
英语导游实训心得体会和感想 英语导游实训心得体会和感想怎么写(三篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-29 04:07:48 页码:12
英语导游实训心得体会和感想 英语导游实训心得体会和感想怎么写(三篇)
2022-12-29 04:07:48    小编:ZTFB












姓 名: 年 龄: 23

性 别: 女 婚姻状况: 未婚

政治面貌: 团员 身体状况: 良好

籍 贯: 山东 现所在地: 山东

工作经验: 应届毕业生

意向岗位: 英语翻译;职业教育/培训/家教;外贸/贸易经理/主管

求职类型: 全职 期望月薪: 面议

到岗时间: 面议 期望工作地点: 山东

从事行业: 贸易、商务、进出口;教育、培训、科研院所



青岛大学 (20xx年9月~20xx年6月)

专业: 英语专业 学历: 本科

获得证书: 专业英语八级 大学英语六级 计算机二级

课程描述: 主修精读英语 高级英语 中高级口语 中高级口译 英语听力 中级翻译 跨文化交际

20xx年9月 ~20xx年1月 担任一名初三学生的英语家教老师

20xx年2月 ~20xx年1月 在××英语培训机构,担任中教和助教近两年,辅助外教上课,或是自己给大一点的学生上课。

20xx年7月 ~20xx年8月 在台州黄岩的一个暑期培训班担任英语老师

20xx年9月 ~20xx年6月 在××大附小,担任三年级的英语老师一年

英语: 精通 日语: 一般

计算机水平: 二级





hello and welcome to dali, the hometown of "five golden flowers".

now our cruise ship is running on the west erhe river, the dischargechannel of erhai lake. the sailing direction of the cruise ship is from west toeast. if you go further, you can see the vast erhai lake.

erhai lake, located in the northwest of dali city, is a famous plateau lakein yunnan province. it is the seventh largest freshwater lake in china. it wasformed at the end of the ice age, and its main cause is subsidence and erosion,which belongs to structural fault lake. erhai lake, starting from eryuan in thenorth, is about 42.58 km long and 9 km wide from east to west. the lake coversan area of 256.5 square kilometers. although it is not as big as dianchi lake,its water storage capacity is much larger than dianchi lake. this is because theaverage depth of erhai lake is 10 meters, and the deepest can reach 20 was called "yeyushui" and "kunmichuan" in ancient times. but xiaoxu prefersits current name erhai. because the name is more appropriate and lovely. lookingdown from the sky, she is like a new moon, lying quietly between cangshan anddali dam, like a lovely big ear. this is the erhai moon in dali.

now our cruise ship has been driving in the rippling erhai lake.

you see, the lake water is clear, just like a flawless jade. it is verybeautiful. it is welcoming you from afar with a broad mind. if you come here onthe night of the 15th lunar month, the moon will be very round, very round. i amalso drunk with the scenery: the moon is round in the water, and the floatinglight shakes gold; the sky, with a jade mirror hanging high, seems to have justbathed in the lake. the water and the sky are shining. it's hard to tell whetherthe sky and the moon fall into the sea or the sea and the moon rise into thesky. why is erhai lake moon so bright? the scientific conclusion is: first, thewater quality of erhai lake is very pure, with high transparency and >

cangshan mountain, also known as diancangshan mountain, is named because ofits green color and white top. cangshan mountain stretches for more than 50kilometers and is composed of 19 peaks. it is towering and straight into thesky. the altitude is generally about 4000 meters, and the peak is covered withsnow all the year round. from south to north, the 19 peaks are xieyang, ma'er,fo, shengying, malong, yuju, longquan, sanyang, zhonghe, shengguanjian, yingle,xueren, lan, sanyang, heyun, baiyun, lianhua, wutai, canglang and yunlong. amongthe 19 peaks, malong peak is the highest, with an altitude of 4122 meters.

cangshan 19 peaks, two peaks with a stream, a total of 18 streams, streameast, into the erhai lake. from south to north, the eighteen streams areyangnan, tingming, mocan, qingbi, longxi, luyu, zhongxi, taoxi, meixi, yinxian,shuangyuan, baishi, lingquan, jinxi, mangyong, yangxi, wanhua and xiayi.

cangshan has a beautiful natural landscape and many scenic spots. such asthe famous butterfly spring, fengyan cave and longan cave, jiangjun cave,gantong temple and zhonghe temple. at the top of the mountain, there arebeautiful natural landscapes such as huadianbazi, ximatan, huanglongtan andancient glacial relics. the ancients summarized the various natural landscapesof cangshan as the eight sceneries of cangshan, that is, xiaose painted screen,cangshan spring snow, yunheng jade belt, fengyan shenghui, bishui dietan, yujufloating cloud, xipu pill stone, jinxia sunset.

