
unit5学生范文 学生说明书范文(七篇)

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unit5学生范文 学生说明书范文(七篇)
2023-01-12 22:36:10    小编:ZTFB



1. infect verb [vn] ~ sb/sth (with sth) 感染, 沾染上

it is not possible to infect another person through kissing. 接吻不可能把这种疾病传染给其他人。 people infected with hiv 感染爱滋病毒的人

marys high spirits infected all the girls in the class. 玛丽振奋的精神感染了班上所有的女孩子。

all the tomato plants are infected with a virus. 所有的西红柿植物都感染上了一种病毒。

infected 感染病毒的, infection n. 传染,感染; infectious adj. 传染性的,感染的

an infected water supply 受污染的水系统;to be exposed to infection 暴露于易受感染的环境 an ear / throat, etc. infection 耳部/喉部感染

2. by swimming 通过游泳

相关词组:by accident=by chance 偶然地;by means of 借助,靠;by turns 轮流;by mistake 由于疏忽;by no means 决不

3. live with 和。。。住在一起;忍受

as a boy, he lived with his parents but now he has his own house. 小时侯,他与父母一起住,现在有了自己的家了。

i can’t change the situation so i’m going to have to learn to live with it. 我无法改变形式,因此我不得不学着去忍受。

相关词组:live by 以…为生 ;live on 以…为主食

4. get tested for hiv进行艾滋病毒检测

get/be lost 迷路; get/be married 结婚; get/be separated 分离; get/be injured 受伤

5. via a 经由,经过(through a place) we flew home via dubai. 我们乘飞机经迪拜回国。

b 通过,凭借( by means of a particular person, system, etc)

i heard about the sale via jane. 我从简那里知道了大减价。

the news program came to us via satellite. 新闻节目是通过卫星传送到这里来的。

listening part 2

6. take/make notes of 记下,记录

take note of注意到;将。。。铭记在心 take note of what he says. 牢记他说的话。

take no notice of没注意到


7. be born dying 天生快要死去

be born+adj/n be born a musician/a poet=a born musician/poet天生的音乐家/诗人

para 2

8.aids is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses. 艾滋病是一种破坏人的免疫系统,使人体对感染疾病没有抵抗能力的疾病。

break down意为: 打倒;破坏; 把。。。分类,划分; 使分解为。。。。。出故障;崩溃;如:

chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。

the robbers broke the door down.强盗把门砸开了。

the peace talks are said to have broken down.据说和谈破裂了。

the car broke down halfway to the camp.车子在去营地的半路上抛锚了。


break the law 犯法 break out (战争、灾害)突然爆发

break into 破门而入 break up 打碎;拆散;(物理)分解

break the silence 打破沉寂 break in 打断(谈话);突然闯入

break through 突破

break away from 摆脱(束缚);克服(习惯);脱离(政府)

break up 粉碎,破碎,结束,散开,解散,break sth up 拆开,打散,结束(关系等)关闭,


the window was left open. 窗子开着。

they went back home, leaving the work unfinished. 他们撂下未完成的工作回家了。

9. help (to)keep

相关词组:can’t help doing 忍不住干…can’t help to do sth不能帮忙做某事can’t help but do不得不干help sb with sth帮某人干help oneself to sth随便,自取…with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下

10. living, alive, live, lively用法辨析:


a living language should be learned orally. 一种活的语言应该通过口语来学习。

shelly was still living when keats died. 济慈死时,雪莱还活着。

hes the living image of his father. 他跟他父亲长得一模一样。


is she still alive? 她还活着吗?

they are the happiest children alive. 他们是当代最幸福的孩子。

an enemy officer was caught alive. 一名敌军官被活捉了。

③live作形容词时读作[laiv], 只用于物,作定语,表示“活的;活着的”、“现场直播的”。如:

this is a live fish. 这是一条活鱼。

it was a live broadcast, not a recording. 那是实况广播,不是录音广播。


it was your way of keeping your marriage alive. 这是你保持婚姻不崩溃的办法。

(7)ancient traditions are still very much alive in rural areas. 传统的习俗在农村地区仍很流行。


he has lively imagination. 他有丰富的想象力。

what lively colours! 多么鲜明的色彩。

he gave a lively description of the football game. 他对这场足球赛进行了生动的描述。

11. survive vi. 存活,生存 vt. 幸存,挺过 比。。。活得长

para 3

12. people get aids after having been infected with hiv. 感染了hiv之后就会得爱滋病。

这里having been done 是动名词被动式的完成式。表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。如:im sorry to have kept you waiting.

we are too young to have seen the old society.

i apologize for having made such a terrible mistake. i regret not having told her the truth.

the man in the corner confessed to ____a lie to the manager of the company.

a have told b be told c being told d having told

13. 动词contract的用法


he contracted an awful stomach complaint while he was traveling. 他旅游时患了严重的胃病。

he contracted huge debts by buying luxuries he could not afford. 他因购买买不起的奢侈品而债台高筑。


the city council has contracted with white company for the new library. 市政会已与怀特公司立约,由其承建这座新图书馆。

the builders have contracted for three new bridges this year. 建设者立约承建三座新桥。


iron contracts as it gets cooler. 铁冷却时收缩。

our business has contracted a lot recently. 我们的买卖最近萎缩了不少。

14. wish 引导的从句中的虚拟语气



i wish i knew the answer to the question.我希望知道这个答案。

i wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around.但愿我的家乡四季如春。

i wish i were a bird但愿我是只小鸟。



1. i wish i hadnt wasted so much time.我后悔不该浪费这么多时间。

2. he wishes he hadnt lost the chance.他真希望没有失去机会。

例题分析:i wish i ______ longer this morning, but i had to get up and come to class.

a. could have slept b. slept c. might have slept d. have slept

动词wish后面接从句,表达不可能实现或与事实相反的情况时,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用过去式(表示现在发生的动作)或过去完成式(表示过去发生的动作)。本题后半句谓语动词have用的是过去时had to get up and come, 所以前面要用过去完成时表示过去发生的动作。所以, 选项a)could have slept是答案


从句动词“would/should/could/might + 动词原形”(时间上较后)。 用wish表示对将来事情的愿望。例:

1. i wish it would stop raining.我希望雨能停止。

2. i wish you would be quiet.我希望你安静一些。

3. you wished she would arrive the next day你希望她第二天会到。

4. i wish she would change her mind.我希望她会改变主意。

四)、注意:如果that 从句中用would , 一般表示对现状不满或希望未来有所改变或请求

i wish he would answer my letter. i wish prices would come down.

i wish you would help me. i wish you would stop asking silly questions.

15. lack一词的用法


lack of rest made him tired. 缺乏休息使他疲劳。

i’ve got dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep. 我睡眠不足,眼眶都发黑了。


i lack words with which to express my thanks. 我找不到话来表达我的谢意。

what you lack is perseverance. 他所缺少的是毅力。

they lacked a clear understanding of the problems. 他们对这问题缺乏清楚的认识。

16. as with 就象如同...的情况一样,如同...一样

as with the other production areas in the plant, safety and ecology are very important.

as with credit cards there is usually a 1.5% fee for obtaining cash, but no fee is added for purchases.

as with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes. 正如远足一样,你应该总是想到安全,穿好合适的衣服。

17. available可用到的”、“可利用的”、“有用的”、“接受探访的”,常与介词for连用。如:

is the manager available? 经理在不在?

these tickets are available for one month. 这些票有效期一个月。

im sorry, those overcoats are not available in your color and size. 对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。

attention, please. these tickets are available on the day of issue only. 请注意,这种车票仅仅在发售当天有效。

nowadays there is a lot of information available on the internet. 如今,可到因特网上获取大量的信息。

18. persuade vt. 说服;劝服;使某人相信((常与into, to或out of连用)。 (常与convince 换用, 不过persuade 的主要意思为“说服,劝说”; convince 主要意思是“使确信,信服”) 例如:try to persuade him to let us go with him.试着说服他让我们跟他一起去。(persuade sb. to do sth.)

i allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition. 我搁不住人家的劝说,就参加了比赛。 (persuade sb into (doing ) sth)

it will be difficult to persuade them than there’s no other choice. 很难让他们相信别无选择。 (persuade sb that )

persuasion(n. ) , persuasive (adj. 有说服力的,令人信服的)

19. as if或as though引导的状语从句

as if或as though引导方式状语从句,意为“好像”,在这种状语从句中,常用虚拟语气,具体用法是:当从句所述的情况与现在事实相反时,动词用过去式,与过去事实相反时,用过去完成时。如:

(1)he looks as if he were a football player. 他看上去好像是足球运动员。

(2)he talked about paris as if he had been there. 他谈起巴黎来好像他去过那里。

(3)the room looks as if it had been empty for years. 这房间看上去好几年没人住了。

(4)it seem as if it were spring already. 现在仿佛已经是春天了。

(5)i remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. 这一切我记忆犹新,就像是昨天发生的事似的。

