prize competition

◆ solid foundation of the text, as well as good communication skills, in the “× × newspaper” published an article, as well as “××××××××” “×××××××”

◆ familiar with the mobile communication technology, in particular, td-scdma, wcdma and cdma2000 in the background, development, and understanding of industry market manufacturers, carriers, terminals, marketing and other operations; proficiency in the use of excel, powerpoint and spss software

internship experience

2006/11 ~ 2007/04 × × × × beijing group of wireless communications r & d center interns (full-time)

◆ track td-scdma, cdma2000 latest technology trends, collect, collate information on the wireless market, to conduct in-depth analysis of industry development, in cooperation with “td-scdma content”, an independent complete the “cdma2000 content”;

◆ manufacturers with some communication to help datang mobile td successful trial demonstration of new business networks;

depth understanding of the development of 3g industry chain with the latest developments and improve the analysis, and communication skills; the accumulation of the english market, written by industry experience report

2005/11 ~ 2006/03 × × × × communication (china) r & d center product line management intern

◆ organize china mobile wireless network test norms, translation wireless core network systems market and technical information

greatly improve the professional standard of english; understanding of testing standards for equipment operators, as well as the demand for

2003/07 ~ 2003/09 × × tianjin branch of china network interns

◆ assist members of the network, with korea exchange × × companies to carry out reception, meeting records and some translation work

widened the field of vision, access to world-class operator of the operational and technical experience; tempered spoken english as well as the habit of systematic work

project experience

2003/04 ~ 2003/11 beijing × × university of “abc” cup first business plan competition, marketing director

◆ 0 person team responsible for marketing value-added services, integration of large amounts of data research, analysis of product market positioning, development of marketing mix strategies; with the other members of the discussion and implementation of projects; write a business plan based on the demand for the book 00 of the planning document

◆ business plan competition was the second prize and china unicom''s data services center recognized

telecom mastered the basic knowledge of marketing; accumulated a certain amount of practical experience and methods of marketing; exercise of the business plan writing ability

social activities

2004/11 ~ 2006 / 12 beijing × × university graduate council liaison, vice-minister

◆ 00 people led by the team, the successful planning, implementation of the “second job forum” and × × × × companies full sponsorship in session 0, each with more than 000 spectators; activities carried out large-scale survey feedback to the company, received recognition and praise enterprises; the success of planning, “the capital of × × × × university creative competition”, to be × × × full support network media;

◆ 0 session business plan competition organizing committee members of the secretariat, the coordination of other departments, the successful completion of the drafting of the text, as well as all major outreach activities

campus-depth understanding of business strategy and marketing needs; training in collaboration with the communication ability, team leadership, as well as analysis and decision-making capacity

2004/06 ~ 2005 / 06 × × × × school year 01 arts commission members, graduate director evening

◆ during the 0 on the evening of the graduation planning process, the organization meets regularly to discuss and coordinate programs, technology, logistics group of the progress of the work, according to the capacity of each character of the distribution of tasks, working to stimulate the enthusiasm of members; 0 hours-long evening as the total graduate director, the audience show up to 000 people;

◆ other departments to assist the successful completion of graduation album, graduation celebrations, such as songs, book circulation of 0000;

the accumulation of a large-scale activities in the overall grasp of the experience, training the team leadership, coordination, ability to spot and respond to creative thinking

2003/06 ~ 2005 / 06 × × × × mission mission branch branch

◆ cadres to assist other classes meet regularly to develop and implement a professional learning program, which results from the full-line branch 00 progress to the first 0 (a total of 00 branches); to strengthen cohesiveness branches, links organized and participated in “123” × × × volunteer activities;

◆ lead branch members to participate actively in the selection of the top ten activities in 0000 was named the top ten college school branches in beijing优秀团支部;

enhance the spirit of optimistic self-confidence, and accumulated valuable experience in team-building to foster innovative thinking and analytical problem-solving ability

2001/10 ~ 2003 / 06 × × university student union beijing, minister of propaganda department

◆ 12.9 students for planning and implementation of large-scale publicity activities; to help enterprises of publicity into the campus; with other departments to complete the daily work of students

◆ and × × × × cooperation, successfully organized the first north × “×××× show, ”nearly 000 works on display

exercise a reasonable time, the ability to work efficiently; established trivial when faced with pressure and the confidence and patience; trained publicity activities

2001/10 ~ 2004 / 09 × × university, beijing youth league committee, deputy editor-in-chief directly under the weekly “×××”

◆ responsible for internal and external coordination and communication; successful edition of the newspaper 0 to 00 version of the expansion; responsible for military training during the 00 “× × × newspaper” with the publication of the planning

◆ 00 “××××” anniversary of the interview activities, the collection of well-known alumni information, contact the success of an interview with well-known alumni of 0 and write articles, published in the “××××”; “000 days celebration in 2000 countdown” activities for the whole coverage

culture of news events and the keen ability to grasp; tempered communication and interview skills; improve the organizational capacity of language and the ability to write articles


self-confidence, optimism, a strong sense of responsibility; strong teamwork and communication skills; strong resistance capacity; loving to sing, travel, badminton, etc.


英文简历 | 英文简历模板 | 英文自我介绍 | 英语求职信 | 英语自我介绍

social: excellent marketing manager in human resources services company of sift

excellent inpidual of honor of work for study in 2006-2007

excellent representative in sports, law school in 2007-2008

certificates and skills

language: the intermediate certification of oral (verbal) interpretation of shanghai

cet-6: 525

computer: certification of middle-level skills of computer operation of shanghai