cangshan is famous for its snow, cloud, spring and stone. cangshan snow isthe most famous scenery in dali. snow capped cangshan, wrapped in silver,shining in the sun, white crystal. as for cangshan snow, there are many praisesfrom scholars and scholars in the past dynasties, as well as many folklores. liyuanyang, a litterateur of ming dynasty, once praised: "ri li, cangshan snow,yaotai 19 peaks".

according to legend, in ancient dali, a group of plague gods spreadpestilence everywhere in one year, and pestilence prevailed in river and seaareas. many people have been killed by the plague, and people are suffering. atthe foot of cangshan mountain, the two brothers and sisters came back fromstudying law, determined to eliminate harm for the people. brother with wind,sister with snow, the god of plague rushed to the top of cangshan. in order tomake the people no longer affected by the plague, the elder brother turned intothe god of wind and the younger sister into the god of snow, freezing the god ofplague to death on the top of the mountain with strong wind and heavy then, the snow on cangshan has remained unchanged all year round, becomingthe first of the four sceneries -- cangshan snow. each of the 19 peaks ofcangshan mountain is 3500 meters above sea level. the highest peak, malong peak,is 4122 meters. due to its high altitude, the peak is extremely cold and snowyall the year round. it is crystal clear and white in the sun, which isspectacular.

cangshan's clouds are even more famous. clouds gather and disperse,sometimes as light as smoke, sometimes as thick as ink. among the changeableclouds, the most magical are "wangfu cloud" and "yudai cloud". the so-called"wangfu cloud" means that every winter and spring, a lonely white cloud oftenappears on the top of cangshan yuju peak, up and down, fluttering up and down,looking forward and looking forward. the strange thing is that as soon as itappears, there will be a storm in diancangshan, blowing towards erhai lake. theso-called "jade belt cloud" refers to the fact that when summer is late andautumn is early and rain is early and sunny, white clouds often appear betweenthe 19 peaks of cangshan mountain. the clouds gather and slowly pull apart, justlike a white jade belt across the green hillside, stretching for tens of 's wonderful is that "jade belt cloud" can foretell a good harvest inagriculture - it appears many times, and it was in good weather that year. thelocal bai people have a farming proverb: "cangshan is a jade belt, hungry dogseat white rice.".

jade belt cloud

most of them appear in the late summer and early autumn when it is sunnyafter rain. there is a milky white ribbon cloud around the waist of cangshanmountain, winding the hillside and piding the hundred mile cangshan mountaininto two parts, so it is called "cloud cross jade belt".

in the morning after the rain in autumn, the wisps of clouds appear on thewaist of cangshan mountain, and then gradually gather together to form aflawless white line, like a jade belt across the 19th peak of cangshan mountain,cutting off the towering mountains; then slowly they turn into thousands of snowlilies, blooming on the top of cangshan mountain, and in a twinkling of an eye,they disappear like willow catkins dancing in the spring breeze.

it is said that this is the coming of guanyin, which indicates that thecoming year will be a good year. zhang yangdu, a man of qing dynasty, once said,"when autumn comes and rain comes, the sky will seal the mountain with jade."."to praise the wonderful jade belt cloud.

wang fuyun

in autumn and winter, a kind of flocculent white cloud often appears on thetop of the jade bureau peak of cangshan mountain. it is like a princess full ofmelancholy, bowing down to visit her lover who has been beaten to the bottom ofthe sea. this is the "wangfu cloud" in folklore. as long as the wangfu cloudappears, the wind roars, the erhai lake is rough and the boat can't go, so it isalso called wudu cloud.

it is said that wangfuyun is the incarnation of princess a of e she fell in love with young hunters and people on cangshan mountain, shewas opposed by her father and asked master lailuo to kill a long and turn herinto a stone mule. the princess died of anger and yearning at the jade bureaupeak of cangshan mountain. her essence turned into a white cloud. she was angryand windy. she vowed to blow open the sea to find her lover. since then, everyautumn and winter, there is often a white and elegant cloud blowing from thejade bureau peak of cangshan mountain to the vast sky. under the background ofthe blue sky, it looks very clean and beautiful, like a pure girl standing onthe top of cangshan mountain overlooking erhai lake. as soon as it appears, thesea will be windy and the erhai lake will be rolling. the strong wind has thetendency of never giving up without blowing the sea and seeing the stone snailson the sea floor.