(6)he spoke to me as if he were an expert. 他对我讲起话来好像是专家似的。

【注】as if(though)从句的动作发生在主句动作之后时,用would+动词原形。如:

(7)it seems as if it would rain. 天似乎要下雨了。

para 7

20. 注意这段中存在由that 引导的同位语从句和why 引导的定语从句

integrating skills

21. two weeks ago, dr richards had asked me a great many questions and taken samples of my blood. 两周前,richards 医生问我许多问题并抽取我的血样。

a great(good) many相当于many,修饰名词复数形式,意为“许多;大量”。如:

i have a great many things to do today. 我今天有许多事情要做。

after a great many loud explosions, the race began. 在一连串喧闹的爆炸声之后,比赛开始了。

区别:(1) a great deal用作代词或副词,在句中作主语或状语。如:

a great deal has been said on this point. 关于这一点已经说很多了。

they still need a great deal more money to finish the project. 他们还需要一大笔钱来完成这个工程。

(2) a good deal of修饰不可数名词,意为“许多;大量”。如:

she spends a good deal of her time in glasgow. 她的大部分时间是在格拉斯哥度过的。

para 4

22. on the contrary, i now feel as if that was when my life really began. 相反,我现在觉得好像那才是我的生命真正开始之时。

on the contrary意为“与此相反”、“不是……而是”、“反之”。如:

- you must be tired. 你一定很累了。

- on the contrary, i feel wide awake. 相反, 我感觉很清醒。

(1) contrary 用作形容词,意为“相反的”、“相对的”、“格格不入的”。如:

contrary to all advice he gave up his job and left for the south. 他不听任何劝告,放弃工作,去了南方。

hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。

our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds. 我们的帆船因逆风耽搁了。

(2) contrary用作名词,意为“反面”、“反义词”、“相反的事物”。如:

cruelty is the contrary of kindness. 残忍是仁慈的反面。

he is neither tall nor the contrary. 他不高也不矮。

23. the cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment, but i know that i will never be completely free from it. 我体内的癌症暂时被打败了,但是我知道我永远不会彻底摆脱它。

for the moment意为“暂时, 目前”,在句中作状语。如:

lets carry on with what we agreed for the moment. 咱们继续执行目前达成一致的部分吧。


in a moment 立刻,立即; for a moment 一会儿;at any moment 随时;在任何时候;at the last moment 在最后关头;at the moment 此刻; (正当)那时;the moment 一……就

for the moment, for a moment, at the moment和in a moment

▲for the moment作“暂时”“目前”解释。如:

stop discussing for the moment, please. 请暂停讨论。

we have to stay in the inn for the moment as the hotels around are full. 由于周围的旅馆都已满了,我们暂时只能待在小客栈里。

▲for a moment意为“片刻”“一会儿”。如:

for a moment i thought of playing truant. 我一时起了逃学的念头。

i had to think for a moment before i remembered his name. 我想了一会儿才记起他的名字。

▲at the moment,用于现在时中,意为“此刻”;用于过去时中,意为“那时”。如:

i’m busy at the moment. 我此刻很忙。

our manager is having an interview with a newspaper reporter at the moment. 我们经理此刻正在接受记者来访。

▲in a moment意为“立即”“立刻”。如:

you go first. i’ll come in a moment. 你先走,我马上就来。

it was done in a moment. 一会儿就完成了。

don’t go away, the bus will start in a moment. 别走开,汽车马上就要开了。

▲of the moment (人,工作,议题等)红极一时,盛行一时

she is the fashion designer of the moment. 她是目前最红的设计师。

be free from 意为“解除;没有……的”。如:

the old lady is never free from pain. 老妇人一直在受苦。

the secretary was free from all blame for the errors. 这些失误完全不能怪秘书。

free 意思很多,请看以下例句:

please feel free to interrupt me if you don’t understand anything. (无限制的,无约束的)

he gave me free access to his library. (无限制的,无约束的)

the prisoner wished to be free again. (自由的)

all the books were given away free. (免费的)

free of charge 免费

the doctor will be free in 20 minutes, can you wait that long?(空闲的)

he’s free with his money. (慷慨的,大方的)


①can you wait ____ a moment? ②im afraid shes not here ____ the moment.

③this organization is free ____ tax worldwide.

24. living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest. 癌症使我认识到了生命的可贵,认识到了抓紧时间充实生活的重要性。

(1)living with cancer是动名词短语作主语


what strange clothes he was wearing. 他穿的衣服多么怪异呀!

she said how nice it was of us to meet her at the airport. 她说我们到机场去接她真好。

(3)take chance意为“利用机会”、“碰碰运气”、“冒险”。如:

we will take the chances. 我们要冒这个险。

he is taking a chance by driving his car so fast. 他把车开得这么快是在冒险。

there is a chance that... 有……的可能; by chance 偶然地;chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机;by some chance 不知为啥;leave things to chance 听天由命, 听其自然

(4)to the full意为“充分地”、“十足地”。如:

she certainly lives life to the full. 当然她的日子过得很充实。

25. 语法


表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“过去式(be的过去式用were)”,而主句中的谓语动词用“would(should, could, might)+动词原形.”例如:

if i were you, i should study english. if he had time, he would attend the meeting.

表示与过去的事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用“had +过去分词”,主句中的谓语动词用“would(should, could, might)+have +过去分词”.例如:

if you had taken my advice, you wouldnt have failed in the examination.

表示与将来事实相反的假设时,条件从句和主句所用的谓语动词怀“表示与现在事实相反的假设”的谓语动词相同,或者条件从句中用“were to(should)+动词原形”.例如:

if you come tomorrow, we would have the meeting. if it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.


if you had worked hard, you would be very tired. (从句说的是过去,主句指的是现在.)



would you be kind enough to open the door? 请您把门打开,好吗?


would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?i would rather not tell you. 我倒宁愿不告诉你。

3.用“may+动词原形”表示“祝愿”,may 必须置于句首。如:

may you be happy! 祝你幸福! may you succeed! 祝你成功!


在it is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc) that...和it is desired (suggested, decided, ordered, requested, proposed, etc.)句型中,谓语动词的虚拟语气结构用“should+动词原形”的结构,表示惊奇,不相信,惋惜,理应如此等。如:

it is necessary that we should clean the room every day. 我们每天打扫房间是有必要的。

it will be suggested that she should finish her homework this afternoon. 建议她今天下午完成她的作业。


1.“i wish+宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望。如:

i wish you could go with us. 我倒希望你们和我们一起走。

we wish we had arrived there two hours earlier. 我们倒希望早两小时到那里。

2.动词command, demand, insist, order, request, require, suggest等后面的宾语从句中用“(should)+动词原形”。如:

i suggest that we (should) have a meeting. 我建议我们开个会。

we insist that they (should) go with us. 我们坚持要他们和我们一起走。

注意:只有当insist作“坚持(认为)”,“坚持(应该)”,suggest作“建议”解时,从句的动作发生在谓语之后,宾语从句才用虚拟语气。当insist作“坚持”,suggest 作“暗示,表明”解时,宾语从句通常不用虚拟语气。如:

mike insisted that he had never stolen anything. 迈克坚持说他没有偷任何东西。

the expression on his face suggested that he was very angry. 他脸上的表情说明他很生气。


advice, idea, order, demand, plan, proposal, suggestion, request等名词与表语从句和同位语从句连用,其谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的结构“(should)+动词原形”。例如:

we agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to beijing for sightseeing. 我们同意他的建议,去北京观光旅游。

my idea is that we (should) do exercises first. 我的看法是我们先做练习。


在it is (high) time (that)...句型中,定语从句的谓语动词用过去式,或should+动词原形(should不能省略,be 用were)来表示,意为“早该”。例如:

it is (high) time we left (should leave). 我们该离开了。

it is high time we went to bed. 我们该睡觉了。

六、虚拟语气用于if only 引导的感叹句中

if only i had taken his advice. 我要是听他的话就好了。

if only i were a bird. 我如果是一只鸟就好了。

unit 7 living with disease 知识清单

1. infect verb [vn] ~ sb/sth (______ sth) ______

it is not possible to infect another person through kissing. people infected with hiv

marys high spirits infected all the girls in the class.

all the tomato plants are infected with a virus.

infected ______, infection n. ______; infectious adj. ______

an infected water supply______;to be exposed to infection ______ an ear / throat, etc. infection ______

2. by swimming _______________

相关词组:by accident=by chance ______;by means of ______;by turns ______;by mistake ______;by no means ______

3. live with ______;______

as a boy, he lived with his parents but now he has his own house.

i can’t change the situation so i’m going to have to learn to live with it.

相关词组:live by ______ ;live on ______

4. get tested for hiv进行艾滋病毒检测

get/be lost; get/be married; get/be separated; get/be injured

5. via a ______(through a place) we flew home via dubai.

b ______( by means of a particular person, system, etc)

i heard about the sale via jane.

the news program came to us via satellite.


6. be born dying 天生快要死去

be born+adj/n be born a musician/a poet=a born musician/poet

para 2

7.aids is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses. 艾滋病是一种破坏人的免疫系统,使人体对感染疾病没有抵抗能力的疾病。

break down意为: a ______;b ______; c ______ d______;如:

chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.

the robbers broke the door down.

the peace talks are said to have broken down.

the car broke down halfway to the camp.


break the law ______ break out ______break into ______ break up ______

break the silence ______ break in ______break through______break away from ______

break up ______,break sth up ______

这里leave是使役动词,意为“______”,后接______, ______, ______作宾语补足语。如: the window was left open. they went back home, leaving the work unfinished.

8. help (to)keep _________

相关词组:can’t help doing _________…can’t help to do sth_________can’t help but do不_________; help sb with sth_________help oneself to sth_________…with the help of sb _________

9. living, alive, live, lively用法辨析:


a living language should be learned orally. shelly was still living when keats died.

hes the living image of his father.

②alive多用作表语, ______定语或宾语补足语,多用于______,表示“______”。如:

is she still alive?

they are the happiest children alive.

an enemy officer was caught alive.。

③live作形容词时读作[laiv], 只用于______,作______语,表示“______”、“______”。如: this is a live fish. it was a live broadcast, not a recording.


it was your way of keeping your marriage alive.

(7)ancient traditions are still very much alive in rural areas.


he has lively imagination.

what lively colours!

he gave a lively description of the football game.

10. survive vi. ______ vt. ______

para 3

11. people get aids after having been infected with hiv. 感染了hiv之后就会得爱滋病。

这里having been done 是动名词被动式的完成式。表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作______。如:im sorry to have kept you waiting.

we are too young to have seen the old society.

i apologize for having made such a terrible mistake. i regret not having told her the truth.

the man in the corner confessed to ____a lie to the manager of the company.

a have told b be told c being told d having told

12. 动词contract的用法

▲动词contract在本课中作“______”“ ______”“ ______”解释。如:

he contracted an awful stomach complaint while he was traveling.

he contracted huge debts by buying luxuries he could not afford.


the city council has contracted with white company for the new library.

the builders have contracted for three new bridges this year.


iron contracts as it gets cooler. our business has contracted a lot recently.

13. wish 引导的从句中的虚拟语气



i wish i ______(know) the answer to the question.

i wish it ______(be ) spring in my hometown all the year around.



1. i wish i ______ so much time.我后悔不该浪费这么多时间。

2. he wishes he ______ the chance.他真希望没有失去机会。


从句动词“would/should/could/might + 动词原形”(时间上较后)(请注意:主句和从句的主语不相同)。用wish表示对将来事情的愿望。例:

1. i wish it would stop raining. 2. i wish you would be quiet.我希望你安静一些。

3. you wished she would arrive the next day 4. i wish she would change her mind.

四)、注意:如果that 从句中用would , 一般表示对现状不满或希望未来有所改变或请求

i wish he would answer my letter.

i wish prices would come down.

i wish you would help me.

i wish you would stop asking silly questions.

para 4

14. lack一词的用法


lack of rest made him tired. i’ve got dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep.


i lack words with which to express my thanks. what you lack is perseverance.

they lacked a clear understanding of the problems.

15. as with ________

as with the other production areas in the plant, safety and ecology are very important.

as with credit cards there is usually a 1.5% fee for obtaining cash, but no fee is added for purchases.

as with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.

para 5

16. available可用到的”“可利用的”、“有用的”、“接受探访的”如:

is the manager available? these tickets are available for one month.

im sorry, those overcoats are not available in your color and size.

attention, please. these tickets are available on the day of issue only.

nowadays there is a lot of information available on the internet.

para 6

17. persuade vt. ________ (常与convince 换用, 不过persuade 的主要意思为“说服,劝说”; convince 主要意思是“使确信,信服”) 例如:

try to persuade him to let us go with him.(persuade sb. to do sth.)

i allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition. (persuade sb into (doing ) sth)

it will be difficult to persuade them than there’s no other choice.(persuade sb that )

persuasion(n. ) , persuasive (adj. ________)

18. as if或as though引导的状语从句

as if或as though引导方式状语从句,意为“好像”,在这种状语从句中,常用虚拟语气,具体用法是:当从句所述的情况与现在事实相反时,动词用________,与过去事实相反时,用________。如: (1)he looks as if he were a football player. (2)he talked about paris as if he had been there.

(3)the room looks as if it had been empty for years. (4)it seem as if it were spring already.

(5)i remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. (6)he spoke to me as if he were an expert.

【注】as if(though)从句的动作发生在主句动作之后时,用would+动词原形。如:

(7)it seems as if it would rain. 天似乎要下雨了。

para 7

19. 注意这段中存在由that 引导的同位语从句和why 引导的定语从句

integrating skills

para 1

20. two weeks ago, dr richards had asked me a great many questions and taken samples of my blood. 两周前,richards 医生问我许多问题并抽取我的血样。

a great(good) many相当于many,修饰名词________数形式,意为“________”。如:

i have a great many things to do today.

after a great many loud explosions, the race began.

区别:(1) a great deal用作代词或副词,在句中作________语或________语。如:

a great deal has been said on this point.

they still need a great deal more money to finish the project.

(2) a good deal of修饰不可数名词,意为“________”。如:

she spends a good deal of her time in glasgow.

para 4

21. on the contrary, i now feel as if that was when my life really began. 相反,我现在觉得好像那才是我的生命真正开始之时。

on the contrary意为“________”、“不是……而是”、“反之”。如:

- you must be tired. - on the contrary, i feel wide awake.

(1) contrary 用作形容词,意为“________”、“________”、“格格不入的”。如:

contrary to all advice he gave up his job and left for the south. hot and cold are contrary terms.

our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds.

(2) contrary用作名词,意为“________”、“反义词”、“相反的事物”。如:

cruelty is the contrary of kindness. he is neither tall nor the contrary.

22. the cancer in my body has been defeated for the moment, but i know that i will never be completely free from it. 我体内的癌症暂时被打败了,但是我知道我永远不会彻底摆脱它。

for the moment意为“________”,在句中作状语。如:

lets carry on with what we agreed for the moment.


in a moment ________; for a moment________;at any moment________;at the last moment ________;at the moment ________;the moment ________

for the moment, for a moment, at the moment和in a moment 辨析

▲for the moment作“________”解释。如:

stop discussing for the moment, please.

we have to stay in the inn for the moment as the hotels around are full.

▲for a moment意为“________”。如:

for a moment i thought of playing truant. i had to think for a moment before i remembered his name.

▲at the moment,用于现在时中,意为“________”;用于过去时中,意为“________”。如:

i’m busy at the moment.

our manager is having an interview with a newspaper reporter at the moment.

▲in a moment意为“________”。如:

you go first. i’ll come in a moment. it was done in a moment.

don’t go away, the bus will start in a moment.

▲of the moment (人,工作,议题等)________

she is the fashion designer of the moment.

be free from 意为“________”。如:

the old lady is never free from pain. the secretary was free from all blame for the errors.

free 意思很多,请看以下例句:

please feel free to interrupt me if you don’t understand anything. (____________)

he gave me free access to his library. (____________)

the prisoner wished to be free again. (____________)

all the books were given away free. (____________)

free of charge ____________

the doctor will be free in 20 minutes, can you wait that long?( ____________)

he’s free with his money. (____________)


①can you wait ____ a moment? ②im afraid shes not here ____ the moment.

③this organization is free ____ tax worldwide.

23. living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest. 癌症使我认识到了生命的可贵,认识到了抓紧时间充实生活的重要性。

(1)living with cancer是动名词短语作________

(2)感叹句本来应用陈述语序,在宾语从句中仍然用陈述语序。 如:

what strange clothes he was wearing. 他穿的衣服多么怪异呀!

she said how nice it was of us to meet her at the airport. 她说我们到机场去接她真好。

(3)take chance意为“________”。如:

we will take the chances. he is taking a chance by driving his car so fast.

there is a chance that... ________; by chance ________;chance of a lifetime ________;by some chance ________;leave things to chance ________

(4)to the full意为“________”。如:

she certainly lives life to the full.

24. 语法


1. 表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“________”,而主句中的谓语动词用________“例如:

if i were you, i should study english. if he had time, he would attend the meeting.


if you had taken my advice, you wouldnt have failed in the examination.


if you come tomorrow, we would have the meeting.

if it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.


if you had worked hard, you would be very tired. (从句说的是过去,主句指的是现在.)



would you be kind enough to open the door? 请您把门打开,好吗?


would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗? i would rather not tell you. 我倒宁愿不告诉你。

3.用“may+动词原形”表示“祝愿”,may 必须置于句首。如:

may you be happy! 祝你幸福! may you succeed! 祝你成功!