cangshan spring is also famous. there are many glacial lakes on the top ofthe 19th peak, which is more than 3800 meters above sea level. these lakes areleft by quaternary glaciers. there are also the streams of the eighteen streams,the waterfalls and springs, and the four seasons. nourished by pure and sweetspring water, cangshan is full of vitality. ice lake, covered with primevalforests and many rare trees, exotic flowers. cangshan's flowers have long beenfamous, and it also makes cangshan famous all over the world. "more than onemillion people in the united states know about cangshan mountain in dali,yunnan, china, because they all grow many beautiful azaleas from cangshanmountain in dali."

cangshan's stone is famous at home and abroad. guo moruo wrote the poem"ode to marble:" the three pagodas are high and ancient, reflecting on the yearof zhenguan. cangshan rhymes with wind and moon, and strange stones spit cloudsand smoke. phase in the heart and chest, cool when axillary. heaven's work andmanpower's generation are rare overseas. " cangshan breeds marble, which is thesoul of cangshan. this kind of magnificent stone is found in many parts of theworld. dudali is the most beautiful and has been developed early. therefore,this kind of stone is called "marble" all over the world. dali is also famousfor its stones.

cangshan is now along the waist of the mountain opened up a tour e the north gate of dali ancient city, there is a 7000 meter longcableway, which can reach zhonghe temple directly. visitors can go back andforth by cableway.

cangshan ximatan

ximatan, formerly known as biaolongtan, is located on a platform at the topof yuju peak, the second peak of cangshan mountain, with an altitude of 40097meters and about 50 steps from the peak. ximatan has a radius of more than 100meters and a water depth of 1.67 meters. it is in the shape of an elliptical potbottom. the bottom of the pool and its surroundings are naturally paved withvery thin bluestone slabs. the lake is crystal clear and does not dry up all theyear round. it is a beautiful alpine lake on the top of cangshan mountain.

the lake is surrounded by alpine rhododendron shrubbery in the shape ofqiulong, and not far below is the tall and straight primitive forest belt ofabies faxoniana and bamboo forest belt of cangshan.

at the turn of spring and summer, rhododendrons are in full bloom. thelakeside is as colorful as clouds. on one side, there are fresh green bamboosand dark blue fir, and on the other side, there are mottled gray and yellow rockpeaks and stone screens, reflecting the lake. if you are interested in lying ona rock beside the lake and kissing and caressing your cheek with clusters ofpink bauhinia, pale yellow wild lily and colorful dragon claw flowers, you willfeel tired and refreshed. in addition, the fragrance of rhododendron in the windmakes you forget to return.

fengyan cave

from the ancient city of dali to the southwest, to the foot of longquanpeak of cangshan mountain, and then climb seven or eight miles to fengyancave.

fengyan cave is embedded in putuo cliff, half of longquan peak to thesouth. here, the cliff is ten thousand ren, the sky is empty, and the scenery issecluded and steep. the rock passes through a line, and the hole is like the eyeof a phoenix. the back of the cave is the side of longquan peak. in front of thecave is a huge lingxu rock. when you walk to the edge of the rock and look down,you can see the green jade stream and a pitian pouring down. the clouds are vastand the abyss is dazzling. this is the "sacrificial cliff". there is a stone bedin the east and west of yannan. its surface is smooth and shiny. it is called"immortal bed". this is the most dangerous part of fengyan cave. on the stonewall beside the bed, there are inscriptions such as "this place is not human","should know that there is no heaven" and so on. there is also a place called"west buddha pavilion". each pavilion is carved with a stone buddha. if you wantto see the whole picture of the buddha, you must sit on the immortal bed andlook up. it is commonly known as "looking back at the eight immortals". fengyancave is famous for its precipitousness since ancient times, which can be calledone of the scenic spots of cangshan.

cangshan park

at the foot of xieyang peak in the northwest suburb of xiaguan, there willbe jundong scenic spot.

in 1982, cangshan park was opened by xiaguan municipal people's new scenic spots, songbai garden and qingquan waterfall, were built outsidejiangjundong. in the pine and cypress garden, there are stone archways at themountain gate, marble plaques on the setting sun scenic spot, and long corridorsand pavilions for visitors to rest. the waterfall falls down from the cliff andkeeps falling all the year round. the garden, waterfall and jiangjundong ancientbuildings are integrated, covering hundreds of mu with beautiful , water overflow green, east view erhai lake, south listen to the westerhe river waves, back against the main peak of the setting sun.