在it is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc) that...和it is desired (suggested, decided, ordered, requested, proposed, etc.)句型中,谓语动词的虚拟语气结构用“should+动词原形”的结构,表示惊奇,不相信,惋惜,理应如此等。如:

it is necessary that we should clean the room every day.

it will be suggested that she should finish her homework this afternoon.


1.“i wish+宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望。如:

i wish you could go with us. we wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.

2.动词command, demand, insist, order, request, require, suggest等后面的宾语从句中用“(should)+动词原形”。如:

i suggest that we (should) have a meeting. we insist that they (should) go with us.

注意:只有当insist作“坚持(认为)”,“坚持(应该)”,suggest作“________”解时,从句的动作发生在谓语之后,宾语从句才用虚拟语气。当insist作“________”,suggest 作“________”解时,宾语从句通常不用虚拟语气。如:

mike insisted that he had never stolen anything. the expression on his face suggested that he was very angry.


advice, idea, order, demand, plan, proposal, suggestion, request等名词与表语从句和同位语从句连用,其谓语动词一般要用虚拟语气的结构“________”。例如:

we agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to beijing for sightseeing. 我们同意他的建议,去北京观光旅游。

my idea is that we (should) do exercises first. 我的看法是我们先做练习。


在it is (high) time (that)...句型中,定语从句的谓语动词用过去式,或should+动词原形(should不能省略,be 用were)来表示,意为“早该”。例如:

it is (high) time we left (should leave). it is high time we went to bed.

六、虚拟语气用于if only 引导的感叹句中

if only i had taken his advice. if only i were a bird.


teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

1. be diagnosed with vt. 诊断疾病

the plastic surgeon diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease. 整形外科医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。

the general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia. 全科医生把小儿的病诊断为肺炎。

2. suffer from 与suffer 区别


she was suffering from a headache. 她正经受头痛之苦。

many people suffer from a great dread of heights. 许多人非常畏高。


to suffer death 丧生

the enemy forces suffered heavy casualties by their own admission. 敌军自己承认伤亡惨重。

3. depending on (常与on, upon连用)视情况而定

that depends. 视情形而定。

it all depends on how you tackle the problem. 那要看你如何应付这问题而定。

(常与on 连用)信任,信赖;需要

can i depend on you? 我可以信任你吗?

i havent a car, i have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,只能靠公共汽车。

4. thanks to 由于; 多亏, 因为

camp meals are no great problem. neither are beds, thanks to air mattresses and sleeping bags.


引申:常见的表示“因为”的词组:owing to, because of, on account of, as a result of, due to, for the reason of 等。

5. in time to do sth 赶得上做。。。

you are just in time to speak at the meeting.

6. prevent …from doing (常与from连用)阻止;制止;妨碍

we were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything. 浓雾使我们看不到任何东西。

what prevented you from joining us last night? 昨天晚上什么事使你不能参加我们的晚会?

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

7. 对过去的虚拟

if i had had insurance, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.

表示与过去的事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用“had +过去分词”,主句中的谓语动词用“would(should, could, might)+have +过去分词”。例如:

if you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t have failed in the examination.

8. aimed vt., vi. (常与at连用)瞄准;对准

he aimed with the gun. 他用枪瞄准。

she aimed a pistol at the bandit point-blank. 她用手枪直接瞄准强盗。

he aimed the gun at the enemy officer. 他用枪瞄准了敌军官。


i aim to be a lawyer. 我要当个律师。

he aimed to swim a mile. 他的目标是游一英里。

the factory must aim at developing new models of machines. 该工厂必须致力于研制新型机械。

n. 瞄准;对准

the hunter took aim at wolf. 猎手瞄准狼。


what is your aim in life? 你生活的目的是什么?

his aim was to swim a mile. 他的目标是游一英里。

the aim is not just to keep busy. 其目的不仅是为了使每个人不致闲着。

9. access to n. 进入;通道

there is no access to the street through that door. 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。

the only access to that ancient castle is along a muddy track. 到那座古老城堡去的唯一通道是一条泥泞小路。


easy of access 易于接近

students need access to books. 学生需要使用书本。

he gave me free access to his library. 他让我随意进他的藏书室

10 consult vt. 参考;查阅;咨询

i consulted george about buying a car. 我向乔治请教购买小汽车的事。

i must consult my principal on this matter. 这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。


teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

11. nor can they 看半倒装

1. 在结果状语从句句型so …that …中,如果强调so…放在句首,主句需要部分倒装。

so excited was she at the news that she couldn”t say a word .


2. only放在句首,强调状语(副词,介词短语或状语从句等),全句语序要部分倒装。

only in this way can we get in touch with them .

only because he was ill was he absent from school .


only mr wang knows about it .

3. 带有否定意义的词放在句首,语序需要部分倒装。常见的词语有: not , never , seldom , scarcely , barely , little , at no time , not only , not once , under on condition , hardly … when , no sooner …than …rarely, little, hardly, nowhere, at no time, by no means, in no way, in/under no circumstances, in vain, much/even/still less, no sooner…than, hardly/scarcely…when, not a single word, not a soul, not frequently, not longer, not often, not only…but also, not until…等。

little did i think he was a spy . 我一点也没想到他是一个间谍。

hardly had i reached home when it began to rain .

no sooner had i entered the room than the phone rang .

not only does radio enable people to send words, music, and codes to any part of the world, it can also be used to communicate far in to space.(toefl,.10/11)

we have been told that under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.(cet4,.6/60)

not until the game had begun did he arrive at the sports ground.(cet4,.6/23)

scarcely had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her.

nowhere was the lost car to be found.

4. 在虚拟语气中,倒装代替条件。

should he be here next week , he would help us with the problem .

were there no light , we could see nothing .

5. 用于某些表示祝愿的句子。

may you succeed ! 祝你成功! long live france ! 法兰西万岁!

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

6. 当比较和方式状语从句中主语不是人称代词时,常可在主语前添加与前面呼应的助动词或情态动词,构成倒装结构,例如:

mammals have a larger, more well-developed brain than do other animals. (toefl, 1994. 8/5)

he traveled a great deal as did most of his friends.

pure iron can not be hardened by heating and cooling as can steel, because iron lacks the necessary carbon. (toefl, 1999.10/13)

7. 让步状语从句可引起倒装,例如:

be he king or slave (=whether he is a king or a slave), he ought to be punished

come what may (=what may happen), we’re not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands

12. as was the case with wang lin 特殊的定语从句

13. warn 用法vt. (常与of, against连用)警告;提醒;告诫

she warned me about the dangerous road, so i crossed it carefully. 她提醒我这条马路很危险,因此我过马路小心翼翼。


the whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail. 汽笛通知旅客船即将启航。

integrating skills

1. as a result of , result from , result in

2. consider 用法 vt., vi. 考虑;思考

i am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。

the court would not even consider his claim for the old mans legacy. 法庭根本不会考虑他所提出的对老人遗产的要求。

let me consider. 让我考虑一下。


i consider it a great honor. 我认为这是极大的荣幸。

we consider that the driver is not to blame. 我们认为这不是司机的过错。

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

3. it was not until …that 强调句用法

it was not until i called her from behind that she found me.

在强调句型中,not until置于句首构成倒装句以及until放在句首时,均不能用till替换until。例如:

it was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcast began.


notuntil12o”clock last night did tom come back.(倒装句)


until i was 20 i had never been away from my hometown.


4. search for

5. of even greater significance = significant

引申:常见类似结构还有:be of importance, be of necessity, be of value 等等。

6. despite prep. 不管;不顾;即使

despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday. 尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快。

7. lack n. (常与of连用)缺乏;需要

there is no lack of vegetable. 蔬菜不缺。

the lack of rain aggravated the serious lack of food. “由于干旱少雨,缺粮问题更加严重。”


lack vt. 缺乏;不足;没有

he lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。

owing to lack of time, we cannot do more than what we have done. 由于时间不够,我们只能做到这样。

their actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another. “他们言行不一,说的是一回事,做的又是另一回事。”


something is lacking. 缺少点什么东西。

is she lacking in courage? 她缺乏勇气吗?

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

8. when asked about his discovery…

分词做状语时,经常放在连词when, while, if , unless 之后。

if invited, i will go to attend the conference.

unless paid special attention to, the orchid is hard to grow.

while doing sport, you lose the most calories.

when scolded by his boss, he remained silent.

9. 虚拟语气2


1). “wish +宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望,汉语可译为“可惜……”. “……就好了”, “悔不该……”, “但愿……”等.

表示现在不能实现的愿望,从句的谓语动词用过去式;表示将来不能实现的愿望用“would(could) +动词原形”;表示过去不能实现的愿望时用“had +过去分词”或“(could)would +have +过去分词”.例如:

i wish it were spring all the year round.

i wish you could go with us.

we wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.

2) 虚拟语气在动词arrange, command, demand, desire, insist, order, propose, request, require, suggest,等后面的宾主从句中用“(should)+动词原形”.例如:

we suggested that we (should) have a meeting.

we insisted that they (should) go with us.

the doctor ordered that she (should) stay in bed for a few days.

he demanded that we (should) start right away.

注意:insist作“力言”, “强调”解时,宾语从句不用虚拟语气,只有当insist作 “坚持(认为)”, “坚持(应该)”解时宾语从句才用虚拟语气.例如:

mike insisted that he had never stolen anything.

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:


作advice, idea, order, demand, plan, proposal, suggestion, request等名词的表语从句和同位语从句,其谓语动词要用虚拟语气的结构“(should)+动词原形”.例如:

we all agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to beijing for sightseeing.

my idea is that we (should) exercises first.

(四)虚拟语气在 as if(as though),even if( even though)等引导的表语从句或状语从句中的应用.


he looked as if he were an artist.

he speaks english so fluently as if he had studied english in england.

even if he were here,he could not solve the problem.


在主语从句中,谓语动词的虚拟语气结构用“ should 十动词原形”的结构,表示惊奇、不相信、惋惜、理应如此等.例如:

it is necessary( important,natural,strange,etc) that … we should clean

the room every day.

it was a pity ( a shame,no wonder,etc) that you should be so careless.

it will be desired( suggested,decided,ordered,requested,proposed,etc)

that she should finish her homework this afternoon.



it is a strange that he did not come yesterday.

it is a pity that you can’t swim.


这种从句常用在 it is( high) time( that)…句型中,定语从句的谓语动词用过去式,或 should十动词原形( should不能省略,be用 were)来表示,意为“(现在)该……”。例如:

it is ( high) time we left (should leave).

lt is high time we were going.

(七)虚拟语气用于 if only引导的感叹句中

if only i had taken his advice.


if only i were a bird.我如果是一只鸟就好了.



it would be better for you not to stay up too late.

would you be kind enough to open the door?


would you like a cup of tea?

i would rather not tell you. you had better go now. 3)用“ may 十动词原形”表示“祝愿”、“但愿”. may须置于句首,例如:may you be happy! may you succeed!



1、单元教学内容:本单元重点学习学校科室及功能室的名称、分布和不同的功能。要求学生能够听说认读这些课室的单词,说出每个科室的不同功用,并简单介绍学校校舍的分布情况。重点学习的句型是:this is …….. that is ………. is this …….? .is that …….? yes,it is ./no, it isn’t.同时渗透了序数词的运用以及字母组合er在单词中的最基本的发音。

2、单元教学重点:掌握学校中的一些功能室。例如:playground, garden, teacher’s office, library, canteen, art room, computer room, washroom, music room, gym, and tv room.掌握句型this /that is the… 及 is this /that the…? yes,it is./no, it isn’t.在实际情境中的运用。



认读parta and part b 中的单词;实际情景中灵活运用 let’s talk 中的重要句型this/that is the(a)… is this/that the(a)…? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.












1、能听懂、会说:“where is the teachers’ office? is this the teachers office? the teachers office is next to the library.”并能在实际情景中进行运用。







1、教师播放本单元歌曲“our school”,先让学生听然后鼓励学生跟唱。

2、教师慢慢出示teachers’ office等词的图卡,让学生猜出该单词。


1、教师和学生进行free talk,话题是why do you like our school? 鼓励学生用简单的句子做出回答,即使只能说出只言片语,教师也要给予表扬。

2、播放本课课件let’s talk 部分。教师可以就对话内容提一些问题,如:how many american friends are there? what do you do in the playground? 在提问与回答的过程中,将难点各个击破。


4、first和second的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:t: what’s in the first/second picture? ss: it’s a library/ a teacher’s office. 也可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:t: the first card, playground; the second card, … 然后引导学生仔细观察挂图,正确理解和运用短语on the first floor 和on the second floor。



1、一学生手举起图片背对其他学生面向黑板站立,另一学生依照图的提示做出动作,其余的学生猜测图上表示的是什么课室或学校场馆,用句型“is this...? yes, it is./no, it isnt.”作答。

2、做本单元a let’s talk 部分的作业本练习。


1、听let’s talk 部分的录音,读给同伴、朋友或家长听。






2、听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:go to the garden . water the flowers.









1、教师播放本单元歌曲“our school”,先让学生听然后鼓励学生跟唱。

2、播放第三册第一单元课件let’s learn a ,回顾句型:“what’s in the classroom? a board, two lights, many desks and chairs.”自然过度到学习学校各课室的名称。


1、教师指着教室问学生:this is our new classroom. do you like our classroom? what’s in the classroom? 学生做出相应的回答。教师接着问:how many classrooms are there in our school? do you like our school? what else can you see in the school? look! this is a map of our school.

2、播放本课的声音let’s learn a, 教读生词。教师可引入句型“it’s on the first floor.,为下一课时进一步学习序数词做铺垫。通过教师领读和听音跟读,让学生掌握本课时五个生词的正确读音。在练习library的发音时,可复习已学过的含辅音连缀的单词,如ice-cream, brother, friend, hungry。


1、小组比赛。教师出示一张词卡,如garden,组内学生依次说出与该词有关的其它单词,如:flowers,red,colour,trees等,这样既复习了学过的单词,也为继续学习let’s do打下基础。

2、看let’s do的图片(没有文字),让学生仔细看动作,然后跟着声音做动作。播放声音,教师指导学生做出正确的动作。然后分组进行练习,采用组与组竞赛的方式,可以是做动作猜句子并说出单词,也可以是听声音,做动作。让其他的组的学生进行评价。评价包括动作是否准确、到位、优雅等。


1、读课文第5页并背诵 lets do。






2、能听、说、读、写 water, tiger, sister, dinner, computer五个词语。


教学重点:能听、说、读、写 water, tiger, sister, dinner, computer五个词语。

教学难点:正确书写water, tiger, sister, dinner, computer五个词语。




a: where is the teachers office?

b: its ...

a: is this ...?

b: yes, it is./no, it isnt.

2、请学生表演a部分let’s talk的对话。


1、播放read, listen and chant的录音,让学生听歌谣。


3、播放read, underline and say 的录音,让学生划出字母组合er。



1、完成look, listen and write部分的练习。






教学目标:能够识别句型“is this the …?和is that the…”的不同用法并在真实情景中正确使用。


教学重点:“is this…?/ is that…?”的用法。建议教师在真实的情景中对this和that在距离上的区别进行比较以加深学生的印象。

教学难点:“is this…?/ is that…?”的用法。建议教师在真实的情景中对this和that在距离上的区别进行比较以加深学生的印象。



1、学生表演a部分let’s do的内容。

2、教师和学生进行主题讨论:what’s in our school? 鼓励学生用新学的单词来交谈。


1、教师和学生进行free talk,话题是why do you like our school? 鼓励学生用简单的句子做出回答,即使只能说出只言片语,教师也要给予表扬。顺着这一话题。教师说:“yes, our school is really very nice. today a friend from america is coming to see our school. chen jie is showing them around school. let’s watch. 由此导入新课。

2、学生观看课件后,回答教师提出的理解性问题。在问答的过程中重点理解与操练句型:is this the…?和is that the …?




1、做本单元b部分作业本上let’s talk的练习。


1、听let’s talk 部分的录音,读给同伴、朋友或家长听。





1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:gym , art room , computer room ,playground , music room .

2、能够完成look, ask and answer 部分中的活动。

3、能够理解story time 中故事的大意并跟录音朗读。


教学重点:五个生词的正确发音以及序数first, second的用法。

教学难点:理解story time 中的故事大意。



1、师生齐唱本单元的let’t chant b部分的歌谣。

2、学生起立边跳边唱歌曲《our school》。

3、教师说一个句子,如:i can see many flowers in it. where is it? 让学生判断是什么单词,然后做出正确的回答。



1、教师播放a部分let’s do的声音,学生表演 “听听做做”活动。

2、教师提问:where do we water the flowers? 学生回答:in the garden. 教师再问:where do we read story-books? 学生回答:in the library. 然后教师继续提问:where do we have computer classes? 引导学生说出:in the computer room。

3、教师出示本单元的图片,说,this is the computer room. 教授其余五个生词。



教师把贴在黑板上的五张图卡分别翻过来并打乱顺序,用手盖住单词,然后向学生提问:where is the music room? 或者指着某张图卡问学生:is this the music room? 让学生回答,借此铺垫新句型:is this/ that the …?