jiangjun cave was built in the late ming dynasty and early qing main buildings are gatehouse, stage, main hall, god of wealth hall,niangniang hall, wing room and so on. the whole building complex has a strongbai style. among them, the main hall is a single eaves building on the top ofthe mountain, with dragon carving buildings, which is very magnificent. duringthe reign of tang tianbao, tang general li mi led his troops to attack nanzhaoand entered the xi'er river. he was defeated by the king of nanzhao and thewhole army was destroyed. ten thousand people were buried on the south bank ofthe tail of the river. people built a temple in memory of li mi, commonly knownas the general cave. there is a big green tree in front of the temple forhundreds of years. it is said that li mi was defeated and fled to xieyang planted his weapons on the ground and later grew into a tree. the existenceof jiangjundong fully reflects the desire of the people of all ethnic groups inthe border areas to oppose pision and war, and to seek peace, as well as thebroad mind of magnanimous tolerance and inclusiveness.


at the foot of canglang peak in cangshan mountain is xizhou town, thelargest bai nationality town in dali, with a population of 8350. most of thehouses in the village are white dwellings with three sides and one wall, withpink walls, green tiles and deep tunnels.

two tall banyan trees (commonly known as big green trees) grow in the southand north west squares. there is a huge screen wall in front of the southsquare, which is embedded with the four characters of "cang'er yuxiu". northsquare has a brick forest structure of the ancient stage, seat east to west,platform height 2 meters, lift beam type building, xieshan stage, facing two biggreen trees, here is the place of daily afternoon market trade. every torchfestival, huge torches are erected here to celebrate the performance.

in addition, the village also has the main temple, wenchang palace andother ancient buildings, it looks antique. due to the establishment of communeand team enterprises, the commercial economy is very active. there aretraditional tie dyeing, wine making, food processing, construction and otherindustries. there are cultural palaces, cinemas, schools, hospitals and so are strong ethnic customs. due to its proximity to butterfly spring park,the number of tourists is increasing day by day, and the village has convenientaccommodation, especially the delicious and unique style of tofu cooked fish,which has become an important folk tourism village in dali.


huadianba is a beautiful and rich basin on the top of cangshan mountain. itis on the top of yunlong peak and canglang peak of cangshan mountain. it is 2900meters above sea level, more than 20 kilometers long from north to south andabout 3 kilometers wide from east to west. in the west of bazi, there are 19peaks similar to cangshan, which are called xiaocangshan with dense are more than 40 streams, large and small, in the mountain. afterconverging, they become cangshan wanhua stream.

follow the wanhua river opposite xizhou town and climb for more than twohours to reach huadian sentry post. after entering the sentry, a broad dam withblue and rosy clouds suddenly appears in front of us, which makes us suddenlyfeel relaxed and happy. huadian dam is surrounded by undulating peaks, greenbamboos all over the mountain, water tinkling, birds singing, quiet andbeautiful. every spring and summer, the mountains and fields are full of cherryblossoms, which are more than 20 miles in length, forming a sea of flowers and aworld of flowers. among the flowers mixed with white bean flower, peony flowerand other herbaceous flowers, colorful, magnificent and charming. camellia,rhododendron, yingshanhong, wild chrysanthemum, leopard flower and dragon clawflower make the whole dam colorful. huadianba is a kingdom of plants and a seaof flowers.

ancient buddha cave

the ancient buddha cave, located on yunlong peak of cangshan mountain indali, is a natural karst cave. it is named after the buddha statue in the xiake, a famous geographer of china in the late ming dynasty, once inspectedit and recorded in the diary of a trip to yunnan that "there is an ancientbuddha cave in nanshan gorge, which is very different, but hanging on the bankand cliffs, i'm afraid it's impossible to walk, and no one can recognize itwithout a guide.". under the guidance of the guide, xu xiake, fearing nodifficulties and dangers, climbed straight down to the entrance of the cave, but"it's very difficult to jump steep, so he can't go down.". when people readthis, they all feel sorry for xu xiake's failure to enter the cave forinvestigation. at the same time, it also adds a layer of mystery to the ancientbuddha cave.

the cave is a wonderful world with deep twists and turns and strange kind of landscape is caused by the continuous infiltration of groundwaterand the long-term deposition of calcium carbonate in the water, graduallyforming stalagmites and stalagmites. later, the monks found this strange order to persuade the faithful men and women to obtain "merits", they carvedbuddha and bodhisattva statues on these stalagmites and stalagmites. this isexactly what xu xiake said in his travels: "a few years ago, a monk lived hereand set up many buddhas, so he took the name of buddha.". of course, the monksdid not expect to leave a precious cultural and artistic heritage for today'speople when they carved.