1、能让学生运用this/that is …写句子。


3、会唱let’s sing 的歌曲。

4、能听懂 story time 的 内容。


教学重点:掌握两个重点句子:“this is the library. that is the playground.”的正确书写。

教学难点:在四线格中的正确书写this is the library. that is the playground.。






1、让学生练习运用this/that is…练习说句子。






4、唱let’s sing 的歌曲。

5、听录音看动画理解story time 的内容。



2、听录音并跟读story time。





unit 12 fact and fantasy


do you think the inventions in the pictures above were made?(火车,电灯和蒸汽船)

was electricity discovered and how was it used in the following two hundred years?

the early nineteenth century, people had no idea what the inside of the earth might look like. can you explain what we know about it today?

down eight key words that you expect to find in the reading passage below.

jules verne: the father of science fiction

jules verne was born in 1828, in france. his father sent him to paris to study law, but instead verne developed his love for the theatre. to make a living, verne had to write and sell stories. jules spent many hours in paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects. he used the latest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books. many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of dr benjamin franklin’s experiments with electricity. by taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, jules verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. he also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time. jules verne died in 1905, long before any of his dreams came true.

at the beginning of 20,000 leagues under the sea, one of his most famous novels, ships are disappearing all over the world and it is believed to be caused by a sea monster. dr aronnax, his servant and a canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster. after months of searching they find it and in the collision that follows, the three men are thrown overboard. in their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. they are taken on board and captain nemo decides not to kill them but makes them his permanent guests. from that day on they start planning their escape.

captain nemo takes them on a voyage across the oceans. the nautilus is an extraordinary ship. the furniture is precious and huge glass windows that can be opened and closed give a view of the underwater world. the ship is also very strong and protected with thick iron plates. all that is needed for life on board comes from the ocean. electricity is used for light, heating, power and to defend the ship against attacks. the food aboard the nautilus is all sea food.

dressed in ping suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship. they find themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fishes, shells and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters.

readers have wondered about the character of captain nemo ever since the book was published. you could say he is someone you will neither like nor dislike. you might think that he is a cruel man because he keeps aronnax and the others as prisoners and destroys ships. but at other moment you will find him gentle and weak, when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.

another wonderful story is that of journey to the center of the earth. the story begins with the discovery of an ancient document in an old book. it explains how to find a secret road to the centre of the earth. two men decide to go on this adventure and travel to iceland, where they enter the earth through a chimney in an extinct volcano. their guide leads them through a narrow passage deep into the earth. passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper. they drink the water from a boiling underground river and after many days they reach a huge lake or underground ocean. walking along its shores they go through forests of mushrooms and plants that lived on the earth millions of years ago. they build a raft to cross the sea and are attacked by ancient sea creatures. in the end, their raft is drawn into a fast steam and with ever increasing speed and temperatures they are shot out of a volcano in southern italy.


be the character of captain nemo.

rase the following sentences or parts of sentences using your own words.

1.)to make a living he had to write and sell stories. àhe had to write and sell stories to make money.

2.)in their efforts to survive… à

3.)they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself. à

4.)his permanent guests à

water travel and space travel have many things in common. describe the similarities and differences and fill in the chart below.





about all the knowledge we now have about the earth and explain where jules verne might have got his ideas from when he wrote his novel.

1)why would there be a huge underground ocean?

2)why do the characters find plants and animals that lived on the earth millions of years ago?

3)how could they find an old metal object that is about 500 years old?

tools and things would you bring if you were going to climb down into a very deep cave? what would be the most important dangers and things that could happen?

preparation:tools and things to bring

risks: dangers and things that could happen

language study

word study

choose the right word to complete the following sentences. some may be used more than once.

collision permanent voyage escape on board fiction fantasy

this is not a real story; it is ___________. in 1898, an american writer wrote a novel. in the story, a huge ship called titan of which it was said that it could not sink, set off from southampton on her first ___________ across the atlantic ocean. it sank after a ____________ with an iceberg, killing most of the 2,500 people ___________________.

fourteen years later, in 1912, titanic, which was called the “ship of dreams” or the “ship that cannot sink”, set off from southampton on its first _________. on its way to new york city, it hit an iceberg. three hours after the _________, it sank to the bottom of the sea. it had more than 2,220 passengers __________, of whom 1,513 did not ________ the cold ocean water and died.

the story of titanic is an example where ________ meets reality. the disaster has become a __________ pain in people’s hearts.

word formation (2)

the meaning of these stems and affixes. match the words and the correct definitions.

mis = wrong extra- = outside inter- = between sub- - under

under- = below over- = too much dis- = not -marine = sea

1. _______ submarine a. do not like

2. _______ underground too hard

3. _______ overwork and reaction between two people or things

4. _______ interaction in the wrong place

5. _______ misplace e.a ship that can travel below the surface of the sea

6. _______ dislike the surface of the earth

the meaning of the words in italics, using context clues and what you know about word parts.

1. _______ mum tole me not to misbehave at my grandparents’ house.

2. _______ the chinese subtitles at the bottom of the screen help us understand foreign movies.

3. _______ don’t misunderstand me; i’m only trying to help.

4. _______ in many cases, the words “fiction” and “novel” are interchangeable.

5. _______ people like to take the subway because it is faster than buses and cheaper than taxies.

6. _______ he looks very tired because he has been working overtime all week.

7. _______ people will think you are mad if you walk in public in your underpants.

intergrating skills

reading and writing

the story of dr frankenstein

no human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself. instead of children’s play and adventure, i was driven by a desire to learn. i wasn’t interested in the structure of language or law. i wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth. my father was not scientific, so i had to look for a road without having a map. i entered the search for wisdom and dreamt of finding a way to cure any disease.

i read all the books i could find that threw light upon these matters. i studied maths and physics and the works of many learned author. at the age of seventeen, my parents sent me to university. but i found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided that i would pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature.

one of the phenomena that attracted my attention was the structure of the human body, and any animal that was alive. i often asked myself, where the principle of life came from. after days and nights of incredible labour i discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matter.

when i found this amazing power placed within my hands, i hesitated a long time how i should use it. although i knew how to create life, how to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job. i doubted at first whether i should try to create a being like myself, or one of simpler organization. but soon i dreamt of nothing else but the creation of a creature as complete and wonderful as man.

it was with these feelings that i began the creation of a human being. as the small size of the parts slowed down my speed, i decided to make the being much larger than man; about eight feet in height. with these ideas, spending some months collecting and arranging materials, i began.

who can imagine the horror of my secret work? i collected bones from graves and cut up dead bodies. many of my materials came from butcher shops and hospitals. it was on a night in november that i looked at the result of my work. i collected my instruments around me, with which i would light the flame of life into the dead thing that lay at my feet. it was already one in the morning, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when i saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open.

i looked at the terrible monster that i had created. he opened the curtain of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, looked at me. his hair was black and his teeth as white as snow, but his skin was yellow. when his thin black lips opened, nothing came out some strange sounds. while unfinished, he was ugly, but now he was a living horror.


one of man’s greatest dreams has always been to create life, especially a life form that looks like us to create a man. answer the questions below to help you brainstorm about how that could be done. then name of your own mysterious doctor and write a short story about how he or she would create a human being.

1)how does your doctor create a life form that looks like a human being?

2)describe your doctor’s efforts to do that.

3)create a word web of nouns, verbs and adjectives for the story. add all the words you need.

arms cells hospital butcher fur





test tube





1. 课前让学生准备以前学过的五个字母的大写和小写卡片。

2. 让学生准备与本节课相关的单词卡。

一. 热身/复习(warming up)

1. 随着录音机唱一唱abc的歌曲。

2. 猜一猜

把学过的字母a-e 写在卡片上,依次展示卡片的背面,让学生猜字母。对猜对的同学给于口头表扬。

二. 新课呈现(presentation)

1. 游戏(game):


2. 教师将学过的字母一一展示在黑板上,让学生认读,引出字母ff,教读并将大小写出后再教授几遍。用同样的方法教学g g。

3. 出示以这些字母为首字母的单词的相关图片,问what’s this? father和girl在前面已学过,复习一下。

4. 出示图片让学生看let’s say 的部分。问:what can you see、引导学生回答:i can see a man .问;what is he doing?然后指着鱼:what’s this ?can you tell me? 教学教读it’s a fish.用同样的方法教goose,并不时出示单词卡片让学生认读。

三. 趣味操练(practice)

1. 游戏:找朋友

将学过的七个字母按大小写分开,一部分学生拿大写字母卡,一部分拿小写字母卡。让拿大写字母卡的学生分别起立读出手中的字母,那对应小写字母卡的学生跟到他前方举起手中的字母,说:i’m… 两人握手并说:nice to meet you.

2. 将图片与单词卡片同时呈现,让学生找出本课刚学的字母。

3. 教师在四线三格上教写字母,强调学生注意占格,学生观察后在活动手册上描红。

4. 听let’s chant部分的歌谣,学生跟着节奏一起拍手说,


四. 拓展活动(extension)

1.找出我们所学过的单词中分别含有字母f和g的单词(good goodbye girl food friend)

五. 课堂总结(assessment)

1. 让学生总结本课要求会读的单词。

2. 听录音,跟着说唱 chant。

3. 把字母学会。

课 题 unit 2 my family (第四课时)

教学目标 1. 学习本课句型:is she/he your…?. yes, she’s my sister. / no, she’s my mom..

词汇(短语):come on! really? watch tv.

2. 使学生掌握一些感叹词来表达心中的想法,如cool!great!wow!及常用口语 come on!really?

教学重点 1.使学生进一步巩固句型:who’s this girl/boy? she’s/he’s…

is she/he your….? yes,shehe is. no, shehe isn’t.

2.词汇(短语):come on! really? watch tv.

教学难点 本课句型:is she/he your…?及回答yes, she’s my sister. / no, she’s my mom.

教具准备 教材相配套的教学录音带

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前让学生听录音,复习part a let’s talk的内容:who’s that woman/man? she’s/he’s…

2. 课前让学生准备了一张自己的全家福并练习对话。

一. 热身/复习(warming up)

学生各自拿出自己的全家福,根据part a的句型,两人一组进行操练,表现好的同学奖励贴花。

s1:this is my family。

s2:who’s that woman?

s1:she’s my mother.

s2: who’s that man?

s1: he’s…

二. 新课呈现:(presentation)

1. game: i say you do

让学生在游戏中学习新知识。教师发号口令,学生做动作。教师说:come on, children!

stand up, please! cool!

sit down, please.

open your books.

watch tv. (手指电视,做按遥控器的动作)等。对于学生完成的动作,教师及时给予学生表扬和肯定。如:great!cool!等。

2. 领读词组 come on! watch tv. 并板书。

3. 对读的好的同学适当表扬,用上语气词:wow, cool.

4. 板书wow, cool.,教授几个感叹词,其实此词学生已大多数知道cool! great! wow! 的意思。

5. 让学生看书,听录音边跟读,并注意新授词组 watch tv, come on, 并讲授中文“really?”“how funny!”的发音和释义。特别是语气词一定要读出语气来。

三. 趣味操练(practice)

1. 让学生拿出课前准备的图画,教师指着画中人物问: is she/he your…? 反复问几次,提示学生用yesno 做简单回答。

2. 教读句子:is she your mom? yes, she’s my mom. no, she’s my sister. 表扬读的好的学生:cool/great.

3. listen and number.要求学生根据录音内容及顺序,给对应的图标标号,教师放录音,指导学生标号。

4. 游戏(game)

学生用自己课前准备的画分小组完成let’s practice.中的游戏活动。

四. 课堂总结(assessment)

1. 让学生总结本节课所学的感叹词和常用口语。


课题 unit 2 my family (第五课时)

教学目标 1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:sister, brother

2.在学习let’s chant 中的歌谣时,要让学生通过有节奏地说唱,复习和巩固本课所学单词。

教学重点 1. 单词sister, brother。

2. 学习let’s chant 中的歌谣

教学难点 能够听懂本单元的小故事。

教具准备 1.教材相配套的教学录音带

2. 本课相关的照片,挂图

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前先让学生复习本单元part a let’s learn 部分的内容。

2. 让学生准备好与本课相关的照片。

一.热身/复习(warming up)

用句型:is she your …?来做对话。

教师作示范:教师拿出自己家庭成员的不同照片,让学生提问,教师根据提问回答。小组合作:学生以小组为单位(变换小组成员),拿着家庭成员的照片互相询问:“is she/he your …?”



1.教师出示b let’s learn的挂图

教师提问:what can you see? what are they doing? 在挂图中有几个人?他们什么关系?引出单词brother, sister,指导学生认读。


2.在挂图上,你还看到什么?what’s this?依次引出单词“fish,boat,goose,flower”

学生回答:fish, boat, goose, flower等并板书。


教师指着鱼说:wow! what a big fish! 教师做动作并领读句子,提醒学生注意语调,体会句子的意思。


what a big goose!

what a tall tree!

what a nice girl!


great! cool! oh! look! how funny!


5. 教师出示家庭成员的单词卡片,请读的最好的学生到前面来带读,让学生开火车认读。。



1. listen and do听一听,做一做


t: who’s he? who’s he?s: he’s my father.

t: who’s she? who’s she?s: she’s my mother. ….

’s chant

展示let’s chant的挂图,先帮助学生理解chant的意思。




学生们做自己的family tree.

学生们自由走到其他同学那里,谈论家庭成员,运用句型“who’s he/she? is she/he your …?”进行问答。

课题 unit 2 my family (第六课时)

教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写字母h h, ii,并能听说认读以这些字母为首字母的单词:hamburger, hot dog ,ice-cream, ice.

2.听懂let’s do 中的字母和短语,并做出相应的动作。如:a b c, look and see.

3.听懂story time 的内容。

教学重点 掌握字母h h, i i单词:hamburger, hot dog ,ice-cream, ice。

教学难点 1.能够听懂一些指令性短语,并做出相应的动作。

2. story time 的内容

教具准备 1.本课时相关的单词卡和图片

2. 教材相配套的教学录音带

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前了解一些食物英语的名称。

2. 课前先让学生复习三年级上册unit 5 food part a let’s learn 部分的单词:cake ,bread, chicken…

一.热身/复习(warming up)

1. 游戏:找朋友

将学过的七个字母按大小写分开,一部分学生拿大写字母卡,一部分拿小写字母卡。让拿大写字母卡的学生分别起立读出手中的字母,那对应小写字母卡的学生跟到他前方举起手中的字母,说:i’m… 两人握手

2.让学生听三年级上册unit 5 part a let’s learn部分的录音,了解相关的食物的名称。.


1. 教师出示肯德基海报,问这是什么,在这些食物中你最喜欢吃什么?引出“hamburger”领读。

同样的方法教hot dog, ice-cream和ice并总结出这些单词的首

字母h h,ii,教师出示字母h h,反复教读几遍,然后,出示hamburger, hot dog, ice-cream和ice的图片,教师可出示其中一张问:what’s that? oh ,it’s a hamburger.教师先让学生跟读单词,然后模仿回答。


3.放let’s say 部分的录音,学生跟读两遍。


1. 放let’s do录音,学生先听两遍,然后教师讲解并示范。


3. 听录音教师讲解part c story time的内容意思。






1. 课前让学生准备以前学过的五个字母的大写和小写卡片。

2. 让学生准备与本节课相关的单词卡。

一. 热身/复习(warming up)

1. 随着录音机唱一唱abc的歌曲。

2. 猜一猜

把学过的字母a-e 写在卡片上,依次展示卡片的背面,让学生猜字母。对猜对的同学给于口头表扬。

二. 新课呈现(presentation)

1. 游戏(game):


2. 教师将学过的字母一一展示在黑板上,让学生认读,引出字母ff,教读并将大小写出后再教授几遍。用同样的方法教学g g。

3. 出示以这些字母为首字母的单词的相关图片,问what’s this? father和girl在前面已学过,复习一下。

4. 出示图片让学生看let’s say 的部分。问:what can you see、引导学生回答:i can see a man .问;what is he doing?然后指着鱼:what’s this ?can you tell me? 教学教读it’s a fish.用同样的方法教goose,并不时出示单词卡片让学生认读。

三. 趣味操练(practice)

1. 游戏:找朋友

将学过的七个字母按大小写分开,一部分学生拿大写字母卡,一部分拿小写字母卡。让拿大写字母卡的学生分别起立读出手中的字母,那对应小写字母卡的学生跟到他前方举起手中的字母,说:i’m… 两人握手并说:nice to meet you.

2. 将图片与单词卡片同时呈现,让学生找出本课刚学的字母。

3. 教师在四线三格上教写字母,强调学生注意占格,学生观察后在活动手册上描红。

4. 听let’s chant部分的歌谣,学生跟着节奏一起拍手说,


四. 拓展活动(extension)

1.找出我们所学过的单词中分别含有字母f和g的单词(good goodbye girl food friend)

五. 课堂总结(assessment)

1. 让学生总结本课要求会读的单词。

2. 听录音,跟着说唱 chant。

3. 把字母学会。

课 题 unit 2 my family (第四课时)

教学目标 1. 学习本课句型:is she/he your…?. yes, she’s my sister. / no, she’s my mom..

词汇(短语):come on! really? watch tv.

2. 使学生掌握一些感叹词来表达心中的想法,如cool!great!wow!及常用口语 come on!really?

教学重点 1.使学生进一步巩固句型:who’s this girl/boy? she’s/he’s…

is she/he your….? yes,shehe is. no, shehe isn’t.

2.词汇(短语):come on! really? watch tv.

教学难点 本课句型:is she/he your…?及回答yes, she’s my sister. / no, she’s my mom.

教具准备 教材相配套的教学录音带

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前让学生听录音,复习part a let’s talk的内容:who’s that woman/man? she’s/he’s…

2. 课前让学生准备了一张自己的全家福并练习对话。

一. 热身/复习(warming up)

学生各自拿出自己的全家福,根据part a的句型,两人一组进行操练,表现好的同学奖励贴花。

s1:this is my family。

s2:who’s that woman?

s1:she’s my mother.

s2: who’s that man?

s1: he’s…

二. 新课呈现:(presentation)

1. game: i say you do

让学生在游戏中学习新知识。教师发号口令,学生做动作。教师说:come on, children!

stand up, please! cool!

sit down, please.

open your books.

watch tv. (手指电视,做按遥控器的动作)等。对于学生完成的动作,教师及时给予学生表扬和肯定。如:great!cool!等。

2. 领读词组 come on! watch tv. 并板书。

3. 对读的好的同学适当表扬,用上语气词:wow, cool.

4. 板书wow, cool.,教授几个感叹词,其实此词学生已大多数知道cool! great! wow! 的意思。

5. 让学生看书,听录音边跟读,并注意新授词组 watch tv, come on, 并讲授中文“really?”“how funny!”的发音和释义。特别是语气词一定要读出语气来。

三. 趣味操练(practice)

1. 让学生拿出课前准备的图画,教师指着画中人物问: is she/he your…? 反复问几次,提示学生用yesno 做简单回答。

2. 教读句子:is she your mom? yes, she’s my mom. no, she’s my sister. 表扬读的好的学生:cool/great.

3. listen and number.要求学生根据录音内容及顺序,给对应的图标标号,教师放录音,指导学生标号。

4. 游戏(game)

学生用自己课前准备的画分小组完成let’s practice.中的游戏活动。

四. 课堂总结(assessment)

1. 让学生总结本节课所学的感叹词和常用口语。


课题 unit 2 my family (第五课时)

教学目标 1.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:sister, brother

2.在学习let’s chant 中的歌谣时,要让学生通过有节奏地说唱,复习和巩固本课所学单词。

教学重点 1. 单词sister, brother。

2. 学习let’s chant 中的歌谣

教学难点 能够听懂本单元的小故事。

教具准备 1.教材相配套的教学录音带

2. 本课相关的照片,挂图

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前先让学生复习本单元part a let’s learn 部分的内容。

2. 让学生准备好与本课相关的照片。

一.热身/复习(warming up)

用句型:is she your …?来做对话。

教师作示范:教师拿出自己家庭成员的不同照片,让学生提问,教师根据提问回答。小组合作:学生以小组为单位(变换小组成员),拿着家庭成员的照片互相询问:“is she/he your …?”



1.教师出示b let’s learn的挂图

教师提问:what can you see? what are they doing? 在挂图中有几个人?他们什么关系?引出单词brother, sister,指导学生认读。


2.在挂图上,你还看到什么?what’s this?依次引出单词“fish,boat,goose,flower”

学生回答:fish, boat, goose, flower等并板书。


教师指着鱼说:wow! what a big fish! 教师做动作并领读句子,提醒学生注意语调,体会句子的意思。


what a big goose!

what a tall tree!

what a nice girl!


great! cool! oh! look! how funny!


5. 教师出示家庭成员的单词卡片,请读的最好的学生到前面来带读,让学生开火车认读。。



1. listen and do听一听,做一做


t: who’s he? who’s he?s: he’s my father.

t: who’s she? who’s she?s: she’s my mother. ….

’s chant

展示let’s chant的挂图,先帮助学生理解chant的意思。




学生们做自己的family tree.

学生们自由走到其他同学那里,谈论家庭成员,运用句型“who’s he/she? is she/he your …?”进行问答。

课题 unit 2 my family (第六课时)

教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写字母h h, ii,并能听说认读以这些字母为首字母的单词:hamburger, hot dog ,ice-cream, ice.

2.听懂let’s do 中的字母和短语,并做出相应的动作。如:a b c, look and see.

3.听懂story time 的内容。

教学重点 掌握字母h h, i i单词:hamburger, hot dog ,ice-cream, ice。

教学难点 1.能够听懂一些指令性短语,并做出相应的动作。

2. story time 的内容

教具准备 1.本课时相关的单词卡和图片

2. 教材相配套的教学录音带

导学过程 二次备课


1. 课前了解一些食物英语的名称。

2. 课前先让学生复习三年级上册unit 5 food part a let’s learn 部分的单词:cake ,bread, chicken…

一.热身/复习(warming up)

1. 游戏:找朋友

将学过的七个字母按大小写分开,一部分学生拿大写字母卡,一部分拿小写字母卡。让拿大写字母卡的学生分别起立读出手中的字母,那对应小写字母卡的学生跟到他前方举起手中的字母,说:i’m… 两人握手

2.让学生听三年级上册unit 5 part a let’s learn部分的录音,了解相关的食物的名称。.


1. 教师出示肯德基海报,问这是什么,在这些食物中你最喜欢吃什么?引出“hamburger”领读。

同样的方法教hot dog, ice-cream和ice并总结出这些单词的首

字母h h,ii,教师出示字母h h,反复教读几遍,然后,出示hamburger, hot dog, ice-cream和ice的图片,教师可出示其中一张问:what’s that? oh ,it’s a hamburger.教师先让学生跟读单词,然后模仿回答。


3.放let’s say 部分的录音,学生跟读两遍。


1. 放let’s do录音,学生先听两遍,然后教师讲解并示范。


3. 听录音教师讲解part c story time的内容意思。





unit 1 tales of the unexplained

the first period intensive reading

临澧一中英语组 张凤年



step 1:lead-in

当welcome to the unit作为reading为热身,并且从互联网上下载一些有关的图片,让学生除了看教材以外还可以看多的图片更好的去了解那些神秘的事件。



1. what is the article about?

the article is about a missing boy and aliens.

is missing?

justin poster is missing.

3. do the police know what happened to justin?




did justin’s mother go to bed early.

justin’s mother went to bed early because of a headache.

justin have any brothers and sisters?


3. what were the aliens like?

they were white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes.

is in charge of the case?

detective sam peterson is in charge of the case.

step: 4careful reading


match each part with its main ideas

part 1 (paras1-2) justin foster went missing.

part 2 (para3-4) the police found that justin returned home.

part 3 (paras5-7) the boy was taken away by aliens.


part 1 考虑到湖南高考题中,听力中有听材料,填信息的题型,平时多设计这方面的练习。对学生的听力的提高肯定有很大的帮助。

1. police in america have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year- old boy _

who went missing two days ago in dover , new hampshire.

2. justin foster, a high school students, went missing last friday night.

did not show up at the family lunch the next day.

part 2 read part 2 (paras3-4) carefully and decided whether the following sentences are true or false. 仔细阅读,训练学生对于教材细节的处理。

( f )1. justin left home to play football with two friends.

( t )2. witnesses said that they saw justin walking towards his home at 10:45 p.m.

( t )3. kelly heard justin put on his favorite cd after he went to his room.

part 3 继续结合高考,阅读文章处理文章信息。


the _ 1__ that justin was taken away by aliens

conclusion supporting details

the boy was taken away by aliens kelly saw a large _ 2__ flying out side

kelly saw lots of white– siknned strange –looking_ _ 3_

with large black eyes.

kelly heard justin _ 4_

maris wood said that the aliens took her away sothat the could do _ 5__ on her.

answers :1,possibility 2,spaceship 3,creatures 4,shout 5,


step5: language points

1,step up: speed up, increase

when john realized he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.

2,search, 搜查,搜寻

search sp. for 搜查某地以寻找

in search of = in one’s search for

the police searched the man but found nothing.

they searched the woods for the little boy

birds fly south in search of winter sun.

3 due


the electricity bill is due tomorrow.


the next train to london is due at 4:00 p.m.

由于,因为 because of , caused by

due to his rudeness, i didn’t say one more word to him.

his success is entirely due to hard work.

4 show up

we’ve been waiting for you to show up.

arrive, appear

the marks on the wall show up in the sunlight .

to be easily and clearly seen

when we go to parties, my husband always shows me up by telling rude jokes.

to make sb feel embarrassed or ashamed

5 rule out : get rid of

the police ruled out the possibility that the boy had been murdered by his step mother.

step 6: discussion

经过听力阅读,学生对课文内容已经有了很好的了解,而且也开始对 justin 的失踪和外星人产生了好奇,所以可以让他们讨论。

if you met some aliens from outer space, what will you do? go to outer space or not?

step7: homework

1. finish part d on page 4 and part e on page 5.

2. review the new words and phrases.
